#1790 – Awake

I also have some caffeinated socks to keep my foot from falling asleep when I sit in a chair too long. My caffeinated contact lenses help me watch boring movies. My caffeinated shampoo gives me that stylish spiky hair.

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13 thoughts on “#1790 – Awake”

  1. humulos says:

    Oh my gosh Biff has eyes!?!?!

    1. John says:

      My thoughts exactly.

  2. Morris Keesan says:

    And Wrigley just announced that they’ve “paused” sales of their caffeinated gum.

  3. ZeoViolet says:

    But I bet the Decaf variation sold well!

  4. boog says:

    If they were timed-release caffeinated pajamas, that would be brilliant. We wouldn’t need alarmed clocks any more.

    1. Falos says:

      I’ve heard that people exist who can drink coffee, nap, then wake to the caffeine effecting 10-15 minutes later.

      As if being able to sleep at will wasn’t lucky enough.

  5. panther1212 says:

    I’m just proud of myself for noticing he had eyes before I saw the tag.

  6. Oh my goodness! Biff looks weird with his eyes open! And I like the tag that reads “hey this is the first time we’ve ever seen biff’s eyes”!

    Or at least this is the first time we’ve ever seen Biff with his eyes open in a normal manner, and not something freaky like this:


  7. kingklash says:

    Caffienated underwear, for when you got to GO RIGHT NOW!!!

  8. Mad David says:

    Actually, I think there were a couple of times where we saw his eyes because his eyelids were burned off or something.

  9. Mad David says:

    Here’s one where we see *one* eye: http://www.thebookofbiff.com/2006/03/29/9-volt/

  10. Me Not You says:

    This is not the first time, waterbed filled with caffine, 9-Volt, double and a couple others I forget. though this is his eyes in a ‘Normal’ state

  11. pix says:

    But, what, no, maby?

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