#339 – Belt

Our dog goes completely nuts for bologna. We’ve never given it to her but as soon as the smell reaches her she gets frantic. She whimpers and jumps around licking the air wildly. She likes to sleep under a blanket and if you take a slice of bologna and give it a wave near her sleeping body she suddenly becomes wide awake and will scramble out into the open. I think if she ever ran away we would nail slices of bologna to telephone poles instead of a sign.


0 thoughts on “#339 – Belt”

  1. Sleepingorange says:

    Great boxers. I always wondered about Biff’s choice of under-garment.

    I’d buy a beef jerky belt…

  2. Robin says:

    That could have turned out MUCH worse…

  3. Chuck says:

    All I can say is mmm jerky.

  4. 3686 says:

    What’s the Buckle made out from? Glad to see we’re so close with the book! Woo!

  5. Matthew says:

    @3686: Me too, me too.

  6. Radical Edward says:

    Another dumb invention based failure happened in field testing…

    Bad dogs! Very bad dogs!

  7. Dr. Doom says:

    I finally figured it out. Biff isn’t stupid, he just lacks that part of the brain that when you have a silly idea, reminds you that it won’t work.

  8. dragonbrad says:

    its wacked out akatsuke underwear

  9. MarcusDranz says:

    See, this is why I’m a cat person.

    … First person to call me a furry gets the broadsword.

  10. trueblaze says:

    …well…at least he wasn’t going commando today.

  11. Gobbledegook says:

    Does this mean he’s going to forego the tuna fish suspenders tomorrow?

  12. guest says:

    AFter seeing the picture and reading “After encountering that dog”
    I thought today’s comic was going to turn out WAY different.

  13. pieman says:

    MarcusDrantz: HEAR HEAR!!

  14. Pilgrymm says:

    hahahaha that is a great idea! if my dog ever escapes i am just going to lay a trail of jerky and bologna!! he loves that stuff!! thanks!

  15. Seraphine says:

    Cute shorts. I always say
    “Shorts make a man.”
    I may steal the jerky-belt idea.

  16. SulaBlue says:

    You know.. if you’re not going to give the dog the bologna, it seems really cruel to taunt her with it. What a jerk!

  17. Chuck says:

    dragonbrad, it’s standard issue. They wear it under the coats.

  18. ZenMonkey says:

    Ha, my cat is like that with cheese. If she hears the unwrapping of a Bonbel or a piece of string cheese she will come running from whatever hiding place she has shoehorned herself into, or if she smells it on my hands or breath she will begin begging piteously. She will then begin climbing up whoever has the cheese in order to get at it.

  19. Bill says:

    I’d wear those boxers.

  20. Dr. Doom says:

    Come to think of it, this is Biff’s first idea that he intended to sell. Weird.

  21. Chuck says:

    Well, he has to pay for his medical insurance somehow.

  22. Cronyne says:

    I go nuts for bologna.

  23. AG says:

    Not only that Dr. Doom, but I think it’s one of the few that doesn’t end in the most horrible disaster possible for biff for the situation.

  24. Andrew says:

    No kidding, that could have gone much worse, like the dog just taking the pants as well.

  25. kiwi says:

    my cats sing for tuna. they smell fish and meow around who ever’s in the kitchen.

  26. Mithras says:

    Heh, you know, speaking of animals and Biff, I think he’d have a WHOLE lot of trouble around cats; look at his eyebrows! Cats would go insane trying to get at those!

  27. dragonbrad says:

    kiwi, so do my cats, my oldest cat will actuly try to open th fridge to get our tuna salad, Chris, why, why, why do you have to make me laugh so hard.

  28. cedar says:

    i’ll try to get a patent on those belts myself. if your hungry, just eat your belt!

  29. Dukenator says:

    If only those boxers were edible.

  30. BluwWaterDragon says:

    MarcusDranz: I have a short sword, chainmail and a shield that says you’re a furry!! Shall we dance??

    I am joking by the way! Liking cats just makes you evil is all.

    (Spot the kid with the fur allergy!!)

  31. Elkian says:

    It’s suprised he doesn’t have a whole in his butt.
    I’m not going to say ‘another’, because it’s Biff, after all. You never know.

  32. Vron says:

    My dog does the same thing with bologna. One time, I don’t know how this happened, I came home to see an open fridge and the bologna packet on the floor. There was a very happy puppy in the apartment.

  33. steve-o says:

    I can already see myself walking past a telephone pole with a slice of bologna nailed to it.

  34. Nokore says:

    Nice underwear. oO

  35. Alice Love says:

    I wear girl boxers, because they are comfier then panties.
    I once was attacked by my neighbors kids, and they ran off with my pants and I had to walk home in just my boxers. (By neighbor, I mean my 8 blocks away neighbors). It was an interesting day.

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