#827 – Luna

Recently at work a bug crawled down the back of my neck and under my shirt. I’m still amazed that I managed to flip the bottom of my shirt up, grab the bug and throw it away. It easily could have been a scene of me jumping up from my chair screaming with my shirt up over my face crashing into my desk knocking equipment and papers all over the office.

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34 thoughts on “#827 – Luna”

  1. Drakey says:

    Awesome. We recently had two giant flippin’ centipedes in our bathtub.
    That… was unpleasant.

  2. Jess says:

    Yeah, some super powers have much simpler explanations than one would think…

  3. Amanda says:

    I’ll take any sort of escape-from-a-bug super power.

  4. Jager says:

    oh snap *snaps in the shape of an o*
    but seriously folks I think I would do that too

  5. i.half4 says:

    Yup. I’m still lost for a theme. And what’s up with the titles? North, Kree, Luna?

    And Heatherface: Where’s the link to Girls With Slingshots?

  6. Aidan says:

    Hahaha, a power that I often have to use..

  7. Nate says:

    I didn’t realise I had the power of supersonic sneezing until I bought a cat.

  8. Lom says:

    Halfway sticking out of objects week?

  9. Fafnir13 says:

    The theme is…motion? Unusual motion?

  10. Grent says:

    I haven’t been around long enough to know everybody, but is it “inspired by others” week, perhaps?

  11. dartigen says:

    The worst one is when you get an earwig in your ear. I have been intensely afraid of bugs for a week now.

  12. Lisa says:

    This morning there was a House Centipede… watching me in the shower. Then it ran at me when my mum sprayed it with fly spray.

    Picture: http://i.pbase.com/o4/90/516390/1/61400403.1393web.jpg

    I had never seen one before, holy god those things move the creepiliest way possible.

  13. i.half4 says:

    @Lisa, Drakey: The good news is that I’ve been told that roaches and centipedes are mortal enemies. Centipedes creep me out, too. But I’ve never seen a roach in a house that had ’em.

  14. Biligum says:

    I had to deal with a house centipede once as well… It ran out from somewhere, scared the heck out of me, and I spent the next 20 minutes or so trying to kill it.

  15. MaskedMan says:

    Chris gave us a hint yesterday – I think it’s “comics inspired by fans” week – I suspect that we’ll find that the titles all refernce the names or handles of various fans whom have suggested something Chris finds amusing.

    Centepedes are really the only bug that freak me out. Not even spiders or millipedes bother me (millipedes got short legs, and move relatively slowly), but something about the combination of far too many legs, and the speed with which most centipedes move, just gets to me.

    I daresay I’d levitate too, if one crawled up my pants.

  16. Dzelda says:

    I personally dont like wasps. My mum says dont bug em because then they wont bug you, but the minute I see one around my head, is the millisecond that Im in the house, escaping the buzzing stinging menace of ultimate doom.

  17. Ziggy Stardust says:

    Being the only one who is not squeamish in the household, I have to capture huge bugs and take them outside, wash dogs, clean up assorted rodent carcasses that my pets have killed, clean out fish tanks, and mop up any blood that is spilt. It’s actually kind of fun.

  18. Radical Edward says:

    When I was about 5 years old, a spider crawled up my leg and I freaked out. It was a little black spider…

  19. sco3tt says:

    I remember this centipede one time at band camp…

    No, that didn’t work. Nevermind.

  20. Zach Light says:

    I’m surprised biff didn’t notice the pain of all the splinters, and the sharp edges of like, 4 layers of wood, aluminum, and that…roof tileing.

  21. PsychoDuck says:

    @ sco3tt: I don’t even want to know where you were going with that.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  22. Mad David says:

    @Zach Light: What makes you think Biff would notice a little thing like that?

  23. Linzleh says:

    Perhaps Chris didn’t feel like drawing Biff’s legs this week?!

  24. Kasain says:

    It’s okay biff, don’t feel bad, I too have discovered that I can levitate when there is any non-flying bug on me (or directly next to me) What about the flying ones you ask? Well that involves a complex hopping screaming spinning dance……

  25. bghvgjdh says:

    Centipedes, eh?
    My sister used to live in the Caribbean, and she accidentally brought some home in her suitcase once :O
    It was pretty bad when they got loose in the house >_>

  26. ZeoViolet says:


    About two years ago, I was out walking, returned home and felt this odd sensation on my neck…then a painful pinch. I yelled, and grabbed, and there was this HUGE black insect that had been perched on my collar, and had enormous pincers and had pinched the back of my neck. Damned thing pinched my thumb enough too to draw blood before I grabbed a paper towel, killed it and threw it away. One of the biggest freak-outs I ever had….

    ….although it didn’t match the time my mother put her hand on a basement doorknob and discovered that there was a tiny little snake that had gotten wrapped around it. You could hear the scream for quite a distance.

  27. Polymorph says:

    I have Biff beat everyday at my work. I work in parks and get several bugs on me a day. Today was 7 creepy bugs that looked like beetle-ant hybrids up my pants. Not fun.

  28. Ziggy Stardust says:

    I remember one time in fifth grade I was camping in Oklahoma and my neck felt really itchy. I searched all over before lights out and found a little bug had lached onto the back of my neck where I hadn’t noticed it. I pulled it off, threw it on the floor and stomped on it before it could get away. I was disgusted and every night before sleeping again preformed a searched for more. I spotted a couple on fellow campers and took the bugs off them, too. It was a great week of bug-purge for me.

  29. Morzikei says:

    OK, maybe very cold winters isn’t such a bad thing… Be nice though, if certain bugs never made it safe (maybugs, especially, birds can eat ants and ladybugs, for all I care)

  30. Hershey says:

    I remember jsut a week ago, I had to recover some notebooks from my backyard because I wanted to practice. I was already in my room, flipping through a notebooks, before I noticed my thumb felt weird, like something was gripping it. It was a beetle half the size of my thumb. I freaking screamed, and flung it across the room. A minute later, I realized I had to go find it because I didn’t want to scream like that every time it went crawling around my room. It was one of those stupid bugs that always end up swimming in your pool, A Japanese something.

    Still, Doesn’t match my brother’s bugphobia. I’m not scared as long as I’m not surprised. I remember the time my dad locked my brother out because there was yellow jackets buzzing around. So much screaming….

  31. Craig! says:

    In other news, house centipedes are the only thing most /b/tards are scared of.

  32. ThatSomethingGuy says:

    Picture a small river, steep, tall, crumbly sides that are nigh impossible to scale, and me, playing in the water. Suddenly, I feel a freshwater eel slide past my leg. Next moment, I’m at the top of the 8ft bank.

    Creepy animals inspire latent teleportation abilities it seems.

  33. Jayne says:

    Your nonchalant-ness is inspiring!

  34. Chuck says:

    I had a roach crawl up my PJ pants. I didn’t notice until I went back to bed, then I felt a tickle. “Oh, no,” I thought. I reached for the spot and crunched the darn thing in my fingers. I didn’t want to feel it roll down my leg so I took the pants off still holding the crunchy thing, then shook it out. I cleaned up and put on shorts instead.

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