#618 – Barson

I remember some older kids in the neighborhood talking about how they started to take showers instead of baths. I thought… what? Showers are for old people! Why would I want to take showers? It will just wash all the bubbles away… where’s the fun in that?


38 thoughts on “#618 – Barson”

  1. Sleepingorange says:

    This one gets my vote for cutest Biff comic ever.

  2. PsychoDuck says:

    I suppose, due to the rubber duck in the comic, I am obligated to comment here. So, uh… Yeah, rubber ducks.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  3. Dwarg91 says:

    whoa psycoduck has commented for the first time in a verry long time

  4. Libraman says:

    Yay! Psychoduck and rubber duck together at the same time 😀
    And yes, on occasion, I’d take a bath over showering.

  5. TheAngriestManAlive says:

    Maan I WISH I got to take baths. From the start it was showers all of the time. I just want to lie down and RELAX. Plus, it saves water if you happen to take a 30-minute shower.

  6. Nathan says:

    I love the silhouette on the wall.

  7. RG says:

    Wish we had a bathtub here… I’m unfortunately stuck with showers only…

  8. PikaMario99 says:

    This reminds me of this silly baby wipe commercial.

    The duck was following the little baby around, hoping he’ll get dirty enough to merit a bath.

  9. Tia says:

    This is so cute. =)

  10. SEA says:

    This must be awkward for biff o-o

    Showers use less water…

    *looks at vote incentive*

  11. MaskedMan says:

    PsychoDuck is stalking Biff..?! Runaway!

  12. Jackson says:

    This one is strangely poignant to me.

  13. kenji1the1ninja says:

    I’m surprised that PsychoDuck does’t have the “biffbrows” in this picture.

  14. I concur with Nathan, the silhouette portrait on the wall is awesome!

  15. i.half4 says:

    OK. So this week’s theme is clearly: Biff done grew up already. When I guessed that last week’s theme was undergrowing, I meant that in an admiring way. I’m of the opinion that most grownups could benefit from rediscovering the insight of their youth. More power to Biff if he has not forgotten how to see things from that perspective.

  16. i.half4 says:

    Oh, and I too loved the vintage touch of the sillhouette.

    So that makes three cheers. Huzzah!

  17. Twilightfairy says:

    Stare off, Biff versus Ducky. who would win?

  18. Pottery says:

    No, it’s a moment of realisation, just like in the Velveteen Rabbit, where Biff finally understands that his duck is Real, and also really unhappy.

  19. DTanza says:

    Mama mia thats`a creepy duck`a!!!!

  20. randomperson says:

    This one made me sad 🙁
    Poor ducky

  21. Micah says:

    This is like the only instance there’s every been another entity in this comic that’ NOT Biff…unless you count one of those appliances he’s given sentience to.

  22. thinkaboutit says:

    i used to love baths as a kid (i was kinda weird that way) and now i never have time to take one anymore, i dont really miss them though (it’s probably because i never had a rubber duck to share bath time with…)

  23. Zaffa says:

    I was just reminded of thos Swiffer commercials…
    “Baby come back!”

  24. no name says:

    That’s kinda creepy. I would freak out if I came out of a shower and there was a rubber bath duck staring at me.

  25. solar says:

    i take showers mostly inless im stressed out then i take a nice hit bath to relax lol

    on a side note i never have understood the apeel of rubber ducks
    i myself as kid had a plastic allgator

  26. goldielocks says:

    @solar: really!? me too!

  27. Mad Mule says:

    i got to big for the bath tub i lie down in one and i am lloking at my knees or my feet and calves one of the downsidesof being tall

  28. biggo says:

    Another sad comment from someone who outgrew *any* bathtub loooong ago.

  29. Speakerblast says:

    That duck is so cute in the comic, but would be oh-so-scary in real life…


  30. Cpt.Ziggy says:

    I have a crippling fear of any bodies of water so I can’t take baths or I’d die……..or not.

  31. Colin says:

    hey he has a shadow scetch of himself on the wall!

  32. Chuck says:

    Wait… so someone is excited about Biff showering?

  33. Mr random says:

    im to tall for baths unfortuanatly and i cant expand the tub and the showers is getting too short aswell so yeah im unlucky

  34. wisp says:

    i got FAR too tall for my tub… but then my dad installed a HOT TUB in the bathroom for my 20th birth day so now i can get all KINDS of relaxed 🙂

  35. Shana says:

    I would take baths, but it’s not as soothing as water running down your back and giving you a nice massage. However, when I’m at a place I’m not familiar with, I always fall back to taking a bath- that way I won’t slip and fall. Though, usually, this means trying to fit into a tub eight sizes too small.

  36. Zach Light says:

    aw you poor little duck T_T

  37. Miles says:

    Ahhh, baths. What an awesome way to relax after a long hard day at work, and a 2 and a half to five mile walk home afterward (depended on how late I got off work). Baths are the best, and I have the bath oil, bath salts and all that. I’m a GUY too, but I can still appreciate a bath.

  38. D Jenky says:

    Personally, I go with a Shath, I turn on the shower but leave the drain plugged. This quickly turns the bathroom into a sauna, as well as having the relaxing warm water.

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