#696 – Nozzle

I’ve been sprayed in the face by those automatic vegetable misters before. There should always be a warning. There is one grocery store that I used to go to that had a great system. They played a constant background track of birds chirping. Then right before the misters went off there was a subtle clash of thunder in the background. It wasn’t long before all the veggie hunters were properly trained.


39 thoughts on “#696 – Nozzle”

  1. AdmiralChaos says:

    Oh man…There are too many deviant puns to go with this one >.>
    Reference PETA’s attempt at a superbowl commercial…

  2. LazerWulf says:

    Totally called Supermarket Week.

  3. SEA says:

    …i prefer the air conditioners here. XD

  4. MadDavid says:

    Hmmm. Didn’t get to see PETA’s attempt at a superbowl commercial.

    So is public nudity legal in Biffland, or do they make an exception for him on the grounds that it’s one of the less dangerous things he could be doing?

  5. jahg says:

    Hmm, is Biff getting a little chubby?

  6. speearr says:


    @MadDavid: He’s half-dressed. Anyway, why is he showering with a towel on?

  7. Trevor says:

    I always let thosse things get me.

  8. Michael says:

    I always get sprayed by that damn deodoriser the garbage trucks here spray. Here, they have a robotic arm that tips the bins into it, and then it goes FSSHHHT after it puts the bin down, to deodorise the area…

  9. Chris says:

    I have an easy solution to the problem of getting sprayed while hunting vegetables, simply stop hunting them. Who needs veggies anyways?

  10. Wow, that’s a cool grocery store to have birds chirping and a warning before the rain. I might prefer nature sounds in general when shopping, actually. Birds chirping would also calm customers down, good for the cashiers.

  11. Linzleh says:

    Brrr…I’m thinking those veggie misters at the grocery probably aren’t spraying warm water! My local grocery has the thunderstorm warning signal too, it’s kind of interesting when there’s a real thunderstorm outside. Anyway, go for the celery Biff, that’s a good salad starter.

  12. Tia says:

    Yeah…my local grocery store has the thunder sounds, too. The nicer grocery store up the street, however, does not. Odd.

  13. Bryce says:

    Mine used to play ‘Singing in the Rain’ right before the misters went off.

  14. rockin mockin robots says:

    @speearr:are you implying that you want biff without a towel on?

  15. dareon says:

    I usually sabotage one or two of the mister nozzles as I go by so they do spray people in the face.

  16. starseedjenny says:

    @Bryce – oh my goodness that’s amazing

  17. dartigen says:

    Guh, all we have in Australia is underpaid assistants who walk around with a squirty bottle. Though it is fine to have squirty-bottle wars…

  18. After not getting it for a while, I’m starting to love the Biffoverse.

  19. -JAD- says:

    The anecdote about the birds chirping track, the thunder and the veggie hunters being trained is amazing, almost better than the comic.

  20. Lou Hannoe says:

    For as excellent company as vegetables make, I don’t know if its worth a cold shower to spend time with them…

  21. Drakey says:

    Suggested caption for tomorrow: “Biff is no longer allowed in the grocery store.”

  22. Chris says:

    @Drakey – that’s probably a good title for the theme ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. thinkaboutit says:

    grocery shopping week?

  24. Chris says:

    vegetable sprayers? i really do live inth e past, i have no idea what they are :S

  25. Reg says:

    You really know how to help yourself to whatever’s available, Biff. He makes all of the crazy contraptions none would think of having (jet packs, rocket ships, room-sized garbage compactors and “breaders”) and doesn’t use the normal stuff we have!… like showers.

  26. Akaroshii says:

    I’d be scarred for life if I saw that.

  27. DiscountViscount says:

    I work as a bagboy at a supermarket so I found this comic particularly hilarious. Next time I do my rounds of the store I won’t be able to help but imagine Biff trying to bum a free shower off the misters. Also, I think the title of the theme should be “Lost in the Supermarket.” 10 points to whoever gets that reference.

  28. Speakerblast says:

    DANGIT BIFF, you forgot the shampoo.

  29. TigerGulp says:

    I hate those things.

    I’m reaching for a nice head of lettuce when PSSSSSSH! I feel like I’m that pet that gets spritzed and the owner is yelling “No! Bad! BAD!” I just want my lettuce! Is that wrong!?

  30. Reg says:

    Well if what you say is true, Biff should try clicking one of those weight-loss ads I see EVERYWHERE on the ‘net now. (Can I visit one site where I don’t have someone’s fat stomach hanging out?)

  31. alecho says:

    what’s that purple thing on the shelf above the cucumbers?

  32. Colin says:

    its probably some guy up in a secuirity booth watching you through a camera, waiting for you to stick your head in there so he can push the button for the sprayer.

  33. starseedjenny says:

    I think it’s like some kind of cabbage or something. It looks like purple cabbage leaves, anyway.

  34. starseedjenny says:

    okay seriously though that towel looks like it’s about to fall off his hips.


  35. rsquared says:

    Once upon a time when I was working at a grocery store, some of the lighting in the produce case failed. The service guy came in, took a look, and said “Here’s your problem.” So the store manager took a look, too, just in time for the automatic sprayers to come on and blast them both full in the face. Such a beautiful moment.

  36. Three of Nineteen says:

    My local grocery store plays thunder before they spray their veggies. It’s so cool.

  37. Hornswaggler says:

    “The service guy came in, took a look, and said โ€œHereโ€™s your problem.โ€ ”
    XDDD Woow, That reminded me sooo much of Mythbusters.
    Our stores always either have really loud mechanical sounds of it turning on, or something that sounds kinda like thunder…I dunno if it was actually meant to or not, though. x3

  38. maxsteele2 says:

    That sounds peaceful.

  39. YukiSnowflake says:

    Is it just where I live?
    |:( maybe it’s because im in the UK…

    @starseedjenny – M.I.S. (*mental image stuck*) THANKS!

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