#1226 – Wafer

Our dishwasher will occasionally deliver some bonus food in my meals. Some bit of someone’s lunch from 2 days ago will have been backed onto the back of my spoon. It survives a few dips into my bowl of chili before deciding to take refuge in my mouth. “Hmm… I didn’t put any crunchy things in this chili when I made it…”

Today’s Maximumble is crumbling.

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14 thoughts on “#1226 – Wafer”

  1. Gwid says:

    Do I smell a week of coordinated Maximumbles and Biffs?
    Probably not. But it’s fun to think I do.

    I make a habit of re-washing everything in the dishwasher by hand ever since my Mum told me that the powder acted like acid and I couldn’t eat it because it would burn through my lungs and kill me. I was five at the time, but I still somehow believe her. So after baking a cake…
    “I wonder where that white powder came from. I better wash it by hand.”


  2. tekaramity says:

    …now I can’t bring myself to eat this scrumptious-looking pita bread sandwich. >_<''

  3. Rhejinald says:

    Yum Yum Loaf! <3

  4. SEA says:

    Think of it as ham.

  5. dartigen says:

    That’s why I stick to washing them by hand (actually it’s because we can’t fit a dishwasher into the kitchen, the counters are lower than usual so it’d look weird and we’d be minus half a cupboard).
    Though I have always heard that you should rinse off all plates and soak anything difficult…and given the trouble my friends have with their dishwashers and that lasagna dish, or that cake pan….yeah, there’s a lot to be said for hand-washing.

  6. Baughbe says:

    Doodles, where are you? Doodles?

  7. John says:

    When I saw the cheese I thought it would say something like. “Biff then realized he didn’t buy swiss cheese.” And there would be a worm somewhere on the page.

  8. Maskman says:

    I eyeball my utensils before using them. Sure, the diswasher hits solar temperatures in the sanitizing cycle, but I still don’t need random additions to my meals – they’re already random enough!

  9. Zana says:

    Is that implying what I think it’s implying?

  10. Nicoli20 says:


    On a side note, I too have had leftover food cling stubbornly on spoons and forks fresh from the dishwasher.

  11. Elfe says:

    Accidentally eaten pets week?

  12. daniel cheader says:

    biff you monster !!!!!

  13. Arcan says:

    Ok people, look at the size of that sandwich. There’s no way it’s hiding part of a hamster. I think Biff just got a bite of hairy cheese.

  14. Marscaleb says:

    You need a new dishwasher. That’s disgusting.

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