#991 – Crankcase

A few day jobs ago I got up bright and early for my first day of work. I drove a few hundred feet down the road when I stopped and got out to see what that weird sound was. One of my tires was completely flat. After changing the tire I had to go back inside and wash up and change my clothes. Being 45 minutes late to your first day makes a great impression.


17 thoughts on “#991 – Crankcase”

  1. napkineater says:

    Oh dear.

  2. flame says:

    Poof damn dimensions

  3. Erik says:

    On my first day of work I got sick and remained sick for 2 weeks, after not being sick for about 10 years. Also not a good way to start your new job. I still work there though, so I mustve done something right since then 🙂

  4. SharkJumper says:

    If it takes you more than 10 minutes or you get more than your hands dirty, you ain’t doin’ it right.

  5. SharkJumper says:

    And that’s coming from someone who never drove much, and has only driven once in seven years (me).

    1. Dunning-Kruger says:

      Dunning-Kruger call out:

      So you’re saying your criticism is coming from someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

  6. Shorty says:

    I’m guessing this week is “visits from obscure mythological creatures”.

  7. Fafnir13 says:

    Or car troubles. You could do months with those.
    So did it explode or did the troll eat it? I’m not sure which.

  8. Lich king says:

    @Fafnir: The lint fairy had nothing to do with cars.

  9. Mad David says:

    Mythical creatures for the modern world week!

  10. Matt Lee says:

    Sorry, Biff. I was the one who stole your front end. I’ll give it back sooner or later.

  11. Space Butler says:

    The ones that were too extreme for common folklore.

  12. Sven says:

    Once I was late for a meeting because the bus I was in crashed into a taxi at a roundabout. :S

    That’s probably the weirdest cause for a delay I’ve ever experienced.

  13. Wizard says:

    When is the visit of an internal-combustion troll NOT considered a bad omen?

  14. Clayton says:

    Dang it… now he will have to take the rocket to work.

  15. Rex says:

    I would love to see how Biff explains this to his boss.

  16. Mad David says:

    @Rex: Are we talking about the same boss who has a Gungerlock in his file cabinet?

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