#626 – Soggy

Sometimes a spill is small and can be taken care of with a shirt sleeve. Sometimes I’ll have to run to the kitchen and grab a few paper towels. I know it’s a bad one when I’m grabbing an armload of bath towels out of the closet. You want to get some absorption happening as fast as possible before it penetrates too many layers… like into the room below you for example.


30 thoughts on “#626 – Soggy”

  1. Xerol says:

    I think opening the window would be more effective at this point.

  2. Lethal Interjection says:

    Only for the first foot, or so. And then it would all leak up against the house, making his sump pump work overtime, and then he might have a flood in the basement. Come on, man, think this through!

  3. barbarian1 says:

    now that im finally reading up at the present i can comment near the top of the list, now i just have to think of something witty to say……….. this is harder than it looks. 🙂 either way i love this commic

  4. Speakerblast says:

    Biff has very sturdy floorboards

  5. RG says:

    Speakerblast, he must have both that and some really good luck with his house’s infrastructure.

  6. TomTom says:

    When I was a kid I always wanted to do this.
    I almost did, once.
    Mom wasn’t very pleased.

  7. Chris says:

    Ah yes that’s such a crap situation that I’ve found myself in before. Surprisingly a vacuum works well enough.

  8. speearr says:

    Yeah, I’ll bet. What about the danger of power outlets in situations like these…?

  9. Kurast says:

    I’d be more worried about the Breader.

    Imagine how much time and effort and money it cost to build that thing! Hope he had the foresight to make the Kitchen watertight.

  10. Psymon says:

    Tidying up week?
    Do you think the snake-DNA-infused toaster might turn Anaconda on Biff?
    This might be a useful technique to keep people you want to keep away from getting inside. Provided your house can hold the weight of that many cubic feet of water. And your household items are waterproofed overall.
    @speearr: Power outlets wouldn’t be a danger because Biff wouldn’t be part of the path of least resistance–the water would close the circuit; the electricial charges flow, but the flow never gets far from the wires; the sudden short trips the breakers (blows the fuses, whatever Biff uses).

  11. Kurast says:

    I feel worried about his anti gravity thrusters and the gravity plate…

  12. Amy says:

    One time, many many summers ago, my siblings and I were home alone for the day. We must’ve been around 7-10 years old. The toilet on the second floor got plugged, which isn’t unusual, but its water-filler mechanism got stuck open too. So it just kept trying to fill, even though it was blocked up, all day – little kids just aren’t bright enough to troubleshoot toilets.

    We ended up with a soaked upstairs bathroom, a very damp downstairs bathroom, and an ankle-deep pool of water over the entire basement.

  13. William Syler says:

    Man, this comic goes close to home for me!
    We have two bathrooms in my house…somewhat. We got a new bathroom just this past year, and that’s in our basement. Everything down there works 100%. But the other bathroom….
    Our original bathroom is on the highest floor. The only thing that works up there now is the toilet (Luckily). But when everything worked, we had a bathtub. And honest to god bathtub made out of possibily lead, maybe lead/steel mix. It even had the legs and everything. It was an old fashioned bathtub.
    Anywho, when my mom was pregnant with me, she flooded the bathtub. That left an ugly scar on our kitchen ceiling, and the damage is still there today. We had to close down all but the toilet up there because nearly everything started leaking, and that got all over the food. The toilet’s been stabilized, so now nothing leaks anymore. YAY!

  14. MaskedMan says:

    @Lethal Interjection, Speakerblast;
    Y’all’re presuming that the basement isn’t flooded out, too. If so, the sump pump is useless, and the strength of the floorboards is irrelevent.

    Domestic chores week – Ironing, mopping the floor… I’m betting taking out the trash shows up at some point!

  15. i.half4 says:

    An excercise in futility! What a perfect notion for a US election day. Fortunately, today’s election does promise to be possibly far less futile than any other in history. So don’t get me wrong. I always vote.

    Like biff, (if I may say so) I see things, including futility, differently.

  16. i.half4 says:

    How many other people have dial-up that loads the image in segments top-to-bottom and when they first got to the part where they realized they were in the (now half) flooded kitchen again, the thought that instantly came to mind was: Joe The Plumber!!! (?)

  17. DTanza says:

    So true…

  18. Wizard says:

    Less futile? I’d say even more futile than usual. Our only choice is bad vs. worse.

    The comic kinda reminds me of cleaning up at work this morning…

  19. Reg says:

    I wonder if Biff’ll make it to the polls in time…

  20. samsa says:

    Once when we were younger my brother put laundry detergent in the dishwasher, and for some reason this reminded me of that. It was like something out of I Love Lucy, suds EVERYWHERE! You’d think that would be a once in a lifetime situation right? nope, my roommate about 10 years later, filled the little detergent cup with LIQUID dish soap….. As the only one in the apartment with experience in cleaning up the situation guess who got to deal with it.

  21. Trevor says:

    I’m wondering if that’s actually a window or a painting.

  22. starseedjenny says:

    Can I just say, off the topic of the comic, that can we PLEASE get rid of those popup ads…you know, the ones that really like to make me accidentally click on them.

  23. Chris says:

    @starseedjenny – I agree, and just to make it clear, I don’t authorize any of those types of ads on my site. Sometimes things sneak through accidentally and it can take a bit to track down where they are coming from and block them. :p

  24. Speakerblast says:

    if it makes you feel better chris, i haven’t seen one pop up ad on this site ever.

    And I started visiting back in like grade 10, so thats about 2 years.

  25. £cake says:


  26. no name says:

    @Xerol – I believe the window IS open…

  27. Cari says:

    @no name – if the window was open, you’d see the water pouring out

  28. Three of Nineteen says:

    What is it with Biff and his kitchen flooding? Why is it just the kitchen flooding? And how does his kitchen manage to be watertight enough to hold several feet of water?

  29. Zach Light says:

    did the dam break? the water is over the window limit.

  30. Trae says:

    Yesterday (the 1st of June 2012), I somehow managed to tip over my mop bucket/wringer in a bathroom at work. Those things can be really unbalanced at times. First thought: “oh crap oh crap oh crap”. Second thought: “get pack of paper towels to prevent it spreading to the carpet in the hall”. Third thought was to go get the boss. Fortunately it wasn’t all THAT big a spill and it cleaned up after about ten minutes of cloth wringing. Cleanest floor ever.

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