#773 – Milliways

i wrote a letter
inside the brown rice box
she never read it


if you like to read
poetic horror stories


56 thoughts on “#773 – Milliways”

  1. Speakerblast says:


  2. Anon says:

    Brown rice box haiku
    Is not officially one
    Try again sometime

  3. Zoran says:

    Weeks theme is proven
    Hitchhikers Galaxy Guide
    Ford Prefect is cool

  4. Kurast says:

    I Hate To Tell You
    But Petunias Is Four
    And Is Not Three Long

  5. Michael says:


    Now that all depends on one’s accent. the ‘nias’ part cound sound like one syllable. “pe-toon-yaz” 😛

  6. cyber95 says:

    Vogon haiku?

  7. Vidja says:

    haiku’s are easy
    but sometimes they make no sense

  8. Drakey says:

    A haiku about carpet sharks:

    Bottom dwelling shark
    is uglier than ugly
    but gets the job done.

    A true haiku, I believe, must express some sentiment about or describe something about a part of the natural world. This means that my bashing of carpet sharks there is the first real haiku on this page.

    Assuming I’m correct. I’m frequently stuffed to the brim with bullhonkey.

  9. Alex says:

    I lack the belief
    that I am the first to say
    “oh no, not again!”

  10. Petnunias and whale
    Falling through the clouds they go
    Oh no, not again!

    ((Oh yes, definitly HHGttG week :3 I remember this passage vividly.)

  11. biggo says:

    Oh no, not again.

  12. Polymorph says:

    This will end up bad
    Because Biff never does speak
    Although I don’t care

  13. Lisa says:

    I have that t-shirt
    the one that Vidja mentioned
    from threadless.com

  14. Nilly says:

    Vogon poetry?!
    My poor ears are bleeding so!
    Let this horror end!

  15. Silversaraph says:

    Look, the sky is red!
    Oh, wait, actually it’s blue.
    Look, the sky is blue!

  16. i.half4 says:

    Oh Wow!
    Look at the sky.

  17. i.half4 says:

    I heard somewhere that Haiku means beginning, and that the idea is that it should be followed by another poet who would continue the train of thought on a similar or sidetrack. I was told elsewhere that this following verse was called a tonka, but I may have remembered that word wrong. Some day I may write a haiku called Waiting For the Tonkaverse.

  18. i.half4 says:

    Wikkipedia says that Hokku was the opening stanza of an othodox collaborative linked work called a rengu. I still like the sound of a Tonkaverse.

  19. Croc says:

    Eh. I don’t like Haiku. It’s too forced.
    But then, I’m a musician by trade…

  20. Micah says:

    It’s important to note that this particular bowl of petunias was a deadly missile a few minutes prior to this comic. The odds of a missile spontaneously turning into a bowl of petunias is 4205402051 to 1 against, which coincidentally is the phone number to Biff’s flat.

  21. Micah says:

    Also…for non-hoopy froods, Milliways is also known as the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, which can only be visited through time travel.

  22. fluffy says:

    This is not haiku
    You are counting syllables
    Try enlightenment

  23. Matt Lee says:

    I am waiting for
    The next Biff comic because
    I must know the end

    I got nothin’…

  24. Ziggy Stardust says:

    Milliways- How do we eat? Why do we eat? Where shall we have lunch?
    I love it!

  25. Matt Lee says:

    Who else writes your comments from school? I’m graduating this year!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!!Squeak!

  26. Tvae says:

    Is… Is that a whale…? How did it get up there? I mean, whales can’t fly, can-

  27. Biligum says:

    Haiku are pretty
    But sometimes, they don’t make sense

    On a different note,
    Looks like Biff has killed flowers
    How melancholy

  28. Biligum says:

    Oh dear, I’ve misspelled
    It is hippopotamus
    I should have checked first

  29. Radical Edward says:

    I get it…So does anyone else here noticed the theme or am I just dense?

  30. Linzleh says:

    gasping petunias
    plea read to the bowl, sadly
    grip disappointment

    Biff needz a hug…

  31. biggo says:

    Down, near the surface:
    “Earth, will we be friends?”
    *splat* goes the sperm whale.

  32. biggo says:

    Things to remember:
    a) refresh comments, *then* write;
    b) five – seven – five.

  33. Anji says:

    I suck at poetry and refuse to try. So “Neh!”

  34. ZackDark says:

    something tells me the petunia would rather fall from orbit.
    unless it was *SPOILER* arthur dent’s fault…
    (hahhahahah, loved using the ‘*SPOILER*’, my first time actually)
    (yeah, feel honored)

  35. Crazy says:

    I can’t do haiku
    they are just way too boring
    oh, wait, nevermind

  36. Outrageous Mayo says:

    ‘Oh No, not again.’

    Hitchhikers guide series is classic. reread them a few weeks ago.

  37. Kurast says:

    @Chris – “nee-uh” too
    It’s included on the list
    Knowledge is power?

  38. Cedarus Rex says:

    I read thew comics
    My favourite one is Biff
    I save it for last

  39. i.half4 says:

    A revision:

    Oh wow
    look at the sky
    A “mellowspeak” haiku

  40. howdyhamster says:


  41. linuxxorcist says:

    the restaurant at
    the end of the universe
    balanced at the end

  42. i.half4 says:

    What is the sound
    of one hand

    does a dog speak

  43. weerd2normal says:

    poetry is the
    bomb, the best thing to is
    read the black letters.

    who here can tell i failed poetry, well people, stop judging people by there cover, i won the poetry contest at my school, you prejudice jerks.

    joking, but dont be prejudice, it will be the catalyst of the fall of society.

    but anyway, the comic is awesome, i dont know if this is my first time commenting, and chris, you have a talent that many wish the could have. laughter is the best medicine, and the book of biff has kept me healthy, usually my first laugh of the day.

  44. Torg says:

    @ Kurast: Your point?
    If petunia can be three,
    then it works in there.

    Knowledge is power
    only when it has a point.
    It doesn’t this time.

  45. gaojo says:

    Theme? Was there a theme?
    I thought it was just dumb luck.
    Guess that means I fail.

  46. Spike says:

    oh no I’m bleeding!
    I’m bleeding, oh I’m bleeding!
    oh wait that’s ketchup

  47. lulululu says:

    The brown rice poem
    Has only six syllables
    In the second line.

  48. Ceramic says:

    Petunias fall
    With a sperm whale, as seen
    From the restaurant

  49. steve says:

    Then the bowl of petunias thought, “Oh no not again!” If we knew why it thought this, we would know alot more about the universe.

  50. Sigurdgram says:

    first the hitch hiking distress signal in last week’s strip, then this?

  51. YukiSnowflake says:

    Biff is so awesome
    Thanks to Spyro the Dragon
    Haikus annoy me

    for all who don’t understand, on one of the spyro ps1 games (*i forget which, i have 3*)
    there is a level with annoying people who only speak in haiku. what makes it annoying is that my brother played it before me, and decided to die permanently to hear the haikus again.

    but, why can’t people agree on how many syllable are in a haiku?
    i know someone who thought it was 3 8 3!

  52. Kunnaki says:

    @YukiSnowflake: Think you’re talking about Spyro the Dragon 3: Year of the Dragon. The level was Spooky Swamp with the fireflies.

    First comment this is
    Been reading Biff for weeks now
    Will resume to read

  53. Nevorak says:

    References to
    A book by Douglas Adams
    Which gives me smiles

  54. Tech says:

    watch out for the whale, biff.

  55. Arcan says:

    Ah, haikus, the only form of poetry I’m actually able to write.

    You know, I have an
    undead, cyber social life.
    I’m a net zombie.

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