#82 – Foldout

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42 thoughts on “#82 – Foldout”

  1. sophie says:


  2. Tim says:

    When I had to sleep on the couch, I found the couch to be more comfortable than the foldout

  3. jo says:

    Couches actually have good back support and firmness for sleeping. The armrests are perfect for pillows.

  4. Chryssta says:

    *points* I’ve done that! I forgot the couch could fold out…

  5. XRS says:

    And here I thought I was the only one whos done that….

  6. Calthin says:

    Biff has the right idea. Couches are usually more comfortable than fold out beds…

  7. Fenix says:

    I agree with Tim, jo and Calthin… I think fould out beds are horrible >.

  8. Vex says:

    Personally I’d prefer the foldout, I’d just end up rolling slightly and face planting in the middle of the night on a couch.

  9. Ice says:

    Sofas are always much more cmfortable… except the sort that leans inwards so you end up squashed against the armrest breathing dust no matter how you quirm.

  10. Ice says:

    Um, armrest? no. back. the back of the sofa. I’m snickering too much from reading this comic; I can’t even think properly anymore.

  11. ViSys says:

    last time i went to my aunt’s she tod me i could sleep in foldout… i slept in the floor (i couldn’t fold it in)

  12. bAT L. says:

    I always end up getting folded into the couch if it’s one of those fold-outs that depend on a certain amount of weight to keep them folded out. That almost seems like something that would happen to Biff.

  13. Vole says:

    My waterbed exploded too.. good thing it was on the bottom floor.

  14. zantarath says:

    The couch is very comfy, compared to those beds, especially since every mattress is really soft. I slept on the floor once, and I was comfortable.

  15. The Hebrew Hammer says:

    Does anyone else know of those ugly ugly UGLY wooden framed couched with the autumn colored woodland patterned coushins that rednecks seem to favor? Well I think they may be magical…As hideously uncomfortable to sit on as they are..I once slept on one for a week, going to bed at 3 or 4 am and awaking at 7am completely refreshed. *Twiligh Zone theme*doo doo doo doo.

  16. isana says:

    ive been sleeping on the couch for a good 6 months now, its a fold out but theres not enough room in the living room to unfold it >.

  17. Oddly Frozen says:

    i had a bad experience with a foldout on my tenth birthday. i invited my friends sage, rose, pascalle, and gabby to my house for a sleepover, the bed was just big enough to fit four of us but rose had to sleep on the end. when rose woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom we found the end of the bed rising into the air as we were folded into the couch. as if that wasn’t enough, my cat somehow found her way into the folded up mass that was now me and my friends and started attacking us, rose was baffled when she got back

  18. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    hahaha, you forgot to feed the couch!
    When i was about seven, i found it more fun to sleep inside the space that the foldout came from than it was to sleep on the actual bed. I still think it’s fun, and i still fit in the space!

  19. SoulCrux says:

    This one is hella funny, i laughed so hard

  20. DemonRex says:

    How do you explode a waterbed?

  21. Adam says:

    Let’s hope his sofa doesn’t want a midnight snack…

    (Read #49 if you don’t get it.)

  22. geckoman77 says:

    thats happened to me

  23. Whiskeyboy says:

    Hebrew Hammer! I actually own one of those couches, and I sleep in it pretty often too! I know, they’re awesome aren’t they?

  24. Marthion says:

    I think it was Biff’s eyebrows that a’sploded his waterbed.

  25. Chester says:

    I beat all.

  26. Terrorbob says:

    Was just thinking that Biff was safer not trying the foldout….

  27. Ramnid says:

    OMGG! The exact same thing happened to me when MY waterbed exploded! Wel, it was only a month… but still!

  28. Justin says:

    That is so sad.

  29. Pom Rania says:

    I find sleeping on the couch to be kinda comfortable; but I prefer sleeping on the ground, if it’s carpeted, or on (not in; ON) my sleeping bag on the ground if it’s not carpeted. I have this weird thing against beds, in that I don’t like sleeping on them. Reading, yes; sleeping, no.

  30. Deteramot says:

    A couple weeks ago I was in New York. I had to share a room with three other guys. I decided to sleep on the armchair in the room, as opposed to sharing a bed. Not comfortable. Ever.

  31. PikaMario99 says:

    Foldouts aren’t that comfortable, anyways.

  32. Retro says:

    Love that joke 😀

  33. Psymon says:

    After his water bed exploded, Biff found he sleeps better when he doesn’t have to worry about seasickness.
    The only foldout I have experience with would have me staking out space on a hardwood floor before trying to sleep on it. Even if you could stand lying on that metal pole, it would still have your head below your body whether you lied down with your head or your feet closer to the couch.

  34. the_gail says:

    I did that the other night, because I was to lazy to pull out the couch. Last night I slept on the love seat which is way to short for me, because it was cold and I decided to stay where I’d already sealed up the warm.

  35. Marr965 says:

    I must say, I find that I sleep better on the floor than in a bed. I once went to sleep on an airport floor… Used my coat as a duvet.

  36. Rated R for Redonk says:

    I once squashed into a fold-out armchair with three of my friends…. I ended up with around two inches of space to sleep in. I think I’ve never quite re-inflated from that experience.

  37. Dzelda says:

    Wow, Biffs got a good thing going there. I wanna sleep on the couch now.

  38. My great-grandmother’s couch was a foldout. I loved the damn thing to death.

  39. Elkian says:

    *now wondering if I’m related to Biff…*

  40. EchoLoco says:

    April 17th, 2007 at 9:38 pm

    ive been sleeping on the couch for a good 6 months now, its a fold out but theres not enough room in the living room to unfold it >.

    Ha! I can beat that! I’ve been sleeping on a couch for 3 years now. I can’t even sleep on an ordinary bed anymore. (I can sort of sleep on futons though…)

  41. Kunnaki says:

    Is he actually smiling in this one?

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