#693 – Blintz

Why do I continue to think that I’m getting a good deal on stuff that has a mail in rebate? I rarely send them in. When I actually send them in I rarely deposit the rebate checks before they expire. I think stamps are the main issue. I rarely have a reason to have stamps in the house… and of course the stamps that I do have are from 2 postage rate changes ago.


32 thoughts on “#693 – Blintz”

  1. William Syler says:

    Saving week? Everyday so far he’s be trying to save either time or money.

  2. Chris says:

    Yes mail-in rebates are a marketers wet dream, between those and pre-paid gift cards, marketers need to change their bedding daily.

  3. Kurast says:

    Biffonomics week.

  4. Reina Sweet says:

    I recommend you request forever stamps from the post office.

    Unrelated, but is now a desire that came to my mind… I want a biff plushie.

  5. bobo says:

    That would ROCK…. (Now with poseable eyebrows !!!)

  6. SilverScale says:

    Yeah get the forever stamps. They are always valid regardless of the rate you bought them at. The fact that they have begun to sell them makes it seem like they are prepared for MANY charge increases in the near future.

  7. Chris2fer says:

    Wow. Must be some fancy-ass mayo. 1 week at 20 bucks?

  8. Bryce says:

    A Biff plushie would rock so hard.

    Incidentally, marketers love people like you Chris.

  9. Jackson says:

    I remember getting a mail-in rebate on Super Metroid for the SNES. If I recall correctly, I got five dollars back for buying the game and a $15 strategy guide.

    As regards Biff’s Economical Folding Magic…I use so little mayonnaise that I literally get three months’ worth for under $20. But if Biff’s technique works for hot pockets, let me tell you, I am sold.

  10. Second on the Forever stamps. That way, when you find them two rate changes later, they’ve … gone up in value. Buy thousands. Then take them and scalp them in front of the post office by undercutting the Post Office one cent.

    Weird. I thought I used a fair amount of mayo, but our family of three goes through one jar every month or two… Guess not?

    Or do you mean WAY UNDER $20? As in $1.59 is under $20…

  11. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    The only origami I do is whatever is on my daily origami calender, which forces me to use the previous day’s sheet of paper to make the current one. No repeats then.

  12. HDonner says:

    Perhaps Biff bathes in mayo? In which case he’s getting a great deal!

  13. ZackDark says:

    what’s a rebate?

    (just so people know, English is not my mother language nor have I ever lived in a place where English is the main language)

  14. Mophtran says:

    With a rebate, you pay full price (or a sale price) on an product. Then you mail in receipt to the company. They send you money back.

    It’s kind of weird, especially since some companies choose the option to get more back if you put it on a gift card.

  15. ElGeFe says:

    hmm, 20 dollars for a weeks of mayo… I could stop skimping on it then… my family could go through a jar a day if there was enough of the stuff…

    And mail-in rebates are a scam, I’m still waiting on a few that never arrived…

  16. Otter says:

    rebates are also annoying due to the fact if you dont fill out that stupid card PERFECTLY you dont get your rebate i did however find one company that offered to give you the rebate at sale and just take the rebate card while that voids the return policy you dont have to fill out a card i think it was Circuit Cuty

  17. Cari says:

    That is a LOT of mayo. I don’t think I’ve spent $20 on mayo in my entire life.

    I’d rather have a poseable Biff than a plushie

  18. Kenji the Ninja says:

    How much mayo does Biff need?

  19. JSW says:

    A Biff plushie would be pretty hazardous… I mean those eyebrows might poke out eyes, get stuck in power sockets, and even give kids ideas about faster ways to eat cereal. And most of all the plushie wouldn’t be able to survive Biff’s antics.

  20. -2! says:

    You could so easily rip yourself off using this origami sails thing, you could get one small pizza for the price of a medium!

  21. nikie says:

    holy bejeezus – i would totally buy a plush biff in a heartbeat. there would be no thought process to the purchase, just a simple click of the “buy here!” link and then i’d make myself cozy on my front porch waiting for the mailman for the next x amount of days…

  22. Kratospie says:

    I always use coupon books and other junk like that. Im crazy over saying money.

  23. -2! says:

    and about the Biff plushy… I would buy it but I want the books first. I need money so i can buy that! University is expensive.

  24. Akaroshii says:

    This week is totally easy ways to save time/money.

    >D I so win.

  25. ZackDark says:

    I guess the fact that Biff is used to expend 20 bucks on mayo is a big part in the joke, if not the joke itself.

    btw, what’s the point of rebate, I mean, do you send the product you bought back too, or the company simply feels like giving you money?

  26. Reina Sweet says:

    You send in proof that you brought the product (the receipt, usually, or the UPC for some companies) as well as the rebate form.
    You get back a business check that expires or gift card deposit for free.

    What is the point? Marketing/advertising. You can market an item for even as cheap as “Free!”, which will attract many to go in and buy it. Of the people that buy it, however… a few will lose their receipt, a few will lose the rebate form, a few will forget… and then those who do send it in… many will forget to cash the check before it expires.

    For the number of people it attracts compared to how little they end up actually giving away, companies usually end out very much ahead on them.

    So yes, for the smart and punctual consumer, it’s effectively free money.

  27. MadDavid says:

    Companies love giving people rebates because they attract a lot of sales and few people actually claim the rebate. Similarly, companies love selling gift cards because so many people forget to use the gift cards that the company “pays out” only about 60% of the value of the gift cards

  28. I bought a $100 flash drive years ago(yes, same thing costs $5 today) as a gift, and it had a mail-in rebate that required cutting out the barcode. Yeah, like I’m going to cut out the barcode from a GIFT. I felt sad not being able to use the rebate.

  29. Jykcor says:

    @chris@, second post

    …marketing wet dreams?

  30. DaemonThanatos says:

    hehe…ingenious…also, YAY! I’m finally able to comment again! :3

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