#794 – Freon

The worst work related air conditioning I had to deal with was at a small shop in Boston. It was a giant 4 foot wide ancient window unit. It sounded like a truck engine. Its constant vibrations made a low pulsing sound that was the exact frequency of my skull. I would sometimes get a sort of motion sickness from it and turned it off when ever I was alone.

To do list:

1. Shave cat
2. Repair cracks in Kangaroo holding tank
3. Preorder The Book of Biff #4
4. Return box of stale Banana Breakers cereal

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22 thoughts on “#794 – Freon”

  1. Ray A. says:

    I love Biff’s Swiss Army Ergonomically Correct Chair (TM).

  2. fuzzmanmatt says:

    No AC is always a problem when it’s 93° outside.

  3. speearr says:

    I sit under an air-cond vent all work-day long. It’s permanently set to 16 degrees. 🙁

  4. Space Butler says:

    people might notice that Biff is leaking.

  5. Vidja says:

    I see you’ve built a kangaroo enclosure…
    How high do the walls have to be to prevent them leapfrogging over each other to get out? Just curious…
    Also, what’s some good kick proof protective gear?

  6. Ziggy Stardust says:

    He could steer anywhere in his chair, using the fire hose to propel himself! Oh man!

  7. Linzleh says:

    Am thinking that Biff will soon be swimming in his cubicle…or will his “chair master” alter gravity here too. Shall guess it’s creative keepin’ cool week.

  8. Dzelda says:

    Hey look its Biff’s Chair! Lol looks like he finally got it to work! XD

  9. Zach Light says:

    To Chris, What is up with his chair? I’m kinda curious.

  10. It’s the chair of insanity! Woo!

  11. Chris says:

    @speearr – Yeah, I have to wear a jacket most days at work in the summer.

  12. i.half4 says:

    Yeah, that’s not the first time I’ve seen that chair, and I don’t remember *anyone* recognizing those things as “blades” before. Myself included. But I did notice it this time, even before reading the comments.

    What’s up with that?

  13. -2! says:

    @ Speearr, Chris

    I am jealous, I like 16 degrees (amusing your talking Celsius cause 16 Fahrenheit is well below freezing) and right now at my house the AC is busted.

  14. steve-o says:

    Hehe, I’m typing this from a Mac laptop in Best Buy (I have a PC at home)

  15. Radical Edward says:

    I hate when there’s no AC. But it only heats up where I live (Seattle area) for about one week out of the year. I only turn on the AC when it’s stuffy.

  16. MaskedMan says:

    The chair of Insanity rules all!
    I have the thermostat for my HVAC zone in my office. I am GOD! I control the fates of my cow-orkers! With a simple act, I can cause suffering and woe! Or I can spread balm upon their wounded and abused egos, and restore peace…
    But mostly, I indulge in random torture.:P

  17. Matt Lee says:

    Try living in East Peoria, Ill. It’s so humid that you stick to dern near everything. We get through it with many fans and a really good air conditioning system. I hear tomorrow it’s supposed to be 102F tomorrow.


    You have cow-workers? You must get free milk at work, right?

  18. -2! says:

    @ i.half4 & Ray A.

    I didn’t notice that on this comic even, but after looking at a sample of the chars from the past i think that if they are (which only the hook looks like it to me at all) then this is the first time:
    They are not blades less then 20 comics ago
    less then 100 ago
    back around Christmas
    the one time Biff is normal
    Back in the original comic with it, most levels, none knives

    So yea i think the hook is a coincidence and there levers not knives.

  19. Chris says:

    I’m not sure what you guys are asking about the chair… it’s the same one he always has at work.

  20. -2! says:

    @ Chris

    Exactly what I thought. I think they are seeing the one that is a hook, shape to a degree which is something that seams to belong on a swiss army knife.

  21. shotinthehead says:

    A swiss army knife chair would be useful for many things… maybe biff needs to design a better chair. Then a better mousetrap, for the really big ones… Then reinvent the wheel…

    I could use a firehose like that myself. It is cool in the building where I work but muggy. Me being a fat, computer guy does not help either.

  22. Calvin says:

    “The exact frequency of your skull?” Wouldn’t the constructive reverberations explode your head?

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