#333 – Watch

As much as I hate my glasses they have saved my eyes from injury on more than one occasion. The most recent time was last winter. I had a bottle of hand sanitizer on my desk, the kind with the built in pump. I was gone for a long weekend and while I was away there was a drop of the sanitizer that dried out, clogging the tip of the pump. When I came back to work and went to use it for the first time the fresh sanitizer broke a tiny gap through the dried stuff and shot up straight at my face. Nothing hit my skin and I stood there for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened. I then took off my glasses to find that there was a good tablespoon of the stuff clinging to the outside of one of the lenses.

We are finally at 90%! The end is in sight and to give the preorder project one final boost I’m auctioning off the doodles I did for the month of August. Check out the auction here and thanks again to everybody.


0 thoughts on “#333 – Watch”

  1. Pain says:

    (Long time reader, first time poster.)

    I’ve had that happen too with hand sanitizers and other things. Three cheers for glasses, eh?

  2. nikie says:

    whoa… who – what? is this… is this first comment or just a glitch in my computer…

    well. erm.

    i don’t wear glasses (but i do have a rather extensive collection of shades). but my dad, on the other hand, used to ‘go out in the field’ and was tinkering about with something, checking for oil leaks out in the middle of nowhere california, and then it exploded. his eyes were saved by his sunglasses.

  3. Jerowaka says:

    noooooooooo, so close, yet so far from first post :'(

  4. SEA says:

    i wear glasses and i can say they prevented me from poking my eyes out countless times…
    And why does biff dip his binoculars in the salt?

  5. SEA says:

    The salt is supposed to be for the margarita glasses…

  6. Chuck says:

    I love my glasses.

    And I love salty margarita glasses. Yum.

  7. Seraphine says:

    I’ve tasted tears before, and they are naturally salty.

  8. KuKu says:

    ow. that would be painful

  9. Dr. Doom says:

    Side Note: This is the first time that a Biff comic has mentioned anything even vaguely mature. (Unless they’re non-alchoholic…but I assume not.)

    Salt in the eyes is bad, unless you’ve had lemon juice. (Raises hand) That stuff not only burns, it annihalates.

  10. Arix says:

    I…I think this is the first time Biff has ever looked like he’s feeling something, beyond his eyebrows drooping.

  11. Sam says:

    Oh my, I laughed so very hard.
    Can’t say I’m a fan of margaritas, it’s the salt around the glass I don’t like. I am however a fan of glasses, I’ve been wearing them for about 10 years, currently rocking the Rivers Cuomo look šŸ˜›

  12. Daniel says:

    My glasses saved my eyes from lemon juice that went rogue while I was trying to squeeze it into my iced tea.

  13. Gobbledegook says:

    I usually wear glasses now, but I’ve actually had a contact lens save my eye once.

    I used to do genetic research in college, and we used cholorform to separate the DNA. I worked weird hours (3am some nights) and got surprised one night by my best friend bursting into the lab to scare me while I was working. I got a face full of the chloroform, and my left eye started to burn. I yanked out the contact, which then started to dissolve on the lab bench. Then the chloroform kicked in and I passed out for about 10 minutes.
    Good times.

  14. trueblaze says:

    You know a lot of people complain about having to wear glasses, but for me at least they’ve saved me several times form both eye injuries or painful eye irratation.

    The best example I can think of actully happened to my roommate when a cat lept at his face to attack him. The cat swiped right across his face from his forehead to his lip and if he hadn’t been wearing his glasses at that time he could have lost his eye.

  15. Lucretiel says:

    I’m sure what Biff learned today will help him a whole lot in life….

  16. Malachite Dragon says:

    Anyone miss me? =3

    In regards to the comic- I’m SUPPOSED to wear glasses, but I see just fine without them…seriously…what do you mean, I’m trying to drink the cat and pet the coke bottle?

  17. palsh963 says:

    As joiner and carpenter i do many things with flying shavings and saw dust but the most painfull thing i have had in my eye was a peice of burning ash feom a bonfire…….ouch

    p.s. i now were glasses since then b4 i had perfect vision

  18. Taegerran says:

    This guy I know, he once was cooking with chili peppers, right. Then he put on his contacts without washing his hands…. Man, thats gotta burn…

  19. Cronyne says:

    Anyone miss me? =3”


    Poor Biff. I wonder how the salt would get into his eyes anyway… At least he can always unscrew his head.

  20. nemo says:

    i had 2 read this comic about 3 times b4 it made sense. but now i get it!!! (i slow and retarded stop making fun of me!!!! D=) lol. now that i get it its funny! =D

  21. Radical Edward says:

    I had a virgin watermelon margarita. Too bad I was suffering from a tomato allergy to enjoy it. A numb face and a brain freeze are actually the worst things to feel in a Mexican restaurant while a rubber spider drops from the ceiling every 7 minutes

    I hate wearing my glasses, but it helped when I was 15 (when my eyes started going bad) and I wore my father’s glasses so I could see the movie “Finding Nemo”. My father and I share a similar prescription in eyewear.

  22. the Scarf says:

    I don’t wear glasses…but now I have an image of biff in a snazzy suit taking a sip from a margarita glass….Date night!

    I’m underage, so I’ve never tasted them…my mom likes them though!

  23. Elkian says:

    …saline doesn’t hurt your eyes….what doe you think TEARS are made of?
    SAND, on the other hand…

  24. Pom Rania says:

    I only wear my prescription glasses to see the board, or looking at stars (it’s AMAZING how many more stars you can see!) but I’ve sunglasses on a lot of the time.

  25. Monkeyman says:

    Oh I had a one of those experiences with glasses once, was putting a
    wood screw in the wall, my drill slipped and the screw hit my left lens &
    chipped it.Thank god for glasses is right, I’d be blind right now if not for ’em.

  26. Genshai_ says:

    Your halfway to 666, and I imagine Biff will be just a stupid then šŸ™‚

  27. Renan says:

    my glasses once saved me from being accidentaly stabbed in the eye by my friend.’nuff said.

  28. Nokore says:

    Biff: YYEEEEAAAAIIIIIIIIIGHHHHH! DX *Insert single-armed flailing here*

    >> I’d do the same.

  29. Alice Love says:

    I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t need glasses. (knocks on wood).

  30. Ansrit says:

    My glasses saved me from a soccerball to the eye. I commented it a short while back too, when you said something about being beaten by a 3-year old.

  31. Random McPerson says:

    yay, 333# comic! halfway to 666 =P

  32. hayabusa says:

    I’ve had lock de-icer shoot into my eye this past winter. I got off work, and both doors to the car were frozen so that I couldn’t even put the key into the lock. i tried heating up the key with a lighter, and that allowed me to get the key in, but it wouldn’t turn. my friend took me to the store for de-icer, and then we went back to the car. after reading the instructions, i tried the de-icer. instead of shooting into the lock and melting the ice, the liquid takes a 90 degree turn up and shoots past my glasses and into my eye. thankfully, i was able to wipe my eye a lot with my work shirt, and get the stuff out of my eye.

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