#612 – Quiet

I’m starting to think that you have to learn to be tricked by ventriloquism. I’ve had lots of experience playing with kids and puppets and pretending that they can talk. If they are young enough they can really believe that the puppets are alive. My 9-month-old son is having none of that. I can hold a puppet or teddy bear in front of him and bounce it around and make silly sounds and he enjoys that. But as soon as I try to pretend that the puppet is singing or talking he turns his head and looks at me. He just knows that’s where singing and talking comes from. Maybe that’s what Sesame Street is for… teaching you to believe in talking puppets.


45 thoughts on “#612 – Quiet”

  1. Heinrich says:

    lol nice.

  2. i.half4 says:

    Hello, lamppost.

  3. Cpt.Ziggy says:

    Mimes are scary,but a biff mime is real scary.

  4. Lethal Interjection says:

    Absolutely awesome. This might just be my favourite Biff comic, ever. Hilarious.

  5. SEA says:

    *applause from crowd for the stunningly new and refreshing act*

    Lol. XD

  6. Charlotte says:

    With regards to making kids believe in talking puppets, whenever anyone in our house tried to make one of my nephew’s toys “talk” he’ll take the toy off of them and then give it to someone else to hear how they do the voice instead.

  7. RG says:

    Acting week? Anyways, this comic is pure win. 🙂

  8. Drakey says:

    Might be entertainment week, instead.

  9. MaskedMan says:

    How avant garde!

  10. Micah says:

    Not like Biff speaks anyway!

  11. angusgangus says:

    This was a ‘loudly cackle, and then try to be quiet so I don’t wake the household’ Biff comic.
    I definitely needed this for going into work today, so thanks muchly, Chris!

  12. Chris says:

    @angusgangus – Ha, a cackle!

  13. Trevor says:

    It’s amazing how you can stay so funny this long. I mean, sure there have been some comics that weren’t really funny, but there few of those.

  14. Torg says:

    Maybe you just aren’t a very good ventriloquist?

  15. i.half4 says:

    Biff looks particularly squinty today. Or at least that’s what I thought until I noticed the mime lines. Or the Alice Cooper eyes, for those who persist in seeing the creepy in everything you do. (lately)

  16. Josh says:

    If you haven’t already seen him, you need to check out Jeff Dunham on Youtube; he is the best ventriliquist I have ever seen. He has a couple of DVDs out that are awesome. When I watch the DVDs, I always end up with a snap to reality where I realize that I had been watching a conversation between three individuals and had lost the realization that it is one guy with two dummies.

  17. thinkaboutit says:

    i lol’d ^^ hilarious

  18. Genesismonk says:

    Ventriloquism and mime. So basically he sits there in that position for 2 hours, then bows and walks off the stage…

    Though I’d problably by a ticket for that. <–Not sarcasm

  19. Trevor says:

    No no, he acts out what he says, but he only acts out the puppet speaking.
    You know, that’d probably be a good setup for a joke.

  20. goldielocks says:

    lol i really like this one!!! i just started reading biff a few days ago and i’ve caught up already, they’re so funny and addictive. keep up the good work ^-^

  21. Chris says:

    @goldielocks – Thanks!

  22. Arbiter13 says:

    These people have no culture.

    P.S. For those of you who play HALO, the Arbiter doesn’t get the respect he deserves

  23. no name says:

    Biff… what can I say. You’ve made me laugh once again.

    @Arbiter13 – The arbiter is a traitor, and can’t be trusted.

  24. Reynard says:

    This brings to mind the old joke: If a mime is arrested, does he still have to be told that he has the right to remain silent?

  25. Zaffa says:

    Reminds me of the time I went on stage as a speechless standup comedian.

    It didn`t go well.

  26. Zaffa says:

    BTW, theatre week.

  27. Reg says:

    I wonder how long an audience would be able to put up with Biff’s act… does he put the dummy away in an invisible box too? XD

  28. Micah says:

    Monday’s doesn’t fit that, Zaffa.

  29. Speakerblast says:

    Biff needs a sock puppet with gigantic eyebrows.

  30. Twilightfairy says:

    @speakerblast- Socko Biff!

  31. Torg says:

    @Arbiter13: As someone who hates playing as a human (in any video game), I have to agree. But where did that come from?

  32. Retro says:

    that has got to be a very silent hand puppet 🙂

  33. Looking at the thumbnail, I expected there to be no caption!

  34. Pottery says:

    Knowing Biff’s life, Lord Vetinari should be somewhere in the crowd waiting for the newly-constructed scorpion pit to open up under Biff.

  35. speearr says:

    hilarious! a very dull performance though…lol

  36. Boumama says:

    Scorpion pit’s nothing…The Patrician COULD make him run the Post Office, or the Mint if he’s REALLY perturbed.

  37. kenji1the1ninja says:

    @Torg: Well, for one thing, Bungie won’t let us use the Arbiter armor in multiplayer, he’s got a better backstory than the rest of the characters combined, and usually, if I change my name, then I feel the need to comment on it.

    P.S.- Now I’m kenji1the1ninja

  38. jykcor says:

    Acchhhh-med the dead….. handpuppet?

  39. Chris says:

    O.o I just laughed an no sound came out…ironic. XD

    so I guess I didnt LOL this time. ^_^

  40. Nokore says:

    It took me a bit to notice he had white paint on. >>;;

  41. Zach Light says:

    heheheh classic.

  42. Twigs says:

    I’m convinced Biff is secretly a Bowie fan. David Bowie wanted to become a mime as well, but then ended up having success with singing.

  43. DaemonThanatos says:

    hehe…great joke, Chris! “Ventrilo-Mime” is a great way to confuse the heck outta everyone! 😀

  44. DaemonThanatos says:

    …of course, the sad part is that i might actually understand what he’s trying to say…and it might keep me amused for 3 days straight…

  45. Sir Link says:

    If you don’t think puppets can talk, just search for Taylor Mason on YouTube.

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