#1076 – Soaked

A coworker in the cubicle next to me started yelling and swearing in the middle of a phone call and I wondered what horrible news he was reacting to. Turns out he spilled his fresh hot coffee all over his keyboard, mouse and lap. I’m not sure what was worse for him, having to go through the rest of the day with coffee stained pants or having to ask tech support for a new dry keyboard.


15 thoughts on “#1076 – Soaked”

  1. Anon says:

    If I were your coworker, I would have just taken off my pants. Better to go through the day pantsless than with wet pants, I say.

  2. Heinrich says:

    i think that by the time i was in biff’s situation, i’d have been kicked out of the office. i also don’t know if i could get away with spending some time at work without pants.

  3. The Dukenator says:

    That reminds me of Conan O’Brien showing some videos including one where he was wearing no pants behind his desk.

  4. i.half4 says:

    Hmmmm… This could work as part of a red herring theme.

  5. The Dukenator says:

    Is that Doc’s Mountain Dew from The Whiteboard?

  6. ladyamethyst83 says:

    a few weeks ago I was working a press (i work at a plastic injection molding factory) and suddenly a water hose came off and sprayed me all over my shorts! i couldn’t go home and change (i live 20 minutes away from work) I was just glad it wasn’t hot!

  7. Eleanor says:

    If I was you coworker, I’d have been more worried about the burnt lap than the trousers.

  8. just passing says:

    Nice, a cubicle filled with Green River… 😀

  9. Baughbe says:

    That had happened here once to a supervisor. Actually he caught the cup in mid-spill and sloshed out only about 1/3 of a cup. Yet somehow it filled up his keyboard, his phone, covered 1/2 his desk and somehow managed to get into the closed drawer under the desktop. When it was all cleaned up we figured that the volume of liquid had multiplied by at least a factor of 3. At that point I formulated the “Dark Coffee” Theory of matter generation in the universe. The points of the theory are as follows. 1) The amount of matter in the universe increases with every spill of coffee. 2) Throughout the universe, life forms on worlds specifically to generate conditions where coffee will be spilled. 3) Coffee is a universal drink, and will always evolve on worlds supporting life. 4) on all worlds supporting life, a form of sentient (or possibly non-sentient) being will create a drink that will meet the universal requirements of coffee. 5) The initial formation of the universe started with a really big coffee spill in another universe that was already full.

  10. Cyndaquazy says:

    Oops, Biff forgot his console…

  11. MaskedMan says:

    All that soda is going to gum-up the Chair of Insanity.

    That’s disturbingly plausible…

  12. grapy says:

    @baughbe soda spills are least common when you wear black shirts and coffee spills are most common when you wear white shirts and coke sprays are most common when i am in the house with a coco cola it was everywhere

  13. Twilightfairy says:

    Hope biff took off his shoes and showerd before going into that neon beverage bath.

  14. i.half4 says:

    Oh, wait. I get it. The straw is still upright because the spill has been prevented. Biff and his entire workspace are in the drink. I hope that cup came with free refills.

  15. Radical Edward says:

    I remember spilling milk tea, which is an interesting combo. Luckily, the car my dad had was mopped up before being left alone for a week while I was watching my family’s house

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