#218 – Museum

Why do people that hate art go to museums? It seems like every time I go to a place like that I run into people complaining “this is so boring” or “I could do better than this” or my favorite “how is this art?”. It’s like they were looking for a shortcut to their destination and accidentally paid $18 to get into the place that they most want to run away from. It would be much nicer to sneak around the place after dark when the crowds have gone home.


0 thoughts on “#218 – Museum”

  1. Specialist290 says:

    I certainly hope Biff isn’t thinking of *stealing* any paintings…

    Maybe he’s just sneaking around after hours, like what Chris said.

  2. Random Person 1 says:

    I found this comic on Dueling Analogs, and after reading through the archives, I have to say, I absolutely love this comic. Keep up the good work Chris!

  3. Wortcov says:

    reminds me of a spongebob episode^^

  4. Dooley says:

    Well, at least now we know why Biff owns a Rembrandt and why he is so concerned about having it stolen…

  5. Farwielder says:


    Maybe we’ve finally found out where Biff gets all of his money from.

  6. dragonbrad says:

    why does he want to go in a museum after dark doesnt he know every thing comes to life at night,i was watching “Night at the museum”

  7. Magdalena says:

    Biff just likes to admire paintings at night times, where there are no screaming children, or tours…..

  8. Chris says:

    Hey thanks Random Person 1. 🙂

  9. Phantom says:

    When I first read this one it made me think of the Achillies myth where his mother dipped into the river Styxs but held him by his feet so that only his heel was vulnerable.

  10. Retarded Dog Child says:

    That myth makes no sense. Why not dip him again, this time holding him by the head or something? Anyway, love your comics, Chris. They’re incredibly amusing.

  11. Hyshinara says:

    Wortcov, you’re right, it DOES remind of a spongebob episode 😀
    actually, now that you say it, Biff is as goofy as Spongebob 😀
    so, uhm, should we call him Spongebiff Bluepants? XD

  12. gobbledegook says:

    This happened to me once, but I was in a shoestore. The sales clerk ran away screaming when I started tap dancing for her. I must have been off-beat or something.

  13. Synchro says:

    I like how his invisibility spray also hides his shadow somehow. **is mauled by countless fans**

  14. me, who else would it be says:

    Such a useful thing to have, if you use it right.

    To be fare, although I generally really like art museums, I have occasionally muttered phases like “why is this art?” at a specific peace or two (but not “this is boring,” most of the time). And I know how it is art, it’s just that some art I see I don’t really feel transcends novelty value (come on I went to a place with 2 rooms filled entirely with white canvases of different size, you know what they call that, an art supply store).

  15. geeklord says:

    I know what you mean Chris.

    I really love art museums, but it would be
    immensely more enjoyable if I were alone.

  16. Dark_Stryke says:

    hmmmm… if only it were possible, I might actually take the time to go to an art museum. Bloody screaming brats and ignorant twits just ruin any pleasant experience… where can one aquire this… invisibility spray?

  17. Wortcov says:

    (to Hyshinara)naa, I thin his name shuld be Biffbob bluepants (/_^)

  18. Wortcov says:

    my spelling sucks (/_

  19. LordRetard says:

    I *like* art, but a lot of museums have started putting in stuff called “modern art”, which is a misnomer, because it bears no resemblance to art. This bothers me to no end. It’s not art just ’cause you put it on a canvas. I’ve been to a museum in Chicago where one of the exhibits said “Oct. 31, 1978”. White text on a black canvas. Not art. Another exhibit there was a pile of Christmas tree lights lying on the ground. I am not fooled. I have a right to complain about bad art!

  20. PurpleKoopa says:

    Just found this comic from Beaver & Steve, and went through the archives. Biff is awesome 😀

  21. DMC_Run says:

    Wait… I know why he messed-up! He didn’t want to get paint on his trademark-green sneakers! Biff, ya’ gotta think these things THRU, Dude!!!

    Chris, next time, you may want to remember the drop-shadow that falls INSIDE, at the MOUTH of each sneaker…?

    Don’t worry, even we of the “OCD Persuasion” enjoy & look forward to your next installments!

  22. Haragorn says:

    So… did he paint his green invisible car himself? And what color of invisible paint is he wearing? Is he wearing white on his skin, blue on his pants, and some other color on his shirt, or is it all a single color?

    Details, man, details!

  23. Chris says:

    DMC_Run well I didn’t forget it, I made the whole inside of the shoe in shadow… :p

  24. Le Blue Dude says:

    As one who frequently asks “How the is THAT ART!”

    I’d have to say that I’m usually in museums… well at least “modorn art” *Spit* museums because my mom dragged me along.

    On the other hand, I LOVE the classics

  25. Jarathor says:

    Heh, this reminds me of this one time, I went to a museum with my family. There was this one painting, about some execution or another, and pretty much it was just his guy holding another guy’s hea on a plate. I saw this little girl walk up to the painting and ask her mom “Mommy, why is his head on a plate”? That poor mother… 🙂

  26. zaranath says:

    How can a car be green, invisible, and self painted? Obviously, he bought it.

  27. Rikapuppy says:

    Ahh. These brighten up my day. I haven’t touched the computer for a while now (amazing. o_o), and I almost forgot about Biff until I saw an ad somewhere. Also, nice comic for today. ;D I’m assuming this is where he gets most of his money from.

  28. Nate says:

    I’m sure Biff only wanted to sneak around after dark, and not steal.

    and…. I only ask ‘how is this art’ at modern art. cause it’s so wierd.

  29. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    I think that modern art is called “art” because the creator supposedly puts their heart and soul into their abomina… I mean “creation.” Anyway, if that’s true, then their are a lot of heartless and souless people wondering around.

    Also: I’m surprised that their haen’t been any comment’s posted by modern art lovers.

  30. slightlyoff says:

    I love art museums. The last time I was bored at one, I was ten and was on a field trip where we couldn’t decide what art we wanted to see. That being said, I definitely find myself asking, “How is this art?” sometimes. Even at my favorite museums. I’m just not a fan of art for the sole point of shocking the audience. I recently went to a museum where there was an exhibit taking up he whole first floor that was just that shocking type. After the second painting, I was tired of it and went straight upstairs.

  31. Pom Rania says:

    I agree with most of these peeps; the plupart [French] of what’s called “modern art” isn’t art at all. I mean, I don’t LIKE abstract art, but I can recognize how it might be considered art — but how the HECK is a dot on the wall considered art?!

    Heh, it seems that the sole definition of art, according to museums, is “it was made by somebody who is already considered an artist”. Because when it comes to that my DOG could draw something more coherent… it can only signify a degeneration in society.

  32. dimmiedrummer says:

    I live in the Cleveland area and we have one of the few free museums in the country. I can see why people would complain about being there if they get in for FREE (like when I was a little kid), but if someone pays to go into a museum, they should know qhat they’re in for: art!

  33. Elfe says:

    My art teacher once nearly sat down on a modern pieco of art consisting of three chairs.

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