#28 – Pizza

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23 thoughts on “#28 – Pizza”

  1. david says:

    that happened to me it slipped off the plate and burnt my right leg

  2. Harlequin says:

    Apparently a bit too successful…

  3. Grue says:

    “And today, we teach poodles to fly!”

  4. Andrew says:

    “Why did you hire this guy?” “Me? I thought you hired him.” Great comic, btw.

  5. colin says:

    that must’ve been a hell of a throw (takeoff?) to hit him that hard in the face.

  6. Forte says:

    He tried it with a slice of frozen pizza. The fool!

  7. Malachite Dragon says:

    Is it just me, or does he look a lot like that guy who had diamonds embedded in his head from that Die Another Day? He reminds me of him because of the pizza…

  8. Tom says:

    Grue: WAHOO!!! UHF reference.

  9. Devon says:

    UHF is such a hilarious move,
    “Turtles are natures suction cup,” *LICK, WHOOSH, PLOP!*
    hahahaha, badgers, we dont need no stinking badgers!

  10. Mr dude says:

    “i’m flying without wings” *splat*

  11. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    Um… how old was that pizza?

  12. Laje Kahr says:

    I was assuming it was HOT pizza and that was the scald mark on his face.

  13. Mr dude says:

    you know biff tries to have a normal day, orders for pizza and then…it kamikazes him…

  14. Radical Edward says:

    Kamikaze Pizza, we deliver…at your own risk!

    I’ve burnt myself many times with pizza, but now that my allergy to tomatoes is serious (at age 19, nonetheless) I can’t have pizza.

  15. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    That’s gotta suck, having a tomatoe allergy. but then again, there’s this place called the pizza ranch where I live. They sell garlic cheese pizza, and there’s no tomato sauce on it at all.

  16. Elkian says:

    If it was a scald, his face would be gray (inflammed) from his ink blood.

  17. Pom Rania says:

    What’s UHF?

  18. RG says:

    Was it the cheese or the sauce that did that?

  19. Jimmix of Eriador says:

    I really like this panel. Tip to Biff: Try using sausage pizza.

  20. Thane of Eurmal says:

    @Pom: UHF = Ultra High Frequency, an oooooold setting for TVs. Here, it’s a reference to a ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic movie – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UHF_(film)

    And remember, “Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.” Pizza flies? I’m not so sure…

  21. Psymon says:

    “Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.”
    Perhaps pizza flies like tomato sauce.

  22. gurgi says:

    same thing happened to me only with a hot iron.

  23. Jenny Creed says:

    I like to imagine he got the pizza to fly like several kilometers high before it came crashing down.

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