#1009 – Verse

The best part about magnetic poetry is when I go over to someone’s house and find they have some in their kitchen. I like changing the meaning of their poems by switching just a few words around. It’s weirdly entertaining for me and mildly annoying for everyone else.


22 thoughts on “#1009 – Verse”

  1. ladyamethyst83 says:

    talk about getting brain freeze.. how would he fit in there anyways?

  2. Aescula says:

    [help] [I] [am] [trap][ed] [get] [an] [ice] [pick]


  3. Peavz says:

    Heh, we had some magnetic Poetry stuff at My School, During our lunch breaks, me and a friend would stand there making funny statements that made almost no sense at all

  4. The Dukenator says:

    Madlibs are more fun.

    The only poetry I remember is Robert Frost – The Road Not Taken

  5. Crimson_regret says:

    I love just the single letters, writing things in latin with them is way more fun than it should be.

  6. Polska says:

    My main concern is why is he in there in the first place?

  7. MaskMan says:

    My nephews and nieces already leave seriously avant-garde poetry on the reefer. Young kids have that skill – it’s like a super power. I’d have a hard time discombobulating them; truth is, their poetry discombobulates *me.*

  8. Mister Disco says:

    @ladyamethyst83 Biff can change his density, detach his limbs and head, and (Insert previous comic reference here) That freezer is no problem for Biff.

  9. TVT says:

    Waiting for things week. Or something. Did the bacon count?

  10. baughbe says:

    Looks like another attempt at cryo-sleep gone horribly wrong, again.

    @TVT, Bacon always counts.

    We only had the magnetic letters, not the words. Which means we had a larger vocab to choose from, as long as you didn’t need to use ‘O’ or ‘U’ which were missing, only one ‘E’ but seven ‘A’s.

  11. fluffy says:

    People should not be annoyed at you moving your fridge poetry around. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR.

  12. Floatbag says:

    I do the same thing. One of my other favorites is to find a grocery list posted on the fridge and add curious items.

  13. Paku-san says:

    yah, yes. As Biff has been fidiling with the poetry, i have been catching up on all the strange comments others have had to make from the very first pages, and i feel a need to say-FLAMMING HAMMERS, TO THE RESCUE! FYI first time leaving a comment and been a regular reader for about 30 comics

  14. The Dukenator says:

    @Floatbag Going by a rule that states if its on the list, they’ll buy it?

  15. figgyleaf says:

    id like to see if they do 🙂

  16. Kitsune Dzelda says:

    If your asking why Biff is frozen int he freezer, you havent watched his comics long enough, 😛

    The question is what is the words hes putting together XD

  17. MaskMan says:

    Come to think of it, Biff clearly still hasn’t taken to heart the lesson he should have learned in #13. 😛

  18. ZeoViolet says:

    I magnified the page to 400% and still couldn’t read it.

    I figured he’d be posting a note like “Stuck get a hair dryer plz.”

  19. Space Butler says:

    Glad to see Biff staying positive.

  20. Malco says:

    frozen in a fridge
    nothing left to do now
    but build a haiku

  21. Wigster says:

    I was in a parking lot once and saw a truck covered in those little magnetic words. It was one if the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I spent almost half an hour rearranging things and reading what other people had “written.” I’ve wanted to do this ever since, but I’ve never had any magnets.

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