#786 – Kingsley

I recently got out my hot air popper to make a tasty batch of popcorn. It hadn’t been used in awhile so it was kind of full of dust. It was a pain to clean out because the hopper was just small enough that I had to smash my hand in there to reach the bottom. When I was finally done and plugged it in to warm it up, the fan failed, it overheated and started to smoke. Awesome.

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27 thoughts on “#786 – Kingsley”

  1. Nicoli20 says:

    Well, now he can shoot fireballs. Probably not a good thing…

  2. billy says:

    Seafood week? Also, I would love my popcorn maker to do that. Kind of Biblical.

  3. MadDavid says:

    @Nicoli20: What? Shooting fireballs is *always* a good thing!

  4. JSW says:

    So many good times with popping corn, throwing on olive oil, butter, cinnamon, salt, so many good combinations of grease and spices…

  5. linuxxorcist says:

    i usually pop my corn in the microwave, not many people seem to know this, but you can pop regular popcorn in the microwave, just use a non-ceramic/metal container that won’t melt, i use a paper bag,as it is most consistent. pop it on medium-high for 2:30, remove the already popped kernels, the pop it for 1:00 on high, add butter, salt, and wierd popcorn flavors of choice

  6. Hornswaggler says:

    WOW I finally got through the entire archives. XD Now I’ll just have to check it every day, like normal people…x3 Except when I’m in Wyoming for ten days. D: I’ll have to miss ten days of Biff!!

  7. Micah says:

    Seafood in the wrong cooking device week.

  8. Micah says:

    @Hornswaggler: There’s nothing normal about us Biffheads.

  9. baughbe says:

    Memories of your first (last and only) resturant job week?

  10. SEA says:

    On the internet at least. =p

    Leaving things to collect dust…never a good idea >_<

  11. MaskedMan says:

    Improperly-prepared seafood week, perhaps…

  12. linuxxorcist says:

    @maskedman, yeah, so far i guess so

    “Tozeuma carolinensis Kingsley” is a breed of shrimp

  13. Quikngruvn says:

    Novelty Song Week. “Fish Heads” (most famously by Barnes and Barnes) I knew about already, but I had never heard of “Popcorn” till I googled Kingsley popcorn.


    Awesome, Chris!

  14. Linzleh says:

    Fast food week?…grilled, flame-broiled, BK (the ubiquitous Burger King), and of course “dem speedy silver fishies.” Speed prep Biff…

  15. Dana says:

    Aww, I love this one! Mostly because I have fond memories of those air poppers. I like the one little shrimp going down the chute. The red part is in the shape of a heart.

  16. Matt Lee says:

    Makes you miss those old popcorn makers. Personally I liked making my popcorn that way. Not having to open the microwave every five seconds to adjust the bag if it gets hung up. Who knows what I’m talking about? Speak up!

  17. Radical Edward says:

    That’s not how you make it…

    We used to have one of those popcorn machines. My parents have probably sold it to someone who enjoys doing things in the time-consuming way.

  18. billy says:

    Another great thing about those popcorn makers is that they make listening to anything else impossible. Every evening I get to pretend I’m listening to planes take off while my roommate makes her popcorn.

  19. Crimson_regret says:

    Food related musical pieces epiphanised week.

    That’s one hell of a title.

  20. -2! says:

    I miss our air popper. Cooking it on the oven works okay though I guess.

  21. Reg says:

    I like to pop popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag in the microwave or on the stove. I do it on the stove mainly for quantity, not just the quality over the microwavable bags.

    And congrats, Hornswaggler, on making it through the archives! I know the felling – instead of reading 3 or 5 “new” Biffs everyday, it’s down to 1 per day. >_<

  22. Space Butler says:

    The one thing i like about stove top popcorn (it wasn’t the flavor) was how it swelled up like a balloon.

  23. -2! says:

    @ Red + Hornswaggler

    I found the comic strip at the beginning of the year, and read it in 1 day. 3 or 5 is not much.

    @ Micah

    I would object but, I am have several learning disabilities, am gifted, have insomnia, excreta etcetera.

    @ linuxxorcist

    Chris normally does that, hence the air popper being so dusty.

    @ Matt Lee

    Imagen a microwave that does not have a turntable, its even worse.

    @ Crimson_regret

    You mean Seafood related musical pieces of epiphanised week? (fish shrimp)

    @ JSW

    my favourite topping for popcorn is this salt and vinegar stuff you get at this place called Kernels

    I think that is enough @s for now

  24. Matt Lee says:


    The thing was it was a very small microwave. If it was a couple inches bigger on the inside it would have been much better.

    Definitely seafood week. Just look at tomorrow’s and yesterday’s.

  25. i.half4 says:

    @ Crimson regret: I can tighten that one up a bit. Could Biff’s world have entered it’s quantum theme phase?

  26. -2! says:

    @ Matt Lee

    I have been though that to. Happens.

    @ i.half4

    so this is a dual theme week, preparing for the week where Chris takes on all (or most of my theme guesses on the monday.

  27. Sigurdgram says:

    BENNEDETTO! YOU’RE ALIVE! now go give the colonel your five bucks.

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