#817 – Vanity

One of my earliest memories that I can place a date to was playing in the sand at a beach. I was a little under 2 years old and on a family vacation. I was digging a hole in the sand with my little plastic shovel and got confused when I hit water. How could this dry warm sand be suddenly leaking water?

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34 thoughts on “#817 – Vanity”

  1. ThatSomethingGuy says:

    Some of my earliest memories involve being in, and under, odd pieces of furniture. Honestly, my parents still have them, and I’m like “That’s not 6′ tall! How did I get under that?!”

  2. William Syler says:

    Muscular Biff.
    Both dangerously awesome and frightening at the same time.
    What level of chaos can he cause now, when he and the Sandman have teamed up?

  3. Space Butler says:

    Not being able to turn the page is a small price to pay for those muscles.

  4. Madness says:

    Biff looks different somehow…

    Must be the eyebrows.

  5. Grent says:

    @ Space Butler:

    What are you talking about? Think those eyebrows are just for show?

  6. Nicoli20 says:

    Biff’s eyebrows are quite versatile.

  7. i.half4 says:

    Is this the first appearance of the REAL Book of Biff? I like how Biff made himself a sandtowel too.

    @ Nicoli20: You mean, like, always the same, but he can wear them with anything, right? The difference here being an optical illusion?

  8. i.half4 says:

    @ Space Butler: The first time I read that, I actually thought you meant Biffs hands were too big to turn those tiny pages. Then I looked at the picture again, and I think I got it that time.

  9. gelugon2105 says:

    That sculpture is awesome by itself. No need to get the muscles as a core for that sand mould.

  10. Drakey says:

    I laughed so hard I upset the Earth’s orbit.

    True story.

  11. dartigen says:

    I remember trying to do that to my brothers…both usually woke up pretty fast when I tried. I ended up giving up and just burying them to stop sunburns.

  12. talk about over compensating! haha

  13. i.half4 says:

    Warning PG-13: (scary biff speaks?) “Now i am become golem. There be no place for the word “life” here!”

  14. Biligum says:

    *cough* steroids *cough*

    But seriously, that’s demented.

  15. Dzelda says:

    Boy oh boy, wait till the tide comes in, Biff’ll get a rude awakening XD

  16. sco3tt says:

    This has my mind wandering to the normally taboo subject of eyebrow steroids.

  17. MaskedMan says:

    What… The tide will wash away his sand trunks? How embarassing! 😀

    You’re telling us that as a kid you sprang a leak in the beach sand? I hope you patched it up quick, before the beach deflated or sank!

  18. Linzleh says:

    So Biff’s reading Conan….interesting.

  19. Chris says:

    @MaskedMan – No I did not fix the leak, this is why there are now only 50 states.

  20. pickledchair says:

    XD Oh, that’s awesome! I laughed so hard, I scared the birds away outside. This reminds me of all of those really cool sand sculptures I’ve pictures of – like the one where the sea serpent is eating the artist’s head.

    Your little story also reminded of when I found out why the ocean is so highly feared and respected. On a trip to the beach, I’m usually the first one and the last one out of the water. Mom never went swimming, preferring to read on her blanket and get some sun. My sister and step-dad simply got tired of catching waves quicker than I did. On the day that we went, the waves were just right. There were bunches of small/medium-ish ones perfect for body surfing in the area where us kids could touch the ground. But they started out as bigger ones just a little bit a ways. And ooooh, they looked tempting. Once I was left alone in the water, I swam a little further out, thinking that they weren’t THAT big.

    When I get out to the right spot, the water starts to really drop and pull at me. The level got low enough that I could plant my feet into the sand and brace against the under current. A wave rose higher and higher, until it loomed over me, three times my height (my perception might be a little obscured, but this is how I remember it). At that moment, I realized what happened. Poseidon was sending a message: You wanna play with the big boys? Well, let’s see how you handle this!

    I only had time to give a small whimper. I spun around and started swimming like mad so I could ride it – scared or not, that was the biggest wave I’ve ever seen in person, I wasn’t going to waste it! But that wave proved to be too fast and crashed on top of me. I tumbled under the water, not knowing if I was going to make it up back and would be lost at sea forever . . . Until my feet found the sand. lol. I sprang back up to the surface and swam the fast I ever had, then ran up to my mom and sat beside her.

    I think my mom knew what happened. She always kept at least one eye on us and she had that little smile that said, “I find something highly amusing but I’m trying to keep it from you.” But she didn’t say anything other than, “Are you ready for lunch?”

    I had just had a close encounter with the real power of the ocean. For a brief moment, I thought I was going to die. So, naturally, I did what any ten year old would. I shook my head, claimed I was just thristy, and got back in the water not five minutes later. lol.

  21. kingbob says:

    so what was the 51st named?

  22. Hershey says:

    Biff is named in memory of the state Biff.

    Anyways, This is why every self-respecting nerd carries a heroic novel around. Prefferably superman.

  23. Tvae says:

    Buff Biff!

  24. MrD says:

    Biff is buff because he bought the Book of Biff Volume 4.

    Order yours today!

  25. i.half4 says:

    @ kingbob: Perspective! Waswere it maybe the 49/40th at the time?

  26. MrD says:

    Or, if you prefer: ‘Biff’s buff because Biff bought Biff’s Book’.

  27. Ziggy Stardust says:

    If he looked like this all the time he would probably get into even more serious trouble.

  28. MaskedMan says:

    Ah-ha! I *knew* my map was wrong! Now I know what happened to the missing state!

  29. Gato says:

    I burn too easily for the beach.

  30. AdmiralChaos says:

    Hmm. I always wondered what religion biff was.

    and I don’t mean what religion he worships.

  31. JSW says:

    One time I found a stream going into the ocean on the beach, as a little kid I thought it was a great spot to get dirt clods to throw. Turns out the water in that stream wasn’t what you would call sanitary…. Took a long time in the beach showers to wash the stink off.

  32. i.half4 says:

    Further afield… Who can think of Sandmen without thinking of Logan’s Run and wondering whether Francis Seven would have made it outside if he had been as young and unimpressionable as Logan Six.

  33. i.half4 says:

    @ MrD: Hey! That would make a great acronym.

    (Speaks multiple “Bs” by means of flippant finger against lips)

  34. snarf says:

    @Chris: So it’s your fault my house is falling into the water?
    @i.half4: I’m here because I got lost in this website, looking for a comic.
    (and I just finished Chris Moore’s Lamb, so I thought of THAT Biff, and here I am.) The comic had a rock in a cave w/ the punchline: “that’s what she said.”

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