#1365 – Saucer

Are there any movies about aliens invading the suburbs? It seems like big cities, corn fields or deserts get all the action. The suburbs get plenty of horror films though. When I was a kid the local video store categorized my favorite movies in a section labeled “Sci-Fi/Horror”. I had to wade through boxes of bloody knives and screaming faces to find Star Wars and Close Encounters. It seems so weird now renting movies based solely on the cover and description of the box.

Today’s Maximumble races away.

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8 thoughts on “#1365 – Saucer”

  1. RandOMGoo says:

    Those stupid aliens are always so literal!
    Seriously, one would think that a culture much more advanced than us would understand the concept of a “figure of speech”.

  2. Daniel says:

    Aliens invading the suburbs? How about E.T.?

  3. Maskman says:

    Heh! Mars Attacks. 😀

  4. Nitpikr says:

    Isn’t “Earth girls are easy” set in the suburbs? The aliens land in a swimming pool.

  5. zarprime says:

    Why yes, yes there is: Suburban Commando (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103003/). Do not ask why I even know that this movie exists.

  6. Mollyscribbles says:

    Well, Planet 51 has a human astronaut landing in an alien suburb . . .

  7. reynard61 says:

    The 1956 version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” takes place in a small town, but I’m not sure if that fits your definition of “Suburbia”.

  8. Centaur71 says:

    or the Saucer’s apprentice! or…Roswell that ends well! or… 😛

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