#1759 – Left

There used to be lots of garbage blowing around the streets where I grew up. It really changed though as I grew up. I think as new generations of kids were brought up with anti-littering PSAs they became adults that didn’t litter. Whatever it was it seems to have worked.

Also, if you have an iPad I have a bunch of new books available in the iBookstore including a free copy of Maximumble #1!

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6 thoughts on “#1759 – Left”

  1. boog says:

    Oh, those were anti-littering? I just thought they were advertisements for littering. I kept wondering, “Who would actually pay to do this?” as I carelessly dumped my trash out the window every morning.

    Maybe if I hadn’t such a short attention span, I might have realized the ads were really… what’s that?
    *wanders away*

    1. kingklash says:

      Not what they mean by “Fine For Littering.”

  2. The amount of trash on the streets where I live (Sweden) has increased since I was a little kid. My mom says that there was even less trash when she was a little girl, but now we see trash everywhere. It’s so sad… And I haven’t ever seen any anti-littering PSAs, neither on TV nor at school…

    1. pbarnrob says:

      Maybe it’s time for some!
      There certainly are places where it seems nobody cares, and it accumulates. Others that are kept tidy.
      Cops call it ‘broken window syndrome’ IIRC; if nobody is fixing things and cleaning up, it’s obvious nobody cares.

  3. When watching Mad Men, I cringed as Don Draper tossed is empty beer can on the ground after a picnic with his family. THEN HIS WIFE STANDS UP AND SHAKES ALL THE TRASH OFF THEIR BLANKET AND JUST LEAVES IT THERE. That’s like unthinkable now.

  4. chris says:

    This makes me sad for the stuff we left on the moon.

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