#1886 – Steam

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10 thoughts on “#1886 – Steam”

  1. Justin says:

    Also, the “Bigger on the inside” technology can be used to make you instantly look like you’ve lost weight.

  2. kingklash says:

    I take it the swimming pool is heated?

  3. boog says:

    “Starting to get chilly here, the dryer must have stopped…”

  4. ZeoViolet says:

    I recommend Biff avoid this if any of his pajamas has a zipper. OUCH!

  5. Now I just hope to get some inter-dimensional clothes that can be simultaneously on my body and in the freezer in summer… I can’t stand hot temperatures!

  6. reynard61 says:

    Oh look! They’re actually a thing! (Sort of…)

  7. grey says:

    lol doctor who reference

  8. Octothorpe says:

    Is it just me, or has thebookofbiff not updated for a few days but maximumble and minimumble have.

    1. Chris says:

      It’s not just you!

  9. J-L says:

    These inter-dimensional pajamas are a great idea! I want some!

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