Bad pun, but I do like the image of people simply walking along, minding their own business, when suddenly, BAM! Maytag to the face, and it sticks to them. That’s life-changing stuff right there.
fridge magnets are so called because they are just colorfully decorated and small enough to stick to the fridge. Otherwise, they’re a regular magnet. Trust me, i tested them out.
“Control, this is Victor Delta 666 Heading 270 maintaining flightlevel 250… is that damned refridgerator!?” would be correct, i think (not enought FS to be sure :D)
Maybe the magnetic fields of the fridge canceled out his car’s invisible…ness. O: Doesn’t that ever happen to you? (‘Maytag to the face’ is indeed brilliant. xDD)
What a chilling concept
Bad pun, but I do like the image of people simply walking along, minding their own business, when suddenly, BAM! Maytag to the face, and it sticks to them. That’s life-changing stuff right there.
This one is still funny to me. 🙂
Damn rare-earth refrigerator magnets.
‘Nuff said.
I never thought about the concept on that way :D…
i think the phrase “Maytag to the face” is one of the greatest evar
Painfully hilarious. I facepalmed.
neodimian’d Bi%$h
re malaka, pou ta skeftesai ola auta.
you need serius medical assistance!
You’d think that magnet would start either A) flying north or B) sucking everything magnetic to it.
“Control, This is Flight 666, We’re currently at 25,000 feet above sea level and….is that damned refridgerator!?”
is that a*
that is one horrid pun!
I couldnt think of any other number x.x
go bad puns!! *high fives*
But Nick, it’s a refridgerator magnet, so not everything would stick…
fridge magnets are so called because they are just colorfully decorated and small enough to stick to the fridge. Otherwise, they’re a regular magnet. Trust me, i tested them out.
I thought he drove an invisible green car?
This would make a cool… refrigerator magnet. Cafepress, Chris.
“Control, this is Victor Delta 666 Heading 270 maintaining flightlevel 250… is that damned refridgerator!?” would be correct, i think (not enought FS to be sure :D)
No, Houston, it all looks good up here, beginning reentry procedurLOOKOUTFORTHEREFRIGERATOR
# Trowatheinsane Said:
May 31st, 2007 at 11:13 pm
I thought he drove an invisible green car?
He did, but it was stolen by an invisible pink unicorn.
I don’t it’s wise to buy magnets from a science supply store.
where does Biff live?
it’s more effective than a chick magnet.
Chick magnets work, I had one once, the chickens weren’t happy, but I ate like a king!
If it works that way, Yogi needs a basket magnet
I love how all the advertisements go along with the comic… =) Good planning, someone.
…snacks on the go?
I guess he gave his car a new paint job.
I guess he gave his car a new paint job.
…and new tires
…and a steering wheel cover
seat covers?
I get an image of some one walking down the street, whistling happily, then WHAM! Refrigerator to the face!
Maybe the magnetic fields of the fridge canceled out his car’s invisible…ness. O: Doesn’t that ever happen to you? (‘Maytag to the face’ is indeed brilliant. xDD)
XD I agreee with Pickleduck McWeaselPants. “Maytag to the face…”
Puns, the next generation.