#670 – Volta

I don’t have anymore metal fillings but I had a bunch when I was a kid. It was quite a shock the first time I accidentally bit a piece of aluminum foil. I got a tiny electrical jolt in my mouth and spit my food all over the dinner table. I was a little freaked out because nobody told me it could happen. Once I understood what was happening I thought it was entertaining. I tried out all different kinds of foil. Chewing gum wrappers gave a very mild buzz.


23 thoughts on “#670 – Volta”

  1. LazerWulf says:

    I never had fillings, but I used to put the aluminum gum wrappers into the electric sockets that had the “test” and “reset” buttons while it was off, then switch it on for some neat little sparks.

  2. genesismonk says:

    When things go wrong in Biffworld, they go REALLY wrong.

  3. Chris says:

    Mmmm potatoes are good.

  4. Bryce says:

    The way you word it makes you some like you were a drug junkie as a kid Chris…XD

  5. Michael says:

    I wonder if this leads to a theme week where Biff thwarts an alien invasion.

  6. michaelbolton says:

    second comic in a row in which biff stares thoughtfully heavenward. a grim portend of things to come?

  7. SEA says:

    It was worth it!

  8. MaskedMan says:

    I daresay, Biff should peel the foil off the potato BEFORE eating it…

  9. alecho says:

    I really liked this comic strip. I’m a dentist, and I actually saw a patient who had the exact same experience. haha, nice one.

  10. Jackson says:

    Chris, your personal anecdote for this strip gives new levels of insight into why you create the sort of cartoons you do. 😉

    But seriously: good comic as always. Hmm…I wonder if this will be tinfoil week?

  11. Zaffa says:

    This could be eaither Oral Week or Alien Week…

  12. Allie says:

    OWWW… I just had a filling today, a couple hours ago… Not a metal one this time, but still.

  13. Speakerblast says:

    Where does Biff get his water? That stuff is PURE.

  14. Foxhound2 says:

    Ouch, about the metal fillings, and Biff, I bet he’s hearing giburish

  15. teh n00b says:

    i have a theory… about Biff.
    Biff… is an alien.
    think about it!
    1.his eyebrows and mouth are unnaturally long
    2.he clearly has some sort of regenerative ability, seeing how he can be utterly obliterated, and still be back, in full health, the next day
    3.he owns a superefficient rocket that can go both up AND down and survive! more than once!
    4.he has some sort of water superpurification device… not available on Earth.
    5.only Biff can combine metal fillings, tin foil, and natural antennas (his eyebrows), and use them as a radio… TO PHONE HOME!!!!!

  16. Stealth1525 says:

    I bet Biff lives in Canada
    the water here is the purest in the world!
    …. or so i hear.

  17. Jykcor says:

    ^^ teh noob

    … or maybe Chris just wanted to draw a human that way. lol 🙂

  18. i.half4 says:

    One of my favorite books as a kid was THE TROUBLE WITH JENNY’S EAR. Jenny get’s a cavity filled, and finds she can hear people’s thoughts.

  19. Trypno01 says:

    Gah! I can feel the pain in my teeth just thinking about putting foil in there. I still have the metal fillings from when I was a kid.

  20. Band Geek says:

    I was so shocked (haha sorry) the day I found out that that pain is actually a spontaneous chemical reaction, and you actually get a shock from the transfer of electrons.

  21. Hornswaggler says:

    “5.only Biff can combine metal fillings, tin foil, and natural antennas (his eyebrows), and use them as a radio… TO PHONE HOME!!!!!”

    xDDDD This made me crack up more than the comic did…

  22. xoyv says:

    i’m sad that i don’t get metal fillings anymore, now i get the camo ones

  23. steve says:

    You and Biff are both messed up… that sounds painful man…

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