#263 – Club

I never really get sandwiches that require toothpicks. Sandwiches I buy usually come with potato chips. I like putting a layer of chips on the sandwich and eating it that way. It’s pretty humorous when someone doesn’t see me put the chips on there. The look on their face when I take the first bite and it makes a loud crunch is always pretty funny.


0 thoughts on “#263 – Club”

  1. ratboy says:

    ouch. that looks painful. first post!

  2. Sax says:

    And again we see Biff’s disturbingly lonk tongue.

    …But how did the toothpick get EMBEDDED in his tongue?

  3. Lord 13 says:

    There is only one solution to the toothpick. Fire! It cures all.

  4. smashpro says:

    at least Biff can get a tongur ring now.

  5. random person says:

    i used to take the toothpicks off those and keep them
    most i had was 5…wonder where they went…

  6. Synchro says:

    I work for a deli and sometimes we do sampling… You would be surprised at the number of people who never consider the possibility of there being a toothpick in a sample to hold it together… even when the toothpick is sticking out the top. ._.?

  7. LavaBall says:

    There was an ad for TV Where a woman takes sandwich with chips in it,Kinda funny tough.

  8. Pradgers says:

    Ohmygod! I love haing crisps with my ham sandwich, cheese n’ onion are the greatest ^_^

  9. dragonbrad says:

    this has happened to me b4

  10. BeeBeard says:

    Did his eyebrows get thicker or is it just me?

  11. Yohimba says:

    My husband and I both are fans of the potato chip layer on sandwiches. Particularly essential on tuna. We refer to this strata as “extra beetles”. This came about when he was making sandwiches and asking how I wanted mine when I was in the next room. Thinking I was not listening he said, “Do you want extra beetles?”. I declined at the time, but that was before they had turned into potato chips…

    Toothpick sandwiches drive me nuts. I never know if one is supposed to remove before eating, causing the sandwich to shift in an unruly fashion, or leave in place and eat around, risking a frill up the nostril or the circumstance that occured to poor Biff.

  12. Seraphine says:

    I swallowed a toothpick once at a party. I had just taken a bite of a wrap (held together with a toothpick I didn’t see) when someone came up to me. I quickly swallowed before chewing, and the toothpick went down sideways! It hurt! I had a very anxious moment. Luckily, it was only a half toothpick. My doctor said not to worry, it would “probably pass”. I watched for a week, but I didn’t see it leave.

  13. Kuroiten says:

    Well, at least he’s getting more fiber in his diet via a toothpick.

    Does anyone know why delis insist on using toothpicks with plastic frill all over one end?

  14. Oddly Frozen says:

    Chris, you made this comic at the perfect time, i had a cavity filled yesterday and while the dentist was giving me the shots that make your mouth feel better he slipped and the needle plunged into my tongue, it hurt like hell and i looked kinda like biff with it going through my tongue =P

  15. Gobbledegook says:

    Biff has vindicated my paranoia of toothpicks… Now I can tell everyone I’m not just a crazy person! Yay!

    Oddly Frozen: Ouch! Hope you feel better soon.

  16. DomanickX says:

    Is that the same type of sammich that he used liquid nitrogen on?

  17. Radical Edward says:

    Ouch! I see that Biff has, yet again, forgotten the apparent dangers of eating improperly.

    I sometimes think that mice could use those sword-shaped toothpicks as real swords.

  18. Brent says:

    Wait, so this proves that biff really is part frog! I never noticed that! we know he has an amphibian heritage, and this long tongue must be because of that! its all so simple now. Wait, so the eyebrows must mean he is part fly? His mother was a frog and his father was a fly? That’s gotta be difficult.

  19. Kitch says:


    That’d Hurt.

    I disagree with Brent.
    It’s there for comic value.


  20. dragonbrad says:

    biff in pain now

  21. Now I’m hungry for a cold meatloaf sandwich with potato chips in it.

    One thing I learned as a little kid: you can’t put the potato chips in your sandwich when you make it in the morning, or they won’t be at all crispy by lunchtime.

  22. dragonbrad says:

    i had a ham and muenster sandwich for dinner with chips on it, and a sandwich isn’t complete without a keiser roll

  23. mr toasty says:

    Does anyone know why delis insist on using toothpicks with plastic frill all over one end?

    mmm I think it’s so that people notice the toothpick and don’t end up like Biff XD

  24. Gummyman says:

    Aww, the toothpick took away his giant mouth lines! I expected there to be either a huge mouth or some lines sticking out at the edges…

    I guess it’s just the magic of toothpicks

  25. Lord 13 says:

    The chips in sandwiches reminds me of putting French fries in hamburgers, and getting weird looks.

  26. Satyrane says:

    We always put potato chips on our bologna sandwiches, just the way our mama taught us! Now I’m hungry for one…

  27. DMC_Run says:

    If you’re ever lacking potato chips, you can substitute corn chips. Ah, ye olde crunchy goodness…

  28. Woody says:

    I once had my lip pierced in a horrible barbacue shishkabob accident that the neighbors all still whisper about. I was carrying one from the grill when I was attacked by lone hornet assassin, I duck to avoid him only to ram the pointy end of the stick through my bottom lip. This caused me to stumble backwards knocking over the grill, burning myself, bystanders and pretty much igniting the whole deck. Fire department was called, spent the rest of the summer rebuilding the deck.

  29. Sergeant Major says:

    All Biff needs right now is a $200 hand held laser. A: To burn the toothpick away. B: To cauterize the wound. Of course, he might want some novacaine to go along with that.

  30. Great Alien says:

    looks like he’s got the Gene Simmons tongue there.

  31. Kamorth says:

    Chicken chips with vegemite on white bread.

    ‘Nuff said.

  32. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    Mmm, chips…

  33. The Scarf says:

    He has such a friggin long tongue….
    is he getting a tan?

    maybets just the moniter…

  34. Elkian says:

    Whenever I (rarely) get food with a pick in it, I am always freaked about eating the pick by accident.
    We went to this steak house recently, adn my dad accidently had two picks in his steak, while I found only one in my burger. I had to ask the waiter about that…

  35. Kitsunie says:

    …..So Biff is part amphibian and part crash dummy?

  36. Cinders says:

    Salt and vineger crisps (potato chips to you amerians) in an egg and cress sandwich is the best 🙂
    If you’re in a country that doesn’t do salt and vinegar you don’t know what you’re missing

  37. vikk says:

    Man, that looks fun.

  38. the walrus says:

    I personally take the toothpicks out and chew them for a while instead of eating the sandwich with them in.

  39. sterlling says:

    i LOVE having chips on sandwiches, but my family thinks i’m crazy.finally, some who loves to eat chips on sandwiches too!!

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