#1663 – Portioned

Let’s see, one tiny sandwich, one dozen Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups, 8 Snickers bars and 5 Almond Joys. I’m ready for lunch.

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6 thoughts on “#1663 – Portioned”

  1. Sadly, we don’t celebrate Halloween that much at all in Sweden… OK, there were some kids who were Trick-Or-Treating, and of course my dog went mad because they rang the doorbell (everyone who does that needs to get barked at, according to him), but that’s all. We didn’t have any candy to give to them, though…

    It kinda feels like most people here think of Halloween as something that is for the children only, for some reason, and of course that Halloween is just an excuse for the grocery stores to sell more candy.

  2. mysteryman203 says:

    i love Halloween out by my house because i trick or treat down the quiet streets where you get handfuls of candy and there are quite a few rich districts in my neighborhood

  3. MikuJess says:

    I have a very large sandwich the day after halloween. A sandwich of Dots between slices of “bread” made of smushed-together Tootsie Rolls.

  4. Anon_omis says:

    Oh I haven’t had an almond joy in a long time.

  5. kingklash says:

    With my diabetes, I can make my leftover candy last until almost Christmas. Meanwhile one of the dollar stores near my house has started selling giant “slice and share” Snickers and Reese’s for the upcoming holidays. If I was mega-rich, I would have been giving those out.

  6. Anno Nimus says:

    That’s not a tiny sandwich; the proper term is fun-size.

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