#714 – Aether

I learned to catch a baseball in the backyard with my dad. We would toss it back and forth in silence, just enjoying the day and being outside. Then I joined the local little league team. Playing catch with those guys was different. Apparently the goal was to try and throw the ball through your teammate’s skull. I was shocked when I caught that first projectile hurtling toward my face. WHACK! The palm of my hand stung for days.


44 thoughts on “#714 – Aether”

  1. speearr says:

    I agree. A baseball glove is overkill… all you need is a teaspoon.

  2. Speakerblast says:

    Congratulations Chris on creating a theme that had everyone talking all week.

  3. Drakey says:

    I’m still not sure what the theme is. When do we get lawbreaking week?

  4. Sman says:

    i think elements was it, fire wind water earth light(aka falling star)

  5. Zaffa says:

    I’ve got it! Mythical Week! Look at the names: Prometheus, Anemoi, Pseidon, Gaia, Aether.

  6. Sman says:

    ah! Zaffa, thats its, Prometheus, god of fire Anemoi, god of wind Pseidon, god of water Gaia, god of earth/nature and Aether, god of the sky

  7. Zaffa says:

    Not exactly mythical, more like elemental. But I got there nonetheless.
    I feel so fulfilled…
    Wow, that’s actually kinda sad. I’m fulfilled by guessing correctly on a webcomic’s current theme.

  8. Aurion says:

    Was really wondering how the fifth element would be done. Was no doubt it was going to be the classic Aether, but how Aether could be done was… well just look it up.

    But this works wonderfully.

  9. Albireo says:


    Poseidon is god of water, and Gaia is god of earth. Aether is the fith element.

  10. Lethal Interjection says:

    Heh. Reminds me of The Eyre Affair.

  11. Edem says:

    Zaffa, cheer up – your fulfillment is still better than most of us can come up with…

  12. Reaper says:

    A very solid ending to a very solid week. Well done, Chris. Very good. 🙂

  13. Space Butler says:

    I concur

  14. Matthew says:

    Zaffa, your correct guess implied knowledge, more than most other people have.

    I saw where it was going after Tuesday, but I studied Ancient Greece for some time, so it wouldn’t have been fair.

  15. Stealth1525 says:

    wow, I’m jealous, Biff has rolling hills to play on. All I have is a tiny park that i play football in. I mean tiny as in about the size of a large house’s base tiny.

  16. MaskedMan says:

    Ya know, that’s gotta sting. Not much better than bare-handing it, really.

  17. Decided against telling The Book of Biff 2: Trial by Fire.

    Haha ow, haven’t seen Biff lose a hand in a while.

    Also, nice one on the theme, Zaffa.

  18. eltharrion says:

    …And all the time I tought the theme would be something about “preserving natural enviroments and resources”. You know, water earth forest fires… Okey, then the falling star piched the whole thing of.

  19. DTanza says:

    Yay Biff got injured yet not phased just like the good ol days!

  20. Mophtran says:


    Only YOU can prevent face fires.

  21. Julie says:

    OUCH! Great week, Chris!

  22. The Dustin says:

    huh…. Damn, that’s not a captain planet. and also OUCH! Good thing Biff regenerates better than a starfish

  23. -JAD- says:

    Great comic, and thanks for the “TTC” link.

  24. HeWhoIsBob says:

    On the bright side, we all know Biff will be fine within 24 hours, or maybe a weekend if it’s more serious.

  25. SharkJumper says:

    Oh my, the favicon has gone from blue to green. St. Patty’s day is still 11 days away, so what’s up?

  26. MythMonk says:


    Only YOU can prevent meteorites.

  27. reynard61 says:

    Unhand that star, Biff, or it’ll unhand you!

  28. no name says:


  29. -2! says:

    I love Biff’s “Darn not again” expression, more like it is a nuisance that anything. Oh and for those of you keeping track the last time Biff was missing part of his body in the panel, was comic # 499 in May of last year (am i supposed to use HTML) http://www.thebookofbiff.com/2008/05/02/499-expand/

  30. Kurast says:

    Greek Gods of the Elements.

  31. Kurast says:

    Also, first fastball from my Dixie Youth teammates during pre-game ‘catch’ was also at my face.

    He through it strangely so it spun backwards, so instead of going down via the laws of gravity and entropy, it flew up and smacked me in the mouth.

  32. Zaffa says:

    @Kurast- So it was a curveball then?

  33. biggo says:

    After Earth, Wind and Fire I would expect a “Shining Star”, not a falling one. *cough*

  34. Ziggy Stardust says:

    One of my favorite themes ever, but I do like Elements and Mythology. *Nerdgirl grin*

  35. Kratospie says:

    Awww I really though the last element would be the element of Biff…

  36. Couso says:

    I always thought Milla Jovovich was the fifth element

  37. poeleabois says:

    @SharkJumper, someone finally noticed !
    im the one who sent Chris the favicon in 2007 and this week i figured a green background would fit better with the rest of the site so I made him a new one and he promptly made the change. I was expecting to wait a few hours but in less that 5 minutes i had a reply and the sites icon was already green !

  38. SharkJumper says:

    Does Biff not believe in DST?

  39. Speakerblast says:

    I waited 20 minutes for a new comic. Did you Americans not spring forward or something?

  40. Speakerblast says:

    Double Post: Judging by the time stamp, no you did not.

  41. MythMonk says:

    sprint forward is at 2am here, not midnight

  42. SharkJumper says:

    Yeah, but it’s Sunday Morning, right? Not Monday.

  43. Marr965 says:

    Problem is, Chris, Prometeus is related to fire, but isn’t the god of fire. In any of the greek myths.

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