#1011 – Drifter

I think trying to eat all the cereal really fast so that it doesn’t get soggy kind of ruins the experience. For a while when I was a kid I remember dipping a spoon full of dry cereal into a cup of milk for each bite. It was too much work. Then I tried spooning the dry cereal into my mouth followed by a sip of milk from the cup. It didn’t work too well either. I guess the cereal really needs a minimum soak time or it’s actually too crunchy.


25 thoughts on “#1011 – Drifter”

  1. Heinrich says:

    a) i like drinking leftover milk from my bowl of cereal after i’ve eaten the cereal ’cause it’s usually cereal flavored and b) i) who’s exprimenting with biff’s dna? i hope it’s biff… b) ii) if the organisms keep evolving, where will they end? that could be disastrous… or awesome… or both.

  2. Billy says:

    I do believe its evolution week.

  3. i.half4 says:

    One small click of the mouse, one giant leap in the evolution of Biffkind.

  4. Shorty says:

    @ Billy:
    I agree. Tomorrow will probably show an amphibian-type Biff.

  5. reynard61 says:

    Biff as a fish? I dunno about him, but I’m hooked…

  6. Cheshire says:

    The trick: small bowl, like a tea cup.
    Perfect serving size for crunchy cereal, extra fun if you enjoy having a stack of dishes to show how much you’ve eaten. (or just reuse the little bowl)

  7. Somebody says:

    I made my bowls of cereal small and would eat 2 or 3…that way they were the perfect amount of soaking but never too soggy. It’s not as much work as dipping spoonfuls for EVERY bite…and you could just keep going until you were full! 🙂

  8. Ray A. says:

    Biff crawling onto the beach, with some comment about harmful UV rays? Stay tuned.

    Also, there’s no such thing as cereal being “too crunchy.” (Says the guy who sometimes doesn’t even cook the oatmeal before pouring on the milk and eating it. Fiber, mmmm …)

  9. DDR says:

    There is a solution to the milk/cereal problem I discovered when My Special Cereal became a very porous one. You pour yourself a bowl of dry cereal, and a nice tall glass of milk. Put a bendy straw into the milk. Take a bite of cereal, and a sip of milk. Fresh each bite! 😀 … I went through one heck of a lot of bendy straws in my yout.

  10. Greyryder says:

    This is why I always stayed away from flake type cereals.

    Of course, I’m also the guy who thinks that the sugar sludge at the bottom of the bowl is the best part of Cheerios.

  11. Rafi says:

    A base of apple pieces with cheerios or equivalent on top allows optimal milk levels to be achieved throughout the cereal experience!

  12. baughbe says:

    Best solution to the cereal/milk problem. Pizza for breakfast.

  13. Tigergulp says:

    I don’t like the sugary bits that are left at the bottom of a bag once the cereal has been eaten all up. Blegh! To me, its the worse part of the cereal. As for the crunchy/soggy milk ratio: I get a full bowl and half milk then stir it up. By the time I get to the bottom, the only soggy bits are the pieces stuck to the sides of the bowl.

    I recommend Cinnamon Life with chopped strawberries. It is GOOD

  14. just passing says:

    Am I the only one who like to eat my cereals mostly soggy ?

  15. Mewthicus says:

    My mom would keep her milk separate from her bowl of cereal and pour in a tiny bit at a time to avoid sogginess. It seemed to work; she’d munch the same bowl of cereal for half an hour or more and still be crunching at the end of the bowl.

  16. ZackDark says:

    I, for one, never did like milked cereals

    It kindda dulls the sugary taste, and, boy, I love sugar

  17. Paku-san says:

    would it be wrong if biff swam by a sponge living inside a pinapple? If he does, it also would explain why biff is mutating; he is neer the bikini islands!

  18. Paku-san says:

    oh, and about cerial…ive think weve had our ways to prevent or null any soggifying for breakfast, but the problem is we need to figure out a solution for biff…hes the one with the REAL soggy cerial problem, not us right now.

  19. Cari says:

    Evolution is a myth. Humans were brought here from another planet by aliens. Then they reverse engineered all the other animals as a joke.

  20. Cari says:

    Oh, and I like my cereal with juse enough milk to make it wet and soft, but not soggy. I used to have a roommate who’d put a little bit of cereal in a bowl of milk.

  21. P says:

    I like to eat my cereal out of a tall glass. After I finish the cereal, I leave the milk on the bottom and add more cereal for that double-cerealed in taste for the milk when I finish.

  22. Fan of Billie Mays says:

    The solution to all your crunchy troubles!:


  23. A says:

    i always pour the milk into the bowl first, and then i pour a little bit of cereal in at a time, until all the milk is gone. that way when you get to the bottom of the bowl, its not just soggy cereal.

  24. Mewthicus says:

    @ Fan of Billie Mays: … I suppose, but it’s cheaper to just use the simple and easy solutions that people have been coming up with… There seem to be endless solutions from everywhere. People are neat like that, aren’t we? 😀

  25. Tech says:

    I prefer my cereal soggy.

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