#802 – Numb

Have you ever injured yourself sleeping?


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73 thoughts on “#802 – Numb”

  1. Osa says:

    I sept on my arm with my jaw open and woke up unable to close my mouth

  2. holly says:

    Last time I had a nightmare, I flung my hands out in defense and smacked them against my headboard (ouch), which knocked down the book I had set up there before going to sleep, which fell on my face (double ouch).

  3. Heinrich says:

    waking up with a foreign hand on your face is a weird feeling. so is discovering it’s yours. i’ve had that happen once.

  4. Devious_Psychopath says:

    biff is very flexible if he can lay on his hands like that

  5. Morzikei says:

    Is it alright that I counted 19 fingers?

  6. speearr says:

    It’s been a long time since I did that. Can be real annoying…

  7. Micah says:

    I’m in a wrist splint right now and I can’t remember hurting my wrist, so my guess is that I hurt it in my sleep. Would make sense. I toss and turn a lot at night.

  8. Heinrich says:

    @morzikei: i kinda figured that either those aren’t biff’s hands, he takes his hands off at night, or he has spares (or some combination of those three)

  9. Space Butler says:

    Neck mishaps can occur through a sudden accident…or develop over 8 of sleeping in an uncomfortable place. Guess which one I did?

    How many hands do you think a person like Biff goes through?

  10. Zoran says:

    @morizikei: It’s nowhere near alright that you counted nineteen fingers! There’s only sixteen, three of those are thumbs. Jeez, people nowadays….. =P

  11. Steriema says:

    @Morizikei: Why is everybody forgetting the emergency extra arm button? He could have hit it while asleep.

  12. DracoZereul says:

    I’ve woken up to dead limbs around four times in my life that I can recollect. Three of them were one of my arms. It’s the leg that freaking kills you. Of course, it’s even worse when you have to hit that snooze button, put weight on that dead limb without thinking, and it decides to regain the sensation of pain right as you collapse onto it.

    *Shudders* NOT a fun memory!!!

  13. Kylogram says:

    I have a tendency to sleep on my left arm, which is entirely numb by the time I wake up. When I’m forty-five and have a heart attack in my sleep, I won’t notice until it’s too late.

  14. weerd2normal says:

    its funny, i woke up this morning with my face in an automen, and i thaught i was being suffocated by a pillow, so it started flailing my arms like a lunitic until i realized that i wasn’t laying down ^.^

  15. Fafnir13 says:

    I was woke up lying on someones arm once. At least, that’s what I thought it was. Took me a bit to convince myself that it was mine.
    Not really an injury, but it’s all I got.

  16. Dzelda says:

    …………. That looks insanely creepy, like the hands are keeping his face in bed. *shudder*

  17. Pazno says:

    I’ve always had a bad habit of holding my breath during an underwater scene of a movie. Not sure why I do it. One time I dreamed that I was inside a sinking battleship and had to swim from one part to another of it, but got trapped for a bit partway through. In my dream, I was just about to run out of air and drown right before I broke the surface.

    Afterwards, I shot up, awake, took a deep breath, and realized I’d stopped breathing that whole time. My entire body hurt and I had the worst headache I’ve had in a loooooooong time.

  18. Nilly says:

    …Biff? Looks like you have a buddy in your bed… o_o

    I have fallen asleep on my left arm many times and caused it to turn into a rubber limb of sorts. It flips, it flops, it wiggles. I usually sit and wait in agony for it to come back to life before I can go back to sleep because the pins and needles from THAT is unbearable.

    I also wake up with my knees asleep. Not my legs, my knees. Very uncomfortable. I’ve fallen out of bed before.

  19. Niha says:

    … Now that you mention it, since a couple of days ago, my right thumb hurts. Specially right after waking up.

  20. Lisa says:

    Chris, I went shopping earlier today, and I thought of you… wow that sounds excessively stalkerish. SPECIFICALLY I thought of the comic you did last week, and your story about the apples. So I counted
    Eight types of apples
    Three or four types of pears
    Three types of bananas (They’re bananas! Why does there need to be three different names for bananas!)
    Four or five types of potatoes
    Lettuce! Holy Hannah, the lettuce! There’s about 10-15 types!

    As for todays comic: I fell asleep sitting up once. Curled up leaning forward over my legs, with my elbows resting on my knees. That’s right, I woke up and both legs from the knees down were so dead to all feeling I think I could have played football with a mace ball and not felt it for a few hours.

  21. Chris says:

    @Steriema – bingo

  22. baughbe says:

    @Panzo, Had a similar experience, except in my dream I was on the moon and ended up outside the settlement dome without a helmet. That was a shocking wake up. Full panic, gasping for air. Never had another dream remotely like though.

  23. ZackDark says:

    @Lisa: There are actually waaaay more types of bananas. And their tastes are kindda different actually. Some of them, in fact, aren’t even good for cooking, while others are only good for cooking.
    (Guess living helps you have useless trivia)

  24. ZackDark says:

    *living in a banana country helps you have useless trivia)

  25. Suzerain17 says:

    I used to wake up with my head hanging over the side of the bed and I’d be so dizzy that I would often puke. That would be my worst idea of torture. I can handle actual pain. I think I still have problems with my inner ear from that. I have to sleep on a pretty high pile of pillows.

    I’ve woken up twice with my shoulder out of socket. The first time I didn’t know what was up and thought it was broken. But that shoulder has popped out close to 50 times so I now know.

  26. Z2012 Ed says:

    I’ve indirectly gotten injured in my sleep before.

    I’d slept on my arm, and didn’t realize it was completely asleep. So, when I decided to roll over quickly to kill my alarm clock, I somehow managed to hit myself in the face with my own arm and give myself a fat lip. Fortunately, it wasn’t so obvious that I had to explain how it happened to anyone.

  27. Jack Pumpkinhead says:

    Whenever I’v slept with my face in my hand, I wake up rigid with fear, like “What the HELL is that?!”, then my fingers randomly which point I jump out of bed, with my heart racing. Not an injury but it frightens the bloody life out of me every time!!

    @ZackDark: “living helps you have useless trivia”, that may be the most profound thing I’v read today!

  28. Jack Pumpkinhead says:

    the fingers randomly spasm, btw

  29. thefop says:

    The other day I woke up suddenly and found myself sleeping face down with my arms crossed under my chest…not unlike a bat. my wrists were sore all day, and to top it off, like I said, I woke suddenly, so I was completely paralyzed for about two minutes. Damn REM sleep cycles.

  30. Radical Edward says:

    Yes, I have. I hate when I do fall asleep on my arms. I hate when everything goes numb.

  31. sco3tt says:

    Right after the moment of panic, when you realize that’s not your head!

  32. Kit-Kun says:

    I’ve woken up a few times with my arm asleep. It’s horrable trying to wake it up when all you want to do is go back to sleep.

  33. crackers says:

    a long time ago my mom was waking me up for school, but I was having a dream. When she went to shake my shoulder I grabbed her arm and kicked her really hard. My mom can be really strong when she is angry.

  34. moonlight kitsune says:

    I’ve had times where i’ve fallen asleep on my right arm, and when i wake up, it is dead as dead can get, first time this happened i had to take out the garbage so i lepped out of bed not noticing that I couldn’t move my hand or arm, i took the stairs like i usually do, placing both hands on the railing.wall and jumping down, only to notice to late that i couldn’t feel any thing with my right and end up in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, woke my family up and they come to see what happened only to see me laughing at the pain and that i stained our carpet red with blood from my nose, which wasn’t broken surprisingly since it cushioned my fall.

  35. Ziggy Stardust says:

    I used to sleep on top of a bunkbed with my sister(when I was smaller), and at first we put up the guard rails so I wouldn’t fall off in my sleep, which work really well until you flail around in some dream and kick them really hard. After we took them off, I did fall off, dreaming that I was falling and waking up on the rug. Once, I woke up lying half off my mattress, staring at the floor. It took me a few moments to comprehend that I wasn’t levitating.
    @ moonlight kitsune: Stairs are way funtimes, huh? 😀

  36. Nicoli20 says:

    2 or 3 times in my life I slept on my bed, only to wake up on the floor. I’m a mildly heavy sleeper. I don’t even wake up to alarm clocks anymore.

  37. Zach Light says:

    …..I slept on my arm one time, and as the blood rushed through it the next two days, I was in constant pain. I’m such a heavy sleeper, heck, I even slept through an earthquake.

  38. Saba says:

    Can’t say I have the surprise of odd limbs when waking up, it’s always right before I fall asleep… I’m almost asleep, and I shift a little, and freak because there’s a mysterious limb wrapped around me! Scariest thing ever, and to make matters worse, I have to get comfortable again… This happens more frequently than I care to admit.

    Anyway, I finally got through the archives-congrats! You’ve got a new reader!

  39. Hershey says:

    I usually sleep on one of my arms on purpose for comfort, but once when I woke up it was completely numb, so I had no idea what I was sleeping on. I began slapping the numb arm with my good one and was in the middle of biting it before I realized it was my own. I had expected it to be one of my brothers, pushing me out of bed or something. .-.

  40. Maskdt says:

    I rolled out of the top bunk when I was little. I didn’t even wake up! Although when I did finally wake up in the morning, I was wondering why I was on the floor and why I had such a bad headache.

  41. lulululu says:

    I just read through all of the Biff comics. =D It’s great, made me laugh each time.

    Also your comments make me realise I’m not the only person in the world who does those kind of things ( such as playing in cardboard boxes and having a path edged by clutter in my room.)

    Though I do have to say, I automatically sleep on my hands anyway.

  42. Cari says:

    I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled under sedation. At the end, they packed the back of my mouth with gauze, my mom took me home, and I went back to sleep. I dreamt I was eating steak tidbits. I chewed them up and chewed them up and chewed them up…

    And Swallowed.

  43. Chris says:


  44. Bubba says:

    Once, back when I had to share a bunk bed with my sister I rolled off of the top bunk and landed on the bottom bunk. Which happened to be a futon. With metal handles for adjusting it. That stick straight up.

  45. the_gail says:

    I once woke up to discover that I’d half taken off one of the two shirts I was sleeping in, half because it was around my neck and hooked on the head bored. If I’d rolled over I’d’ve choked myself in my sleep. I guess for an actual injury, I had a dream about running and then tripping and woke up with the back of my heal hurting, I’d kicked myself in my sleep and took a chunk of skin off my heal.

  46. Mophtran says:

    I tend to get sleep paralysis… I’ll wake up, it’ll be hard to breathe, move, and even open my eyes. The only thing that gets it to go away is a forced spasm. Weirds my boyfriend out when I randomly twitch in the middle of the night. It’s very scary to wake up completely aware but unable to move for a bit.

    The closest thing I’ve ever had to an injury in my sleep is when I had a poison ivy rash on my arm and fell asleep. At some point in the night, I shifted so that half my face was resting on my arm. I woke up unable to see out of one eye or breathe out of one nostril. It turns out I’m hyper-allergic to poison ivy, instead of the usual allergy most people have (and some people aren’t at all… lucky bastids).

  47. Mophtran says:

    Also, it looks like one of Biff’s fingers is going for his right eye!

  48. Mad Mule says:

    i remeberwhen i was sleeping in a bunk bed and could not sit up fully and one night i was suprised and i jerked awake and up and in to the bottom of the top bunk

  49. Jak says:

    A week ago I sliced the back of my leg open for the second time.

    My toenails are very sharp.

  50. -2! says:

    @ Mophtran

    I am assuming you had not washed the oil off your skin yet…

    Just be glad you are not my brother. He managed to get poison ivy’s oil (that causes the rash) into his bloodstream.

  51. gelugon2105 says:

    The only odd sleeping-related mishap I made is waking up in the morning and realizing that I have contorted myself into a painful position during sleep, and spending the morning with terrible aches and sores.

  52. Paige says:

    The only injury I can think of is every now and again I’ll wake up only to move my legs too quickly and get a sharp pain shooting down my calf. Only in two instances I’ve actually pulled the calf muscle. My husband tends to twitch as he’s falling asleep. The other night he actually twitched violently enough to smack me in the face as I slept! I turned away from him the rest of the night.

  53. dartigen says:

    I usually wake up with a dead arm from having it under the pillow for warmth while I sleep, or a sore neck. Once when I was a kid, I woke up half-choked by the sheets – they’d tangled around me while I’d moved around in my sleep. The worst one was when I fell out of bed and concussed myself – we had linoleum-over-concrete floors.
    I’m also told that I kick a lot during my sleep.

  54. Mophtran says:

    @-2 Must have been it, though I wasn’t even itchy until my dad insisted that I apply aloe to it. I also take showers in the morning more often than not. It was a waste of my 8th grade spring break. 😆

  55. ZackDark says:

    Once during an exam that’s quite like your SATs (only we have one for each college) I remember I slept on my right arm about an hour into it.
    The desk was about the same color as necrosis skin.
    Boy, didn’t I freak out when I woke up eyes closed, sensed that numbing sensation, opened my eyes and saw the desk thinking it was my arm.
    I failed that exam btw 🙂

  56. MadDavid says:

    I tend to sleep on my stomach with my hands under my pillow. Occasionally, both my arms go to sleep and I have to flop around like a fish to get onto my back so that I can wake them back up.

  57. Fusebox says:

    I once fell asleep in my drama class. The way the class is set up is there’s a series od risors going up yhe entire room. Essentially it’s a staircase with three foot long stairs.

    Anyway I fell asleep with my neck resting on the edge of a risor. About fifteen minutes later I wake up to find my entire body is asleep, from head to toes. First time it’s happened, only time it’s happened. I could barely move for five minutes.

  58. Hanii Puppy says:

    Am I the first to notice that there’s four hands there? 😛

  59. i says:

    Love the comic chris! this is my first time commenting(though i plan on commenting on the later ones).

  60. bug says:

    Once I was having a nightmare and knocked my glass of water off the table and onto the switch for the electric blanket which was one. Lucky the sound of the glass smashing woke me up and I literally flew out of the bed before any damage could be done.

  61. ThatSomethingGuy says:

    I have, on two occasions, done SOMETHING to my foot in my sleep. Whatever it is, it’s serious enough that I have to take medication and get about on crutches (the last time for a week or so). X-rays show nothing. Doctors have no clue. Whatever it is, and however it happens, it’s just not worth doing.

    As cor parts of me waking up asleep; sometimes, half of my FACE will be numb. Something to do with sleeping face-down, I’m guessing.

  62. Nokore says:

    Woke up with my leg asleep once. Made friends with the floor that morning, so it wasn’t ALL bad.

  63. Marr965 says:

    I have once, in tht sort of half asleep state it’s possible to go into, dreamed/imagined that I was walking down a bit of road outside my old school, and a football (soccer ball) rolled past me. I went to kick it, and my leg twitched, waking me up so I still needed to go to sleep. Stupid leg.

  64. cayra says:

    Yep, I broke my ear this month by lying on it the wrong way. Hurt like hell for two weeks, was swollen, too.

  65. PebblesRox says:

    I love dreaming about swimming, because it’s always effortless and I can breathe underwater. Flying dreams are the best, but swimming dreams are fun too.

  66. Robert says:

    Or how about waking up thingking that you’ve lost your arm, and that’s its dismembered remians your lying on.
    Happened to me a couple of times

  67. Matthew says:

    Once, in a dream, I got punched by Jackie Chan. I woke up and found myself landing on the floor, a few feet away from my bed.

  68. D Jenky says:

    The first time my arm fell asleep while I was sleeping scared me. I woke up and realized I couldn’t find my arm, when I finally found it was still attached I began to wonder if I’d somehow broken it in my sleep and my brain had just shut off pain receptors.

  69. hayabusa says:

    this didn’t happen to me personally (thank god), but a friend of mine accidentally rolled off the top bunk and hit his “happy place” on an action figure. so glad i’ve never done that

  70. YukiSnowflake says:

    hows about waking up to see a giant spider!!!
    thats never happened to me (*luckily*)
    but i HAVE opened my eyes to see my sisters face staring at me, and i jumped so high i almost hit the roof. i might have screamed, but i can’t remember.

  71. Yanto says:

    I sleep with my bed in a corner. I have a wall behind my head and to my left. To the right there’s a table and a small area between my bed and my table where I often leave books and stuff. I always sleep at the far end of my pillows. When I turn around quickly I often smack my face in the wall next to my bed. Many times have I fallen out of bed and woken up on the floor, or even crumbled up in that space between the bed and the table with books poking at my ribs.

    Whenever I sleep with my arms above my head they go numb. The most terrifying moment was one time when I woke up with a hand covering my face. I don’t scream when I’m scared. I’m very quiet, but react with spasms or “fear paroxysms” as my friend likes to call it. I often attack stuff. Surprise me and I’ll either shake like a lunatic, throw something at you or punch you in the face.
    So when I suddenly woke up with a hand covering my face, I tried to hit it with my other hand. Nothing happened. Finally I realized both my arms were asleep. One on top of my face, and the other one was buried in my back.
    I suffer from Old Hag Syndrome, too. So I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, unable to move or breathe or make a sound. And I’m terrified of some evil presence in the room. I don’t hurt myself during the attack, but once it’s over I’m still very scared. So I try to hide in the corner of my bed, and that often ends up with me falling asleep and hurting myself in some really weird way. When I fall asleep scared like that, I often try to gnaw my arms off.

  72. SurveySays says:

    there were times when i was younger when i would sleep on an arm and it would fall asleep. then when i woke up i realized there was a hand by my face but-OMG ITS NOT MINE I CAN’T FEEL IT WHAT IS GOING ON?!- then i would try to push my self away and fall on my face cause my deadened asleep arm wouldn’t be able to hold my weight then it would hurt like no other while the blood returned.

  73. Tech says:

    I once slept just right to paralyze my left arm. I reached for my phone, only to clumsily jerk for it with deadened fingers.

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