#548 – Inversion

I will sometimes do things the hard way for years before realizing there is an easier solution. For example, I recently discovered that my jeans come with built in “pockets” and I no longer need to duct tape my wallet to my leg when I leave the house.


43 thoughts on “#548 – Inversion”

  1. MaskedMan says:


    This works fine, so long as you’re not using Möbius plates. Which I bet Biff does.

  2. PsychoDuck says:

    So, Biff’s a righty, then? Huh… I always pegged him as a lefty. Us southpaws are generally the crazier bunch.

    But, then again, perhaps Biff is a righty rebelling against the norm… POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!

    The Duck Has Spoken.

    1. fatemaster1 says:

      I’m technically right-handed, but I’ve been making myself closer to ambidextrous and I’m the craziest of them all!

  3. Mrpajamasharkman says:

    What?! You can put your wallet INSIDE of your jeans? That DOES make things easier…

    And the two sided plates thing is clever too.

    I gotta try ’em both!

  4. Haywire says:

    Alright, I was wrong. It’s chores week.

  5. Big_Willie_Styles says:

    No, he’s not a righty… He may use his fork with his right, but that doesn’t make him a righty. There has to be an actual scene with him writing to confirm this.

  6. AdmiralMemo says:

    What’s he eating? Looks like milk, a pork chop, an upside-down muffin, and mac-and-cheese, maybe?

  7. Heinrich says:

    um… i don’t see any distinct noodles – maybe mashed potatoes? – and the milk looks a little blue – not sure what that is – and i’m not sure about the ‘upside down muffin’, either. i could agree that that’s a pork chop, though.

  8. BossaNova says:

    I think the upside down muffin is the mashed potatoes, Ever seen close encounters of the third kind?

  9. Chris says:

    That is a mashed potato volcano! Woo hoo where’s the gravy lava?

  10. Yan-Yan says:

    I’d say it’s a Pork chop, mashed potatoes (anyone see close encounters of the third kind?), and most likely corn. Or creamed corn. But most likely some kind of corn product, just not detailed out. And that’s gotta be a glass of water. It’s a little less translucent then the glass it’s in.

  11. Tvae says:

    Well, on Tatooine the milk is blue in the original Star Wars. Maybe that’s where Biff lives… Or at least is living at the moment. Or maybe he just imports it.

    Oh, and yay for duct tape. It fixes everything.

  12. Jishii says:

    He’s drinking water.

  13. PsychoDuck says:

    My stance on the beverage debate: I think it’s just water. The colour comes from the table visible through it.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  14. Kbman says:

    I think it’s doing chores more efficiently week.

    Wearing all your clothes at once means not having to put them away.
    Just crushing everything in your bedroom means not having to clean it.
    Putting the trash in the can while it’s very far away and therefore very small lets you fit more in one can.
    And finally, using both sides of the plate means doing the dishes half as often.

    As for Biff’s dinner, it looks like a pork chop, mustard, the bottom half of a muffin or cupcake, and Mountain Dew to me.

  15. Kbman says:

    Whoops, spelled my e-mail address wrong in that post. My avatar didn’t show up.

  16. RFPT says:

    Biff needs a girlfriend.

  17. Chris says:

    Biff and Biffete, damn, hate to imagine an entire family of biffs..

  18. Heatherface says:

    The mashed potatoes MEAN something.

  19. DracoZereul says:

    LOL, I can kinda relate to this. I had a friend whose family was the absolute laziest when it came to washing dishes. Their sink was always full of ’em, and any time I went into my friend’s room, I always found at least a few plates and pieces of silverware just lying around from meals past.

    I wasn’t much better, mind, but remembering what his house was like always inspires me to do the dishes.

  20. Fafnir13 says:

    The volcano is a nice touch. I always loved doing that. Haven’t done it in a long time though…must be getting old.

  21. speearr says:

    Are you turning into Biff then? Duct tape indeed….

  22. Chris says:

    @Heatherface – They are important!

  23. Matthew says:

    He has to be a righty, looks at the book covers and just flipping through them I can so much proof of him being a righty.

  24. Tuesday says:

    Damn… heatherface beat me to it. 😛

    Now he just needs to make a more scale model.

  25. Jackson says:

    Ha ha! Man, Biff, what’s in your glass there? Lazy Juice?

    I shouldn’t say that. He’s just working smarter, not harder.

  26. Gato says:

    I still do that with my mashed potatoes. So good…..

  27. 3davideo says:

    Hey, maybe this is a dual-theme week. Doing chores more efficiently AND movie references. Christmas story on Mon, Star Wars IV on Tuesday, and Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind today. I don’t know yesterday, however.

  28. roy_vf1s says:

    Ha! Chris, what’s with you and representing Devil’s Peak in food? Should we worry about the black helicopter brigade coming after you? 😛

    As always, I love the comic!

  29. beemoh says:

    Don’t forget that the trick in this strip also works with underpants.


  30. Rojyazu says:

    Bahahahahaha. I love Biff.

    I’ll have to inform my father of this two-sidedness. He won’t wash his dishes until there is NOTHING left to use.

  31. taber_man says:

    To everyone who mentioned Close Encounters, ever seen Weird Al’s movie UHF?

    same reference XD

  32. Too bad the glasses aren’t two-sided.

  33. no name says:

    I like 3davideo’s idea. dual theme. But who wants to explain yesterday’s movie reference?… Chris???

  34. Shanchan says:

    Haha, hilarious.
    I will carry this idea on to my friends in college who have to wash dishes.

  35. Rampage says:

    Is that really a mashed potato volcano? AWESOME!!

  36. Cpt.Ziggy says:

    Funny,Biff doesn’t look like Richard Dreyfus to me…….

  37. trevor says:

    Someone should make a double sided plate where both sides are the same, and there’d be a cover for both sides so the stuff on the other side doesn’t fall.

  38. BlueDragon says:

    this is like chore week

  39. Paintball Preacher says:

    And if it’s a paper plate…you don’t have to do dishes at all!(that’s like 100 days of eating for a packet of 50…Brilliant!)

  40. Cari says:

    Maybe yesterday’s movie was Honey I Shrunk the Kids…

  41. YukiSnowflake says:

    he forgot the most life-saving thing ever?!
    CLOTHES are also double-sided!
    And, if you’re worried about the label, cut it off!
    (*yolkjokes – this is what i get thanks to next door owning chickens*)

  42. Sam says:

    I like how your cartoons also have a double side, first I was like “lol, he’s using the other side of the plate” and then “he didn’t know that all flat objects have two sides???”

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