#978 – Dripped

I don’t think I have ever successfully kept and indoor house plant. I know when I was a kid I had a cactus but I kept it in the front window with all the other plants that my mom would water. My amazement at how little water it needed probably ignored the fact that it was getting regular drinks from a different source.

Also, come see me at the Emerald City ComiCon this weekend!


18 thoughts on “#978 – Dripped”

  1. Grug says:

    Super long eyeball and gravity defying water squirts? That’s biff for sure.

  2. C'ntarek says:

    indoor plants are a bit of a pain. Especially ones that you’re trying to breed for a specific trait.

  3. Wait, Biff has eyelashes?!

  4. MaskMan says:

    The sniper-scope looks painful…

    I have an indoor plant. It’s made of silk. It never dies. 😛

  5. Ledish says:

    I have a cactus in my bedroom window, I don’t think I have watered it in 2-3 years but it is still fine, and the only plant to have ever survived in there 😉

  6. Rex says:

    I wonder if Biff would have any inconvenient in watering my… herbs.
    They need water too, they’re living things.

  7. Glenn says:

    Biff eventually met his match with a cactus, who wouldn’t accept the water he sniped.

  8. i.half4 says:

    Grug wrote: “super long eyeball”

    Oh, Right! It took me a second viewing to notice that. I probably read your comment the first time, but skipped over it, having no relevant frame of reference for it to apply to.

    @ Phoenix of Chaos: No, the long blue sight of Biff does.

  9. Stephen says:

    Why isn’t his eyebrow coming out of the eye in the scope?

  10. sco3tt says:

    I had an air fern. I’m still not sure it wasn’t cheap plastic, but I never watered it and didn’t even keep it in a pot. I think I still have it packed away somewhere, man you can’t kill those things. Creepy stalker plant thing.

  11. Alex says:

    You know, despite the fact that it’s been at least a decade and a half since I played with any kind of water-pistol… I am possessed of a nearly all-consuming desire to own a Squirt-Zooka.

  12. Mike says:

    Kept and indoor plant? Somethings wrong here.

    Anyways, I’ve always had bad luck with plants. Fortunately, I’ve never really bothered to try and upkeep a plant after third of fourth grade.

  13. Wizard says:

    Could be worse; my aunt kept killing every cactus she’d get. I think she over-watered them.

  14. Baughbe says:

    No plant I ever had lived for long either. My cactus actually committed suicide by sprouting buds in such a way that it broke its own stalk in two. Even trees I plant outdoors die. The only thing I can keep growing is a lawn.

  15. caffiend says:

    I’ve always done well with cacti and other succulents like aloe plants. Picked up a small aloe plant that was ~1.5 inches across, now it’s got 5 stalks & is near 2 ft in diameter.

    Also lucky with christmas cacti, I’ve one that grows constantly and flowers 1-2 times a year.

  16. weerd2normal says:

    his stance is terrible, he should ay least have his arm out a little bit more, he needs to control the recoil of that beast, what is that thing 120 psi.

  17. ZeoViolet says:

    The only indoor plant I’ve managed to successfully keep alive is my current plant I’ve had for…what…over five months now, a bamboo plant.

    It was a birthday gift and the Chinese lady who gave it to me gave me specific instructions for its care…much better than those “generic” instructions you find in the Floral Department.

  18. extremist343 says:

    Cacti are really easy to keep they normally live in deserts so they don’t need much water and putting them in the soil is giving them more nutrients then they would normally get in the sand.

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