#807 – Iota

I remember being impressed with how fast girls in grade school could braid each other’s hair. Some days they would sit in a group at recess and show off all the different styles they knew. We would go back in to class and they would all look different than when we left.


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17 thoughts on “#807 – Iota”

  1. Space Butler says:

    Is he refering the fact that he’s likely to make a sale, or that he gets to climb up a braid of hair. I would say the latter.

    Also, my first first post!

  2. skywerwolf says:

    well biff dose have an eye for where the money is at. how do you think he got all that swag from elier comics?

  3. Croc says:

    No doubt, that’s like when I get to sell… well actually I don’t sell anything, so I have no frame of reference.

    …Onward to insomnia!

  4. I have known a couple of girls who had REALLY long hair, and could braid their own hair in a few seconds flat. It’s an awe-inspiring sight, it almost looks like they just run their hands through their hair and Bam! it’s braided.

  5. Linzleh says:

    Hmm…quite a conundrum. Hope Biff has a big enough brush…

  6. Oh. My. God. It finally happened.
    Refer back to many a comic ago, in the comments.

  7. Radical Edward says:

    Yup…Fairy tale week.
    I never could get anyone to braid my hair when I had long hair. Mainly because people would harass me at such a young age.

  8. MaskedMan says:

    @Space Butler:
    The answer is ‘Yes.’

    I had a girlfriend with hair quite literally 4 feet long. It took her less than a minute to put it into a basic braid. Yes, it was more than thick enough to serve as climbing rope.

  9. Steve says:

    Ooh, not only is it fairy tales week, but it looks like the first letter of each title might be set to spell out ‘GRIMM’.

  10. Sylpheede says:

    Wait. Wait. Stop things. The presses. Everything.

    We have officially seen part of another human.

    …could this be a record?

  11. sco3tt says:

    Talk about your perfikt sales opportunities! Lovin fairy tale week!

  12. Ziggy Stardust says:

    I can’t even braid my own hair! But that sounds like a fun thing to do at recess. My school didn’t have any equipment or a playground or anything, and we weren’t allowed to bring basketballs or anything. All the girls ran around chasing the guys, and playing cheerleader, and I kind of ran around putting guys in headlocks…
    @Sylpheede: I think this has happened before.

  13. tom says:

    Sylpheede, we have no evidence that the hair belongs to a human…

  14. The Scarf says:

    In fourth Grade, during storytime, all the girls would sit in lines and braid eachothers hair. I always ended up at the back of the line because my hair was ‘too short to braid.’ I started growing my hair out, but it never got really long enough until I was well into middle school, where there IS NO STORY TIME.
    Then in 8th grade I decided that long hair was annoying and I got it cut REALLY short because I was doing a guy part in a play.
    I like it better short.

  15. Beri-cakes says:

    @Steve: Nice catch there. :3

    Anyway, nice comic. Until I read the briefcase, I thought he was selling toothbrushes…

  16. -2! says:

    Its a sing of the Apocalypse!

    Well actually someone else has shown in the comic before….

    Mind you it was in the calendar picture.

  17. Will says:

    HAPPY DAY!!! Finally got caught up to the current comic. Wait a minute… now I HAVE to wait for updates? NOOOOOOOOO!!!

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