#703 – Reflected

There are lots of different child-proof lids now. I don’t get prescriptions that often but it seems like each time I do it comes in a new type of child-proof container. I always have to struggle with it that first time until I learn the new sequence of muscle movements required for entry. Fortunately I don’t need anything in a magic-proof lid. I don’t think my pharmacy has that yet.


40 thoughts on “#703 – Reflected”

  1. Speakerblast says:

    Mirror mirror on the wall, how will I get my Tylenol

  2. Space Butler says:

    I’d also be concerned about the mirror watching me going to the bathroom…

  3. bobo says:

    mirror’s feelin fine

  4. Kurast says:


    Do I look like some dumb sap? Just squeeze and twist the bottle’s cap!

  5. £cake says:

    Sorry but…..I…don’t get it.
    Am I missing something?

  6. greatslack says:


    A dumb sap thou may be, replying thus in poetry.

  7. Hank says:

    I’m with poundcake on this one, what the farmer?

  8. LazerWulf says:

    My parents get the ones where you can screw the lid on upside-down to make a secure, yet not-child-safe (read: not impossible to open) seal.

  9. LazerWulf says:

    @PoundCake: The magic mirror is a pill-popping junkie. What’s to get?

  10. Tvae says:

    Unexpected things?

    Samurai – don’t know what to expect between him and his food
    Cyclops – don’t know what to expect as a gift
    Sloth – don’t expect all seven sins to be present at once (weakest one)
    Mirror – don’t expect the medicine to disappear

    No idea, really. It’s Biff, though so not having any idea of what’s going on is expected, really…

  11. Space Butler says:

    there may not be a theme this week. Ah well, it left room for some great miscellaneous comics. It might be a good idea to have some themeless weeks.

  12. Linzleh says:

    Biff has a lot of pill bottles…interesting mirror chemistry. Wonder if it reflects like fun-house mirrors. You know a magic mirror could be quite a handy item; lose a few pounds, and vanish random clutter. Probably dozens of uses. Am at a loss for this week’s theme. Shall just enjoy the art.

  13. Kurast says:

    Ideas that just don’t work out.

  14. Chris says:

    @Space Butler – There is a theme this week, just not one of the more obvious ones.

  15. becket says:

    as a kid mum always had us open the child proof bottles cose she couldnt

  16. Old stories/legends week.

  17. Joanassie says:

    Good as always.

  18. Lucas Chromeck says:

    Amen, Chris!
    It pains me to open my regular medicines (some are so hard to open, they really think that kids can be THAT strong?)! And everytime that I get a new kind of medicine I totally hate openning it (that’s why I have bought a basket full of diferent sections to put my medicines once I open them).

    The most contraditory thing is that I don’t even have kids at home (it feels like they are anderastimating my mental capacity)!

  19. Lucas Chromeck says:

    Sorry if my english sucks, I’m from Brazil, ya know…

  20. Kaeajath says:

    ……. I remember the good old days when guessing the theme for The Book of Biff was fun and always and adventure….. I also remember when I went to school, I had to walk up a hill…. Both ways…. Now, it is a battle of wits…. At first, I thought it was going to be ninja week. Now, I think it’s story book week…. And I have a feeling that tomorrow will throw off every idea I have…. Does anyone have any clue what the theme is?

  21. Micah says:

    Stories from around the world? Is that the theme? (Not sure about the sloth one…)

  22. Hezzu says:

    Is the theme:
    Hard things to open sometimes?
    Little Obstacles in life?

  23. Cari says:

    I think sloths are South American

  24. araxiel says:

    Fantasy week? Samurai, Cyclops, fairytales, magic mirror…?

  25. Linzleh says:

    How about powers we always wished we had? Not quite, hmmm… samurai/lunch, cyclops glasses/2 eyes, sloth/rage, now you see it/ now you don’t for the mirror one, it’s sort of like opposites.

  26. -JAD- says:

    Sorry, I don’t quite get this one…

    What does the Magic Mirror do?

  27. AFriendOfMine says:

    Hmm do I give the answer or to wait until Fridays comic is up…..

  28. -2! says:

    @ becket
    That is hilarious.

    I have had regular medication since childhood (ADHD, OCD and other ones i cant spell) and the bottle cap has never changed.

  29. Chris says:

    @AFriendOfMine – Give them one more try 🙂

  30. no name says:

    Mythology Week?

  31. MadDavid says:

    Fairy tales / mythology week.

  32. Linzleh says:

    Last guess…? curse of random circles & ovals? Soup can, glasses, tummy & plates, mirror, will tmrw have eggs? My brain has officially inverted. C’est fini.

  33. alecho says:

    hahahahaha! magic mirror in the bathroom?! haha

  34. -JAD- says:

    A magic mirror, which has the power of…



  35. ­£cake says:

    Oh I get it. The pill bottle’s empty because the mirror took them. Nice.

  36. soilent says:

    The Lids open up easily if you just pull strong enough.
    Closing them? Who said something about that? 😀

  37. Jake says:

    I know this is an old comic, but you can get non-child-proof lids. My mother has arthritis and gets all her meds like that.

  38. Smab says:

    Since my bad headaches started when I was young I learned how to open child-roof lids when I was a kid. On most lids there’s pictures as well as words it wasn’t that hard to figure out.

  39. YukiSnowflake says:

    Strange, i’ve only ever needed pills ONCE.
    In my whole LIFE.
    …or that might be because i never tell anyone if i feel ill.
    Ive also never broken a bone.

  40. YukiSnowflake says:

    Magic mirror in the bathroom, do you prefer it in this room or that room? (*couldn’t think of a funny rhyming thing…*)

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