#1897 – ALS

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26 thoughts on “#1897 – ALS”

  1. Miles says:

    Yay! Biff came back!
    Even if I do the ice challenge, no one can see it because my phone doesn’t have the camera… unless I can hook my camcorder up to the internet. How do I make the internet read video tapes?

  2. Sporge says:

    Huzzah! glad to see a new one up :-p

  3. Pan says:

    I hope he donated before freezing his head.

  4. hoopajoo says:

    Welcome Back!

  5. Stella says:

    Woo hoo, new Biff!

  6. bubujin_2 says:

    Welcome back, Biff! This one’s a winner!

  7. Duke says:


  8. V-Beast says:


  9. Welcome back, Biff! We’ve missed you!

    …Yeah, I guess I’d do the same thing as Biff, because I didn’t know until half a minute ago what the ice bucket challenge is about (I had to google it). I had heard the word(s) before, but I didn’t know anything more than that. I thought that you were supposed to put your head inside a bucket filled with icy water and see how long you could stand it, or something…

  10. boog says:

    Good to see you again Biff… even if through a block of ice.

  11. Roborat says:

    Yay, Biff is back.

  12. ZeoViolet says:

    Yay for Biff!

    1. ZeoViolet says:

      Oh yeah…I didn’t know what the ice bucket challenge was either until about two days ago…

  13. reynard61 says:


    (Nice to see Biff is back!)

  14. Rosie says:

    Hurray! Biff is back! I love Biff!

  15. Matthew says:

    Glad to see you back. I hope it stays.

  16. Jennifer says:

    HE`S BACK!!! *does a little dance of joy while throwing confetti in the air*

  17. dack says:

    wo0o0o0 I clicked back to here on accident and said “whaaaaaaa that’s no pancake with bacon thread” glad to see a new one up!

  18. Chris says:

    Thanks everyone. 🙂

  19. hayabusa says:

    Yay. Biff is back. I’ve missed this comic so much. Thanks Chris.

  20. dell says:

    Welcome back Biff! Made my week!

  21. June says:

    Wooh! Great job, Chris! I’ll always be glad to see Biff, no matter how long it’s been.

  22. Marscaleb says:

    A NEW BIFF!!

    The world is right again!

  23. kingklash says:

    I failed a Lice Bucket Challenge. Half my paycheck is going towards flea collars now.

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