#931 – Frosted

When I was a kid I liked to make slushy drinks by putting a cup of juice or soda in the freezer for a little while. I would chop up the ice layer floating on top with a spoon and eat it, then stick the cup back in to chill some more. One time I made the mistake of leaving the metal spoon in the cup. When I took the next spoonful my lips instantly stuck to the handle of the spoon that was exposed in the freezer. In my panic I quickly opened my mouth to say “Whaaa?” This was immediately followed by “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”


32 thoughts on “#931 – Frosted”

  1. Redtail says:

    *Snrk* My God. His eye!!! I’d hope he has replacements, given he can switch heads…

    *Cough* Anyway, I know whatcha mean. I’ve done something similar, to be honest. And egads, it hurt. Ah, the things we did in our youth….

  2. Micah says:

    Biff around the world week. (God help us all.)

  3. Matt Lee says:

    Oh! I thought something came out of the pole and hit his eye! Now I see, that IS his eye. That brings back memories. Did you know the warm water trick doesn’t work with eyeballs?

  4. Tomixcomics says:

    AAAA!!! IT’S BIFF’S EY– Wait… The comment posted above me… WHAT?!?!

  5. billy says:

    It’s just never a good idea to inspect flag poles on the best of days. Canada or otherwise.

  6. FadingSpy says:

    Is it just me or is this a reference to A Christmas Story?

  7. Boumama says:

    heheh…no one has said it yet, so I will…

    I TRIPLE dog dare ya!

  8. bobo says:

    “no way kid you’ll shoot your eye out”..

  9. ZeoViolet says:


    That is all.

  10. baughbe says:

    Biff should win a Major Award for his diligence on the job. How does one get a job inspecting flagpoles anyway? I need a new job.

  11. Nighkali says:

    Another question might be ‘What is so interesting about that pole anyway?’ Is there fine print on it? Some micro-scopic grafiti? Furthermore, Biff doesnt exactly look like he is in pain, more like ‘Ok, thats enough, get this thing away from me.’ By the by, I like his jacket. Its a nice color. Matches his eyes.

  12. Chris says:

    @Nighkali – Biff is very fashionable.

  13. aoeu says:

    That scene in A Christmas Story is a reference to an experience most everyone goes through in sufficiently cold climates. I had my tongue stuck to things in Edmonton, Canada long before I saw A Christmas Story.

    Also: ouch D:

  14. P says:

    A bottle of supercooled water is quite fun to drink, especially in front of clueless coworkers. Best quote from one was from the boss: “Did… did you just turn that water to ice, and then drink it?!” And yes, slushy drinks rule.

  15. MaskedMan says:

    Keep your eye on your work… 😛

  16. Kit-Kun says:

    -is remined of ‘A Christmas Story’-

    I love that movie.

  17. Random says:

    Is he in pain? ’cause I am just by looking at him.

  18. Osa says:

    how did he manuver his head to get his eye to touch it?

  19. reynard61 says:

    Looks like the Biffster is havin’ a heapin’ helpin’ of Eye Scream!

  20. So, Biff DOES take place in the real world! Or a copy.

    There goes the Biffville theory…

  21. Chris says:

    @Osa – Closely.

  22. DracoZereul says:

    For a long time, I used to have one of those cups with a liquid lining you could freeze to keep the drink inside cool without icecubes. It never got used for much, so every summer I’d pour sodas into it to freeze overnight. Then, come the next day, I’d take the whole thing out, pick at the now frozen soda with a spoon, and eat it while the icy glass cooled by hands. Awesome treat when your parents refuse to buy popsicles and you don’t have air conditioning.

  23. ratgirl34 says:

    I once got my tounge stuck to the zipper of my parka as a kid.

    I’m not sur I understand why people use water for everything they get stuck too. A little drool will free the tounge. Ducktape will also slip off with the application of drool… Long story, but I’ll leave you with ‘my sister warned me not to make annoying sounds.’

  24. Archemedes Rex says:

    You know what’s worse than sticking your lips to a frozen metal spoon? Sticking your lips to the metal fork you used to toast marshmallows over the gas stove.

  25. Vrominelli says:

    Isn’t this the first time we see one of Biff’s eyes?

  26. Forge says:

    @ Vrominelli: no we see it it 9-volt

  27. Elkian says:

    Eeep. That’s going to be…INTERESTING to remove…

  28. patrick says:

    I guess I’m the lucky Canadian who’s never had any part of me stuck to anything frozen?

  29. Sam says:

    Ahh this, (what is written) reminds me of the time as a kid that I was riding in the backseat going down the highway, and decided to stick my head out the window and see how long I could keep my mouth open. No bugs, but I did learn that two dried out lips can stick together something fierce…

  30. As a rather patriotic Canadian who normally finds Canada jokes offensive, I have to admit this one made me laugh. And due to the ‘s theme even the winter stereotype is passable. Well done Chris.

  31. Marscaleb says:

    I once managed to somehow get my tongue stuck to some ice cubes in a glass of ice water. To this day I don’t know how it happened, but I know what not to do if it ever happens again.

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