#1509 – Fingered

I remember back when it was funny to think about how music was mainly on these giant vinyl discs instead of our fancy little compact discs. I remember imagining in the future the discs would get smaller and smaller. I really did not imagine they simply wouldn’t exist anymore! I used to have an entire wall of my living room filled with physical copies of music and movies and books. I thought the only thing in that room that would look dated in 20 years would be the size of the television.

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0 thoughts on “#1509 – Fingered”

  1. Terrance says:

    I’m… not sure I understand this one.

  2. Space Butler says:

    Biff looks alien, yet beautiful.

  3. Gwid says:

    ♫ ~ Let your fingers do the walking ~ ♪
    /cough/ Ahem.

    I still have my cupboards filled with physical copies of movies and music and books. I grew up with that stuff, and I don’t intend to change to the newfound confounded objects that aren’t any useful anyway. Besides, I like my videos, VCRs, books, pens-and-paper, music, et cetera.


  4. Chuck says:

    I still buy CDs, even though I have to buy them online because Best Buy doesn’t carry anything that doesn’t sell as well as Lady Gaga and Adele.

    1. I still buy CDs as well! I always order them online, but sometimes I can’t find them in any online store, so I’ll have to buy them from the musical artists themselves! The best part is that I can get the CDs signed!

  5. Cyndaquazy says:

    As one who essentially grew up in the digital age, I (strangely?) like the concreteness of physical media as opposed to digital information in some cloud somewhere where I don’t have much control over it.

  6. It feels kinda strange that I refuse to download things like music and movies when everyone else of my age doesn’t even own a single bought CD! When it came to music, I was always the oddball in school, not because of my taste in music (heavy metal), but because of my enormous collection of CDs! I have several hundreds (maybe over a thousand?) CDs!

    And I didn’t even mention my parents’ collections of DVDs… When mom and dad got a divorce, they made sure to split the collection of over 2000 DVDs equally…

    1. HiveMindFury says:

      Ah nice, another metalhead m/ favourite band?

      1. My favourite band (since a couple of years ago) is Rogue Male! I guess you could say that they became my new favourites as soon as I first listened to them…

  7. Chromakin says:

    I was heavily reminded of the first Spy Kids movie when I saw this. Was the image inspired by it?

      1. Eric says:

        they had these robots called thumbthumbs that had thumbs for limbs and heads.

    1. Alex says:

      Exactly what I was going to say! tinyurl.com/89v97es

  8. kingklash says:

    Makes it hard to toe the line.

  9. Jon says:

    This image will surely haunt my dreams tonight…

  10. Bioboy725 says:

    I found maximumble from an ad somewhere and loved it so I thought I’d check this out. I read 1-160 and decided I would just go to the newest ones. These are great comics and I’m glad to see they haven’t gotten any less funny through the years.

  11. Marscaleb says:

    This one made me laugh out loud, and gave me the biggest laugh of any other comic this week.

  12. kingklash says:

    Full-body hangnail!

  13. Kitsune Dzelda says:

    Excuse me while I call up my nightmares, theyll be renting a new resident today.

  14. guest says:

    i love the “why did i do this” tag!

  15. Sapphirefear says:


    1. sam says:

      that’s where I thought he got the inspiration: http://youtu.be/oWTgvRGwzWg

    2. spidercow says:

      man, that guy creeps me out. at least im not the only person who’s heard of him.

      1. HiveMindFury says:

        and yet your name seems to be inspired by “cows cows cows cows” (not sure if that’s the right number of cows) =P

  16. Enya W says:

    Shouldn’t the fingernail be really, really long, seeing as it’s Biff?

  17. spidercow says:

    wait, i get it maybe.
    okay, since when you’re using a computer, you’re using just your hands to do stuff, so in a digital world there would be no need for any appendages other than hands… right?

  18. Freezie43110 says:

    Keep a digital copy. Keep a CD copy. Keep a physical copy. Keep a physical copy in a Swiss nuclear bunker guarded by Sam Fisher.

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