#534 – Anchor

When I got my first pair of Converse shoes back in college they freaked me out. The soles were so thin compared to anything else I had worn in many years. I left the house to walk to class and was amazed at how I could feel the different textures that I was walking on. I could feel the cracks in the sidewalk. After wearing only the Converse for a few weeks I put on a pair of my old sneakers. Suddenly it felt like all the floors were covered in two inches of rubbery foam.


42 thoughts on “#534 – Anchor”

  1. Torg says:

    Saturn Gravity Boots strike again!

  2. 3davideo says:

    Wow! I wonder if the other comics have had connections to past comics…..

  3. 3davideo says:

    Wait! The first one this week had a reference to his funky chair at work. What about the other three?

  4. Just Ryan says:

    nothing better to wear to a doctors appointment than gravity boots. Besides pants. I hear they ask funny questions when you don’t wear those.

  5. SEA says:

    soles were so thing–> thin i presume?

    Wow, metal shoes, how appropriate o-o

  6. trevor says:

    Didn’t I refrence the saturn gravity boots im the last comic?
    Biff, did I insipire you to do this…kind of?

  7. trevor says:

    Not biff, CHRIS.

  8. MaskedMan says:

    I don’t care who inspired what. I just want a pair of Saturn Gravity Boots of my own.

  9. Chris says:

    Remember those aqua socks things, basically rubber socks, they had thin soles!

  10. Maarten says:

    hmm i remember my first pair to just 15euro’s and now you 60euro’s just because they became popular again

  11. Whitekatsu says:

    I had this problem recently. XD
    I’ve worn my Easy Spirit slip-on-sneakers for so long and got used to the arch support… then I put on flip-flops the other day, and felt like I was walking on cardboard… Even though these were Aquaducs, extremely expensive with more arch support than those Dollar Tree flipflops. XD

  12. Chris says:

    @SEA – Thanks, fixed the typo. 🙂

  13. Chris says:

    @Chris – I knew a guy in high school that wore aqua socks to school everyday.

  14. Jackson says:

    Man…that’s like the opposite of orthopedic shoes.

  15. Saiph says:

    I wear hiking boots whenever I wear shoes. I have bad ankles so it’s much better support, and you can be on your feet all day and not notice it nearly as much. I go through the same thing when I put on sneakers. They just feel so thin and flimsy. I don’t understand how people do that.

  16. taber_man says:

    I know that feeling! I’ve had two pairs of Vans Classic shoes (the canvas ones similar to converse), and they have the same feeling to them. It’s really cool to feel all of that underneath your feet.

    I need to get a pair of either Converse or of the Vans again, now.

  17. Josh says:

    My tabi boots are like that, but it’s not the thickness of the soles, it’s the amazing pliability of the rubber. It is indeed a strange feeling when you can feel every crack in the driveway, like you’re not wearing shoes at all.

  18. Torg says:

    As far as references to past comics, I suppose that yesterday Biff thought “I didn’t like stepping out of a plane with a lot of extra parachutes, so the fewer the better.”

    Two days ago is the incident that inspired the orange juice pool.

    I know that both of those are a stretch, but it’s the best I’ve got.

  19. Zaffa says:

    I wear combat boots every day… Would that make me strange?

  20. Torg says:

    Where do you live?

  21. Zaffa says:

    Me? Southern California.

  22. speearr says:

    Those are pretty absurd shoes!
    My 2nd pair of Nikes were my favs, they were so flexible they were like wearing a second skin.

  23. Gato says:

    I had a pair of aqua socks once. I wore them on vacation to a lake and the lake ate them.

  24. I think Biff has been playing to much Zelda…

  25. Torg says:

    If you live in California, then yes wearing combat boots would make you weird.

  26. Jayne Squared says:

    I would hate to be Biff’s doctor.

  27. MadDavid says:

    If being cut in half by a piece of paper is a minor thing, what do you go to the doctor for?

  28. FSOneblin says:

    Reminds me of wind waker link. He could hardly walk with his iron boots on. I’m surprised he could, he is only 11. I wear burkin stocks all the time.

    Don’t panic: FSOneblin

  29. Gale says:

    Concerning the converse shoes, same here.

    I’ve loved them ever since I could do that. <3

  30. insertnamehere says:

    everybody has got to know that feeling. I just have to wear normal socks, as mine are a centimetre thick (about 0.4 inches). Then I put on a normal pair of socks, about as thick as paper. wow it feels weird. Like I can feel the stitching on the inside of my shoe. That’s my contribution =P

  31. Sam Sam the Fireman says:

    When trying on shoes, i had 1 of 2 newbalance models (i gots flats feet). I had the model like my old one. (except bigger harder faster stronger…) or the ones with ‘cushioning’. i was swimming in those, my foot goes forward then the shoe gets pulled along, and the shoe goes down then the foot.

    those things were HORRIBLE

  32. no name says:

    Tuesday’s comic might be a referrence to 184-Ice. It’d be helpful if Chris could verify some of these guesses.

  33. Speakerblast says:

    My feet don’t have weird arches, but they are pretty wide. I wonder if gravity boots come in 4E…

  34. 3davideo says:

    I need 6E, the widest they are made. AND i think I have flat arches too. Foot problems run in my family.

  35. 3davideo says:

    Oh god, I just realized I made a bad pun without intending it! LOL

  36. dragonbrad says:

    “I have a fear of doctors…”
    – Ray Liotta

  37. Torg says:

    Perfectly rational. It is never healthy to visit a doctor. They’ve got all those sick people there.

  38. Halo ChIef says:


  39. When I am roofing, I wear thin volleys, so I can grip and feel what I am walking on.
    When I am working underground, I wear boots that have soles over an inch thick.
    I feel taller, but it is soooo much harder to walk.
    There is a guy at work with aus size 15(us16) feet. haha, his boots are massive, almost like clown boots.

  40. Miles says:

    All I own are boots. A pair of Navy Flight Deck boots for general walking around and working in, a pair of field combat boots that are nicely polished for interviews (My calves are too muscled, so laced properly they cut into my calves), a pair of Harley Davidson Motorcycle boots for looking cool, and a pair of Doctor Scholl’s for usually working (not haevy work, just office or lab work) or whatever. I can run the best in the flight deck boots. I haven’t had a pair of tennis shoes in about 3 years. I can’t imagine they would be too comfortable anymore.

  41. YukiSnowflake says:

    hah, nice story.
    I have a pair of trainers that have fitted me for year. They have velcro straps (*wheeeeee*) and are actually… really dirty now that i think about it. (*better wash ’em soon*)
    Anyway, my sister has the exact same shoes, sames size, same make, but just slip on ones with elasticated stuff instead of velcro.
    BUT, Mine are comfier, dont crush my feet and are actually bigger.
    I think i may have stretched them as i grew.
    Because they are bigger than my pair of size 8 shoes.

    heh, almost forgot to click “submit comment” just then.
    die, bad memory, die! (the bad memory the in german, lol)

  42. Antsan says:

    I’m walking barefoot most of the time (including times where it’s below freezing outside). Always feels really strange when I have to wear shoes for some reason.

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