#518 – Repeat

It’s sometimes weird when the main activity in your job is something that is very temporary. You can never actually finish your task. Every day you come in and find all your work undone and you start all over.


49 thoughts on “#518 – Repeat”

  1. Zero says:

    Some how I don’t think the owners of the store will like the fact that a product they invested all this money on suddenly isn’t selling.

  2. Jacobo says:

    One of my favorites now! πŸ˜€

  3. Micah says:

    I finally realized who Biff reminds me of…Mr. Bean!

  4. I work in a small shop full of food and drinks. There’s nothing I can do to keep the store stocked…

  5. AdmiralChaos says:

    Kind of reminds me of school…hmm O.o

  6. Dokkal says:

    Hah, need to do that for over-hyped games.

  7. Far says:

    I work at a clothing store that is geared towards 14-28 year olds. There is absolutely no way to keep the store tidy. You either have people trying things on, bunching them up and leaving them in the change room, rifling through the piles of neatly folded clothing to find their size or my personal favorite, pulling something out, holding it up in front of the and than rolling it in a ball and shoving it back on the shelf.

    I also work as a dishwasher and even on slow nights you have stuff CONSTANTLY coming in. Just think, for every order that’s made and the cooks only have to deal with once, or the servers only have to take out once, I have to deal with, on average, 5-6 dishes per order.

  8. Haha, after working in places were you stack everything neatly during slow hours, you just hate when someone comes in and they “ruin” your perfect stack! I can relate to this soooo much!

  9. Bubble says:

    For some reason, I reckon Biff looks adorable today!

    More than usual I mean…

  10. I remember once having a garage sale, and getting rid of a bunch of records. I took all these records and just kind of scattered them in this big box, because I knew darn well that that’s how they’d look eventually anyway.

    So of course, a customer came by and very very carefully organized the records, leaving them perfectly tidy.

  11. Gregg says:

    Try working on an assembly line where you never get to see the finished product and the line never stops.

  12. Abby says:

    Yesterday I took a box of Triscuits off the shelf right after the store-person had stocked and faced them. She was still there, stocking other things. I almost apologized to her, but I didn’t.

  13. Mari says:

    Biff has the right idea. Now if only I could figure out how to complete forever my own “never finished” job of keeping the house clean and the clothes washed and put away.

  14. Gobbledegook says:

    Ooo! I wish I’d though of that when I was 16 and working in a grocery store…
    Comedy gold, right there.

    @Abby: As long as you didn’t knock them all down and run away laughing, you’re good; at least, they really hate it when I do that.

  15. MaskedMan says:

    Been there, hated that.
    It’d have been a BAD idea to have allowed me access to the glue gun…

    @Dave in Tokyo;
    Proof positive that perversity is universal, and tends towards the maximum. πŸ˜€

  16. Mithras says:

    Wow, this one ranks up there with the best Biff comics, I think. It’s amazing how Chris can keep up the quality over this many comics, that always astounds me, especially when it’s not a comic about something like games, where news always gives you material to write about; this stuff just KEEPS COMING from Chris’s head!

    Hot glue is the best of glues, crazy glue can just go die for all I care, it’s not even as strong.

  17. Chris says:

    @Mithras – Thanks, I think I have at least 7 more rattling around in my head.

  18. Captain Steve says:

    I work the toy department at Wal*Mart, and this comic reminds why I hate my entire base of customers. I see myself being fired one day and it involving police action.

  19. J-diddy says:

    Several years ago I had the misfortune of having to work in Wal-Mart receiving one summer while I was in college. Part of the job was stocking shelves every night. On payday, I would be stocking my area and stuff would be selling faster than I could stock it. It was a constant race to try to keep up.

    Abby, I have actually helped by moving an item from the back of the shelf to the front when I have taken something from a recently faced shelf!

  20. kenshin620 says:

    ….where…is he working?

  21. Chris says:

    @kenshin620 – Someplace where you have to wear a red shirt?

  22. Armentia says:

    After working at Walmart for nearly a year, I understand the frustrations of having to keep the store tidy. I almost always face something if I take it off the shelf. I usually did it beforehand, but even more-so now that I’ve had to do it for a job.

  23. Seraphine says:

    The job that continually renews itself is the perfect job.
    If you have to do it over and over again,
    you never become obsolete.
    I think that’s what Hell must be like…

  24. PsychoDuck says:

    I’m gonna have to agree with Mithras here. This is one of the best Biff comics yet, falling behind only Splat. I still laugh at that one πŸ˜€

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  25. White Katsu says:

    Oh Geb Yes.
    I work at a relatively large Dollar Tree and the last two days I worked I did reshop (taking stuff that the customer decided last minute they didn’t want and leaving up front, or as children do, taking a toy down to the other end of the store and leaving it there, and I have to put it back, etc), and it never ended. I worked for five hours on reshop. In a Dollar Tree. How they manage to do that baffles me.
    Nothing irritates me more than finding an empty package somewhere. Dude, it’s the Dollar Tree, where everything is a dollar (believe it), WHY are you stealing from us?!
    Back on the topic of reshopping, it is absolutely SPLENDID *sarcasm* When someone decides, “Oh, I don’t want these eggs” and you are primary cashier. You have to call someone to put them back.
    Or how about when you have to use a pushcart to load the reshopped items and you walk away from it for a second, and the customer takes the stuff OUT, flops it on the floor and takes the cart?!
    Is it any wonder I really hate being related to the human race when people act like this?

    Anyone that has to work at Wal Mart has my sympathies, I can imagine that is one hundred times worse than anything a Dollar Tree customer could throw at me. x_x

  26. Blade says:

    I could never stand it when my job included something like that, like sweeping at the machine shop. Every hour or so, they’d have me sweep, but by the time I got to the other end of the shop, it looked just like it did before I started. It was mind-numbing.

  27. trevor says:

    I don’t get it. I think it’s because I don’t know the purpose of the tool he’s using.

  28. Reina Sweet says:

    Trevor, the machine in his hand is a glue gun. He’s putting hot glue on the product to make sure nobody can take it off.

    Aside, Chris, may I print this out and post it at the hobby shop I work at? This is too perfect.

  29. trevor says:

    Oh, I thought he was trying to cut the boxes open for some reason.

  30. Dare says:

    Oooh, so been there. I work at a Radioshack. Ever seen those parts drawers? Yeaaahhhh… I hate those with a passion for this very reason. Those and that battery spinner. It’s gotten to the point where we don’t even put things out, just hand them to the customer when they get tot he counter.

  31. no name says:

    Definitely one of the best, Chris.

  32. White Katsu says:

    Oh, Oh! I ask same question as Reina! Can I print out to show to my co-workers at Dollar Tree? We might hang it up in the office. XD

  33. Chris says:

    Sure! Printing the comics to hang up at work is fine. If you ever want a high quality print I have them available in the store.

  34. Skiine says:

    If I ever did work at a supermarket, this would annoy me great like.
    I have made it my personal ambition to not work at a supermarket ever.
    I’d probably do what Biff does.

  35. Zsinj says:

    I used to work as a cashier at a supermarket, and the extreme version of this was why I hated the job so much. Always, you could see the end of the line, but it would never come.

  36. Blue Canary says:

    I volunteer at a horse center. One day in the summer, I spent a full hour refilling water buckets. Thing is, we don’t have that many horses!
    Then there’s the slow days when I sweep up. On the bright side, when people track in more dirt, I get to look at them with a horrified expression and they apologize. On the other hand, there’s one mat that I would pick up every time to get at the dirt underneath and shake the dirt from the cracks on the top. Each time, even if it had only been a week, I was left with a pile of dirt that came up to the bottom of a chair.
    Don’t get me started on my volunteer work in two libraries.
    In case you’re all wondering, no, I’m not doing community service because I commited a crime.

  37. Baker says:

    I work at the local Home Depot and I’m the lot attendant and whenever I bring carts up to the front it seems that 3 people take the two carts I just brought up plus another. This comic reminds me of my job so much…haha

  38. LeeshaJoy says:

    I’m currently working as a hotel housekeeper, so I understand this frustration all too well.

  39. The Dustin says:

    This comic made me nearly suffocate from laughing. I work at a circuit city, And I restock the shelves sometimes, so this entertained me greatly to see Biff in a red shirt in retail. Too bad my work doesn’t have glue-guns

  40. Marmaduke says:

    I put away and organise books at a library. You trying working in the toddler section for four hours. The worst is when a kid comes along and starts just ripping the books off the shelves and their parents do NOTHING about it. I used to love kids, now I have the urge to put them all in hamster balls so they can’t touch my books.

  41. Piz says:

    Too true! I worked as a stock clerk for a dollar store for two and a half years, and have currently been working loading trucks for FedEx for the past three. I know the feeling of coming in to work and finding everything empty and waiting for you all over again.

  42. Amake says:

    I suspect Biff is working at home. I recognize that glue gun, and it certainly doesn’t have a cord long enough to take outside the house.

  43. Psymon says:

    I have an obsessive-compulsive streak that shows up when I come across a set of items that are almost sorted. Thus, I am compelled to reshelve that one store item that quite obviously belongs somewhere else in the store. Unfortunately, I invariably come across another misplaced item while searching for the first item’s proper place.

    Library shelves are easier to ignore and leave unalphabetized, but the desire to ignore the impulse is much less. However, I haven’t looked in the children’s section for a long time, and never thought about just how badly those shelves might get jumbled up. Seeing how the librarians have told me not to organize the shelves, I don’t think I want to go near the children’s section anytime soon, either.

  44. Lifesawitch says:

    It’s sometimes weird when the main activity in your job is something that is very temporary. You can never actually finish your task. Every day you come in and find all your work undone and you start all over.

    I’m a housewife. This describes my life. Hahahahah Way to go, Biff!

  45. Deteramot says:

    Stocking shelves seems like some sort of Sysiphisian Task. You get the shelves stocked, only to arrive the next day and find them empty. Your task can never truly be completed.

  46. gregg says:

    I worked at toys r us, stocking the diaper aisle. Talk about a never ending task! At least we got to jump off the stack of diaper packages in the storeroom.

  47. Auntie-Aku says:

    I have never worked at a shop or a market, but I bet I’d be rather good at it. When I’m shopping and I see a piece of clothing that someone has thrown untidily on the shelf or a box of books or cd’s messed up I tend to absent-mindedly put them back in order…irritates the people I’m with, though, ’cause it slows me down. πŸ˜€

  48. Mewthicus says:

    My husband worked at Staples for a while. You have no idea how often he wanted to do this with the printers.

  49. Daniel says:

    It’s fat Biff! How did he gain so much wait between this and the last comic?

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