#1148 – Rip

One of our neighbors had this great game where they left the doors to their car unlocked but the car alarm turned on. Almost every single day for a few months one of their kids would go out and get in the car and play around with the levers and buttons and the horn while the alarm was blasting away. That was my favorite 15-20 minutes of the day.

Also, I’ll be at NEWW2 this weekend! You can talk to me with your face instead of this internet thing that requires spelling!


16 thoughts on “#1148 – Rip”

  1. Gwid says:

    I TOLD you Biff’s old pajamas would get stolen.
    Is it just me, or is Biff’s left eyebrow always shorter than his right one? Is it because he always gets the left one burned off second in his monthly blow-something-up-day?

    Once, I left the light in our car on overnight, which completely and utterly destroyed the battery.
    Our car never had an alarm after I gained the habit of finding the ‘alarm’ button and pressing it to see what it did, because for some reason I could never remember it was the same one every time.

  2. Gwid says:

    (Oh, and yes, I know Biff’s eyebrow goes off the screen in this one)

  3. Ray A. says:

    Now if they made a car STEREO extractor, I’d buy that in a heartbeat. It would make this neighborhood so much quieter!

  4. Owen says:

    Ray, go down to your local hardware store and see if they stock a subwoofer-seeking missile. That should do the trick.

  5. Baughbe says:

    I need a moped engine extractor in my neighborhood. The idiots like to zoom around at 3am.

  6. Micah says:

    Yay! It’s been a while since Biff invented something…I think.

    Now the ones he hurts himself with are better.

  7. MaskedMan says:

    I’m rather fond of the old-fashioned 16-ton weight, myself.

  8. Wizard says:

    I’m so happy I no longer live next to idiots with constantly-blaring car alarms.

  9. onex says:

    We don’t have problems with car alarms in the country. Though people sure like to stomp the accelerator at the stop sign right by our house at night.
    “Biff forgets where he set up his giant spider trap.” (Shows Biff standing on some sort of trigger under a dropping 16-ton weight.)

  10. YukiYukimura says:

    @Gwid – MONTHLY blow-something-up day?
    more like DAILY!
    I mean, he’s biff! he can’t go a day without blowing something up, never mind a month!

  11. i.half4 says:

    Security week. So will Friday feature a blanket?

  12. kaitou says:

    But, with this internet thing, you can use spell check; whereas, when using one’s face requires sanity, and a good sanity check has yet to be devised (from empirical data, sanity is not required for internet communication).

  13. reynard61 says:

    onex: “Biff forgets where he set up his giant spider trap.” (Shows Biff standing on some sort of trigger under a dropping 16-ton weight.)

    Biff is Acme Corporation’s second best customer. (Next to a certain wily coyote…)

  14. Xindaris says:

    Actually, no, most of Biff’s stuff actually works. Maybe Acme is really the generic brand of whatever company Biff gets things from?

  15. common comic reader says:

    can i buy one at wal-mart?

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