#38 – Milk


102 thoughts on “#38 – Milk”

  1. Alchav says:

    Bad memories…

  2. Bach says:

    O_o ok my last comment didnt show right….

    lemme re-itterate, Ow.

  3. lamb-chan says:

    och! I hate it when that happens!

      1. Hanii Puppy says:

        Aye! Och!

  4. roy_vf1s says:

    Oh God… I laughed so hard when I read that one, I actually DID shoot Sprite out of my nose! Owwww!

  5. Chryssta says:

    I’m so glad the soda is next to me, and I’m not drinking it when these fully load! *laughing ass off*

  6. lwelyk says:

    Sprite came out of my nose when I read this. You know, I usually like irony

  7. XRS says:

    I hate it when I do that, it really burns.

  8. Jetman123 says:

    Did it once with Diet Pepsi.


  9. The Bird says:

    this sort of thing happened to my step-dad’s friend. he was sitting across from a girl he liked during lunch, and someone told a funny joke, and he ended up shooting salty fries and chocolate milk coming out his nose at the same time. that’s ow >_

  10. The Bird says:

    correcting face…Xl

  11. Jeff The Ninja says:

    Rootbeer, my old nemesis strikes again.

  12. Yeti XXL says:

    don`t try this with spaghetti – itΒ΄s really gross.

  13. Robert says:

    And on top of that, he’s stuck crewing gum under his chair…

  14. Kaos says:

    sprite hurts, coke is worse, and please never again with Dr Pepper…it is like a corroding acid or something, i had to splash water UP my nose to ease the burning…

  15. Psychosis says:

    Oh yeah.

  16. Fenix says:

    So many people who shares that experience… Somehow I feel lucky… *phew*

  17. Rhasae says:

    …try that with chocolate cake, if you want painful… (NEVER eat with my friends.)

  18. Madness says:

    I friggin HATE that.

  19. Andrew says:

    It has happened with various soft drinks, which is why I never drink anything while reading these comics.

  20. Kitteh says:

    aint that the truth -_-

  21. Steven says:

    That happened to me with pizza once…..

  22. Keith says:

    I think we’ve all learned something here; people still actually drink Sprite. πŸ˜€

  23. Mike *last name will not be given* says:

    Yup, did that once. Kinda. Diet coke and mentos. Almost suffocated on the fizz.

  24. Kiche says:

    .. I have now officially given up drinking soda, or carbonated beverages of any kind.

  25. ZD says:

    Hehe, I’ve spit out Sams Cola owch but it was so funny I did it twice =(

  26. Rogue Psyker says:

    I’m the kind of person who takes a bite of food and then sips a drink to mash it all up. Semi-chewed hot dog, Pepsi and mucus does not look good spraying out of your nostrils at high velocity, and it feels a damn sight worse.

  27. Noodle says:

    Good way to clear the nasal passage, I must say

    Even if it stings like hell (:

    Noodles x

  28. John says:

    Believe me, by far the worst thing to have shoot out your nose is red-bull. It’s like a pressurized bloody nose.

  29. colin says:

    beer isn’t all that bad when it comes out. Usually ’cause your wasted when it does

  30. Chuck says:

    Happened with corn… And it did come out. Not a very pretty sight.

    But strangely unpainful!

  31. Sarah says:

    There was this one time, I had a sinus infection… Somebody told a joke while I was drinking a mountain dew, and instead of coming out my nose, it redirected out my ears. That’s an unusual experience, let me tell you.

  32. Perchik says:

    You think thats bad? Try chugging a semi-frozen mountain dew. Not only does it completely mess you up, but when it comes out your nose you get this carbonated brain freeze thing. THAT is painfully funny.

  33. Malachite Dragon says:

    COFFEE. I think some of it is still in my brain…

  34. Rossini says:

    I always found coffee wasn’t too bad if it wasn’t too hot. A near solid Jalapeno pepper though. You have know idea the agony. Especially when it leaves a seed behind.

  35. pip says:

    It happened with me cept with red jello. I had a nosebleed that tasted like cherry. 0.o

  36. DisgruntledBadger says:

    Try having scrambled egg come out of your nose. That makes soda shooting out of your nostrils seem like a love tap.

  37. Kentan says:

    This happened to me once – I learned never to put a carbonated beverage in a sports bottle x3

  38. Malachite Dragon says:

    Dear god…*cough* *SNOOOORT* OUT, DAMN THEE, OUT!

  39. zantarath says:

    This is why I never laugh. At least while eating. That and the inhaling half a steak into my throat. Just curious, was he knocked over by th pressure, or did he fall over from pain.

  40. sandy says:

    It’s happened to me with milk, coca-cola, and doctor pepper. pity me.

  41. Wannabeelf says:

    Soda nose fountain is nothing compared to shreaded wheat nose fountain.

  42. Female Fox Furry says:

    Never had a carobanted drink come out my nose. I think it happened a few times with water, maybe..

  43. Riff says:

    I must disagree. The worst thing I’ve ever had shoot out of my nose was my own vomit. It’s difficult to time properly and I don’t reccomend it.

  44. The Hebrew Hammer says:

    Wow…Jalapeno…dang..like..wow..no seriously..man… How about Raw carrot. I thought I was safe. Grandpa NEVER tells funny jokes. Well I thought wrong. While swallowing a carrot slice from my salad it finally happened. Grandpa made some obscure reference to catfish… and out flew the semi sharp orange death chunks. Pain to th third power times Pi. But that’s nothing compared to jalapenos…G-zus dude…

  45. Edward Tohr says:

    Ow. At least my food-out-of-nose story (ice cream, by the way) ended with another round of laughter.

  46. Mirefrost00 says:

    Don’t take this as a comment on the quality of the comics, as they’re all quite hilarious, but there are rare times when the user comments far outstrip the original joke! “Carbonated brain freeze” still has my co-workers looking at me funny…

    Is that the reward you get back from this Chris?

  47. Devi says:

    omg, riff, my brother throws up through his nose ALL THE TIME. i always make fun of him for it, but i totally see how it hurts worse than heck from the crying we hear coming from the bathroom…

  48. isana says:

    lmao all i have to say to that is “are you sure you want to drink that” for some backstory it involved me 2 friends halloween and a bottle of mt dew

  49. ktfoo says:

    the first time I showed my friend Dane Cook, she laughed so hard RAMEN came out her nose.

  50. 66point6 says:

    Once I was siphoning gas from my Dad’s truck to his motorcycle and I got some gasoline in my mouth. Whaen I gagged, It came out my nose instead….I’m just glad it wasn’t motor oil. ;-;

  51. Spoot Knight says:

    Hmm…remembering the time my dad told me about a time where one of his friends had HABANERO hot sauce go out of his nose, none of you have gone through anything serious.

  52. Ignatz says:

    When I was really young I snorted Sprite up my nose. Ow….

  53. Mint Sharpie says:

    This is why I don’t drink soda. That and we saw what it does to various metal samples in chem class. Although I did spray chocolate milk into the fire at camp one time. I hate people who sneak up on you at night. *pouts*

  54. Yeah, I have one that tops all of this. I had just snorted a line of crushed smarties. Pain #1. Then, I decided to eat a s’more and some DP (Dr. Pepper) Pain#2. Then, I found a reference to getting shot in the balls by a tennis racket, and everything flew out my nose, including a rather large chunk of grahm cracker. If only I could blame that on sideways gravity…

  55. DemonRex says:

    Yeah, Dr. Pepper is definetely the worst soda to get up your nose. My brother did manage to get some wasabi up there, once. It was… interesting.

  56. Lord 13 says:

    I did that with mountain dew a few years ago, it still burns.

  57. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    I had vomit fly out my nose once. not fun.

  58. SeanyBcrazE says:

    Alright, I don’t have a story to top habenero hat sauce, but that did happen to me, but heres mine. Eggnog. I was drinking it and My brother says” you know what would suck? having eggnog come out your nose” the thought of this makes it happen, then as a chain reaction, he spews the thick beverage from his nose, then Mom comes in, sees whats going on and spouts wine, all very bad, but very funny.

  59. Radical Edward says:

    Do not drink orange soda in Washington state. There is more fizz in that stuff than in New Jersey. It burns a lot if it goes up your nose.

  60. Shadow2336 says:

    Been there, done that. Ow, it’s damned painful.

  61. Donegal says:

    As painful as soda is, I’ve found grapefruit juice to be much worse.

  62. Vickster says:

    yeah I’ve only had two things up there that shouldnt be: coffee, and sick. the second one is extremely painful.
    the coffee was nice though. i could taste it for hours πŸ˜€

  63. Garacius says:

    only thing worse than soda is when you’re violently ill and have vomit come out your nose. My nose burned for about 2 hours after, and it was red for 7 after.

  64. AA Shades says:

    Indecent 1: My older sister times a joke just as I’m sipping on a slushy, lime flavor. Ever had a nostril go numb?

    Indent 2: Friend dares other friend to try the infamous pop rocks and coke mix, only with Dr. pepper and pre-mixed in a bottle. Friend swings, and i am suddenly possessed by the devil, so i crack a bad joke.
    Cue pain for friend, who curses my name as I laugh myself into a coma.

  65. Whiskeyboy says:

    I once had straight Whiskey fly out my nose when I choked on a double shot, you think that it burns your throat on the way DOWN? Try shooting it out your nose!

  66. Jaglace says:

    Now i have never had this happen to me but i thought in like 1st grade i shot strawberry milk out my nose when this girl said something funny.

    If i had to guess i think having Mtn. dew code red and crushed ice cubes come out my nose would HURT! super carbonated soda and freezeing cold

  67. Kor says:

    Whiskey doesn’t burn going down, and only a little when it goes out the nose. Vodka’s worse.

    Mountain Dew isn’t as bad as the heavily acidic colas (coke, pepsi, Dr. Pepper).

    Great way to clear the sinuses is water!

    *Cue someone spraying the screen through their nose because they didn’t think to stop drinking something while reading comments*

  68. WonofTew says:

    Eel, pizza, rice, lemonade, orange juice, fresca, Pepsi, spagetti, ramen, … I think that might be all that’s come out my nose.

    The worst for me was the noodles because the keep on coming, but haha, carbonated brain freeze sounds bad. >.

  69. Marc says:

    All you people whining about one drink at a time, I, being an idiot (kinda like Arnold Palmer) Like to mix drinks togther, the invention that backfired on me was flat cola, red-bull, and ice-cold ice-tea. Burning, freezing, and stinging at the same time, it was like sitting through an old Rob Schneider movie!

  70. Jebuz says:

    Ive once sneezed, taken in breath just as ive about sneezed and sucked in a fly, sneezed and shot out the fly…that was rather gross funny, i also made a friend of mine snort coke back into the can he was drinking from, that was funny.

  71. Fluffy Owner says:

    That happened once but with sasuage and a fruit drink. the sasuage burned like heck and the fruit drink was O.K. until i inhaled.

  72. Warm milk with sugar actually is worse than carbonated beverages. You keep getting the bad sensation on and off for about a half hour. Yeah, I’ve had quite a few mishaps with those.

  73. Rhea Dark says:

    Once, i had a bloody nose and was drinking a soda of some sort at home. I was surfing the internet, came across a joke, and…


  74. Bernelle says:

    Reminds me of a rather sick joke a friend pulled on me once. He had some mustard powder and said it smelled funny, told me to take a whiff. I bring it up to my nose to sniff it and he swats the bottom of the little jar so I get a noseful of mustard powder as I’m inhaling.


    As if I didn’t hate mustard enough…

    Haven’t had peppers in my nose, but that mustard powder and Dr. Pepper are the two worst things I’ve ever had in my nose, one way or another.

  75. Colin says:

    been there done that

  76. Panda says:

    I got a drink from a water fountain once and it just started coming out my nose.

    It burned, but my nose felt clean, ROFL

  77. Deteramot says:

    I’ve a friend who snorted Doritos. I’ve only ever squirted coke out my nose, which hurts like a mother.

  78. Charlie. says:

    my friend has had this problem. with yogurt.

  79. solar says:

    i did it once with beef jerky…it really hurt!

  80. gurgi says:

    javanero hotsauce+whoppers candy+guacamole=really colorful pain

  81. Z2012 Ed says:

    I can trump all alcohol related nose squirts.

    I managed to spray 180 proof hooch out of my nose. I’m still not sure if it was worse drinking the stuff, or spraying it out of my nose, but neither were very pleasant.

  82. Hideousdwarf says:

    coffee…really hot strong black coffee.

  83. Kyraineth says:

    My grandpa was once eating a ham sandwich.
    After my father said something, a four-inch long piece of ham came out of my grandpa’s nose.

  84. Viral says:

    Try having that happen to you with dry high school cafeteria cornbread. THAT burns like hell!!

  85. And here I thought just burping through my nose was painful. My eyes are starting to water, reading all these…

  86. Kalom says:

    half-chewed meat chunk… stuck there for about half an hour till I could get it out (btw, it went out back the way it went up, and I ended spitting it out). Not too painful since it wasn’t as spicy as other things I use to eat, but after half an hour the pain really gets on your nerves. And gross.

  87. Anike says:

    Vodka coming out your nose is even worse.

  88. Caity says:

    When I was about twelve, my church was passing out comm union and I bowed my head to pray, only to slam my head against the pew. The two girls next to me started laughing so hard that I couldn’t help laughing too, and before I knew it… I shot the communion grape juice up my nose. Not the grossest or most painful story of the bunch, but probably the most sacreligious XD

  89. Dark_spiri_bass says:

    Wow. I haven’t had this much bad luck, but some of my friends have.
    1). One tried to snort chili powder. For a quarter. Red nose for 3 days. And we couldn’t tell if the boogers were red due to blood or the powder.
    2). A bunch of others snorted crushed smarties, which led me to say this REALLY stupid comment, making them shoot it back out. I laughed while one was writhing in pain on the ground. This was the chili powder guy, by the way.
    3). My brother was eating noodles and started laughing, and shot a corkscrew noodle halfway out his nostril. It looked hilarious to see it peeking out.

  90. ZOMGPWNED says:

    Throwing up, vernors, and snot isn’t good either

  91. The Jester says:

    …one of the many, many reasons I dislike drinking any sort of carbonated liquid. I’m sure they taste fine, I just hate the fizz.

  92. Twisted Word says:

    Owww…Reading this made my taco spew…Hotsauce, seasoned meat, bits of cheese and corn taco shell=Paaaaaainnn!

  93. Kaz says:

    I think I win. The measure of how spicy something is is based between 0 (not spicy or bell peppers) and 16,000,000 (pure capsaicin, spice extract) on something called the Scoville Scale. Habanaro peppers are just under 350,000. A friend of mine acquired a sauce that was about 2,000,000. It left blisters, children… Guess who had it come out his nose? πŸ˜€
    You can check my facts here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_scale

  94. Penthoplayer says:

    I once did the exact opposite and drank coke THROUGH my nose.

  95. Iynq says:

    You know what’s worse? Candy corn. That stuff BURNS.

  96. spidercow says:

    or, in this case, rocket fuel. also don’t squirt it out of your nose onto a candle.

  97. spidercow says:

    Oh also one time my friend poured diet coke into his mouth but didn’t swallow it, and the he just sat there gurgling it like an idiot. Luckily, I had a cell phone camera and a pack of mentos handy >:D

  98. Jenny Creed says:

    So my friend told this incredibly funny story, and I couldn’t stop laughing even though milk was coming out of my nose. And it just kept coming, more and more. The more I laughed, the more milk came. Eventually my friend told me to stop drinking milk while I laughed.

  99. Arcan says:

    I’ve had Coke, spaghetti, wood chips, and metal shards come out of my nose. To this day I still have no idea how the last two got in there…

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