#966 – Reversed

Every once in a while I’ll go to work and feel that something is just not right. I’ll think that maybe I slept weird and my skin just isn’t fitting normally. Then I’ll go to the bathroom for the first time and as I’m washing my hands I’ll look into the mirror and see that my shirt is on inside out. I wonder what people were thinking at that meeting earlier?


19 thoughts on “#966 – Reversed”

  1. Greyryder says:

    Just tell people you were test driving a DeLorean, and that it’s a fad in the future.

  2. TwiztedMessiah says:

    I must assume they were all thinking: “I wish I was fearless enough to come to work like that…” Unless a boss was present. He may have thought: “I hope that doesn’t catch on.”

  3. Space Butler says:

    Once again, Biff makes me have to restrain my laughter…and marvel at his ingenuity. It almost makes me consider taking his advice considering how much of a chore doing the laundry is.

  4. Crimson_regret says:

    Well biff has nearly doubled his productivity. GIVE THAT MAN A RAISE!

  5. SharkJumper says:

    I, for one, sorta do this intentionally – with most clothes that are noticeably against skin, anyway. The un-‘pretty,’ seamy side is usually uncomfortable as well.

  6. I new a guy in college that thought this was a great idea for his underwear. He was so excited at the brilliance of it that it sort of scared me.

  7. The Dukenator says:

    @Greyryder haha According to Doc Brown from Back To The Future Part 2, he says that kids of the future where their pants inside out.

  8. Acies says:

    @ Stephen: imagine my horror when one time I realized I didn’t bring enough underwear on a trip and my GRANDMA suggested just that >.>

  9. ZeoViolet says:

    Oh that’s gross….the stink still clings y’know? I hope he at least has Febreze….

  10. Claude says:

    They were thinking, “How did he button it, anyway?”

  11. Eliza says:

    Oh man, no joke, but this year’s style is actually inside out seams. I see shirts that are MEANT to be worn inside out.

  12. 84 says:

    if youve done that often theyre probably used to it.and thats some seriously inefficient pocket sewing there.way to much unused fabric…

  13. Radical Edward says:

    I sometime reuse a tshirt until it stinks. Then I wash it. I’m not going to do what Biff did. He’s too professional!

  14. gelugon2105 says:

    Chris, you MUST have had to wear your jeans inside out to visualize this strip!

  15. Galane says:

    The easiest way to put on a T-shirt or any other pullover is to start with it wrong side out.

    Hold it with the front of the shirt towards your chest then insert your arms up the sleeves through the cuffs.

    Now put the neck hole over your head and push out to the sides and down with your arms.

    The shirt pops right side out and onto your torso. No fighting your arms and head and torso up through the waist of the shirt.

    This trick is great for people who have problems lifting their arms over their heads, or who shouldn’t do that, for example if you’re recovering from arm surgery on your arms or upper torso.

    My father taught this to the nursing staff at the care center he stayed in after a triple bypass, at age 71. A nurse was going to show him how to put on his shirt without raising his arms too high. He told her to turn it wrong side out. After a bit of arguing about it, she said “I’ll have to remember that!” when he showed her how easy it was.

  16. i.half4 says:

    OK, so… Reverse osmosis. Where are we going with this, Chris?

  17. Chris says:

    @gelugon2105 – Yep!

  18. I always wear socks inside out. I hate that little seam that goes across your toes.

  19. werp says:

    keep one safe from fairies, though.

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