#385 – Rake

We used to be able to burn leaves in this area when I was a kid. I guess the area is too populated now because they don’t allow it anymore. I miss the smell. I liked to poke around the pile the next day and find some hot coals. I would take leaves and drop them onto the hot spot and watch them burn one by one. Fire was always entertaining back then.


45 thoughts on “#385 – Rake”

  1. Sleepingorange says:

    Weird. I’m reminded of his coal-heated slippers and his steam-powered thinking cap.

  2. SpriteMeister says:

    Yet another Biff-invention related accident waiting to happen…

  3. Bunnyman says:

    This… Probably won’t end well.

  4. Warcrime says:

    I wonder what would happen if he put it on upside down….

  5. Envious Luna says:

    That is the greatest hat ever. Does he sell them? Because I would buy one and use it often.
    Only I wouldn’t use it for leaves, I’d use it for tumbleweeds.
    Those things are a plague out here.

  6. Imaginary says:

    My grandfather use to burn leaves and branches from the back yard in a corner of the fence, we don’t do it anymore though because we he got sick no one did it and the folliage around there grew out so it’s to dangerous now.. I miss it though, I like the smell of smoke, and I love bonfires… >>;; I’m a pyromaniac…

  7. aldaris says:

    everyone is pyromanic.
    great comic btw.

  8. SEA says:

    Like Bunnyman said, this is an accident waiting to happen o_o’

    But i would love to have one. Without wearing it of course =p

  9. Be says:

    How about a “Exams solver” hat, Biff? 😀

  10. colin says:

    The first thing i thought of when i saw the image was …fire man?
    I did that when i was younger too. Then the gov’ment men came and said no.
    despite that, i still love watching them burn the big field next to my house every 5 years. there are plenty fun things to be found in there. and they burn. real. good.
    mus be warm.

  11. Bullet Fiend says:

    Fire is always entertaining! Muahahahahahahaaaah!!!

    Today’s comic is great.

  12. MaskedMan says:

    Tumbleweeds. Gah.

    Sooooo glad to not have to deal with them anymore. They’d pile up on the back fence and spook the horses. After a big blow, they’d be piled yards deep, and yards high. Flamethrower, that’s what was called for.

    Leaves, not so much of a problem. Rake ’em up, run ’em over with a mulching mower. Problem solved.

    As for Biff’s hat… Well, put a sternwheel on him, and call him Proud Mary. :-p

  13. Paul says:

    Makes sense to me, but he should look into purchasing a leaf blower instead! Save of the ozone layer, Biff!!

  14. Seraphine says:

    If it was good enough for Abraham Lincoln,
    it’s good enough for Biff. That’s my motto.

  15. Cronyne says:

    The smoke will probably alert the fire departement.

    And then they’ll all smack into Biff’s invisible car on there way…

  16. Radical Edward says:

    I hate when people burn stuff. Recently, our fire alarm went nuts when someone started a fire to warm themselves. I hate hair-trigger-style alarms.

  17. Victor G says:

    Yay! I got The Book Of Biff today. Its beautiful! Thank you!

  18. AwesomeAud says:

    At last Biff-land cools off! I can hardly wait for the ice skating accident comic.

    Will you be selling the leaf-burning hats? 🙂

  19. KayRis says:

    I want a leaf burning hat!!! I also love fire! It’s really fun to put ice on a shovel and hold it over really really really hot coals. It evaporates really fast with lots of *shhhhh* noises.

  20. Megatron says:

    Fire…..You know there use to be a good reason I was not allowed to play with anything flammable…But now a days everything is fammable….Man I miss the good old days

  21. LydiaRaven says:

    Leaf burning hat! I wants one!

    Who doesn’t love flamey things and fire?

  22. stonehydra says:

    I want one too that and a bag of marshmallows.

  23. Alexandros says:

    Just got my Book of Biff and I’m really glad I purchased one 😀
    Keep up the good comics! I love them!

  24. Chris says:

    Victor G & Alexandros, awesome! I’m glad you like the book. 🙂

  25. Reg says:

    I want one of those too! It kind of reminds about Heat Man from the Mega Man games without the brim of the hat.
    And where DOES Biff get this stuff from? Off the black market?

  26. Andrew says:

    @ Reg: He makes it himself most of the time.

  27. Armentia says:

    “Fire was always entertaining back then.”

    Are you implying that it’s no longer entertaining!? Pishposh!

  28. Fred says:

    XD he forged it with a flaming hammer

    great comic as always =)

  29. Garrett says:

    When I saw the panel, I thought, “Stovepipe hat”.

  30. Reynard says:

    I figured he got it from the Acme® Corporation. (“For 72 years, the leader in creative mayhem.”)

  31. Chris says:

    Hey josh, book #1 is a collection of the first 100 comics recolored (they look different than the web versions) plus 5 brand new comics and 5 pages of bonus material.

  32. Ela says:

    Does he wear it for warmth, or to spite the leaves? Hmm… now, we can only hope his eyebrows don’t get caught up in there somewhere…

  33. Zeddy says:

    The most interesting thing I do when raking leaves is rake them all into a bag, cute a large half circle in it, then throw it at passing cars, running away and hiding behind trees before they realize it was me.

  34. Edge-of-Oblivion says:

    Quote: “Fire was always entertaining back then.”

    Wait, it’s not for you anymore? You have my condolences.

  35. Lionheart says:

    The hat looks like Fire Man’s from the Mega Man game.

  36. Kit-Kun says:

    I know what you mean. I love the smell of burning leaves down here in the fall. I love it most when theres a chill in the air mixed with the scent… Such a nice smell. I’m going tomiss it when I move out in a few years.

  37. einhirn says:

    my book arrived today – thanks. A suggestion about packing: Turn the books around by 90 degrees, that would imho makes extracting the book from the envelope easier.

  38. Nick Steele says:

    what a wonderful hat.

  39. Vickster says:

    Whoa I really need one of those hats…

  40. biggo says:

    @Zeddy: so IT’S YOU! 😀
    @Paul: how is a leaf blower more ozone-friendly than a small fire? o_O
    @Chris: still a full year’s worth of Biff to enjoy, and I’m growing this feeling that I’ll be ordering books before I reach [command-clicks] #578.
    Of course, if I keep reading the comics *and* the blog I’ll catch up at #850 😀

  41. steve-o says:

    Biff just looks so sekf-satisfied. Like a kid with a new toy. A toy that burns stuff. Including hair. Is that why Biff is bald? Maybe his hair cell were never replaced after comic #1.

  42. steve-o says:


  43. Marr965 says:

    Too neat… I WANT ONE!!!

  44. Fotiadis says:

    Fire is fun, but it isn’t good, don’t get the 2 ideas mixed up else *swhooosh*

    I like playing with fire, but I’m clever enough to avoid letting it burn things i don’t want to burn <_<, those fires in Australia should remind you all to take care with fire.

  45. figgyleaf says:

    fire is still entertaining X3

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