#610 – Floppy

Has anyone worked at a carnival running one of those games that gives out the super giant stuffed animals? I’ve always wondered how many people turn down the prize because it was so big. If you arrived there with a car full of people there would be this awkward moment as you are leaving and have to decide who will stay behind so that the prize can ride shotgun.


49 thoughts on “#610 – Floppy”

  1. Vinss says:

    I won two giant sized stuffed animals in my life until now; one at one time and another at another, because they won’t let you win a second one at a time. It’s the kind of useless thing that takes up way to much space. I have a giant clown fish that I had to pack under the bus to get back to the school when I won it back then, but when came the time to bring it from school to home, it wouldn’t fit in the car. We had to bring a bench down and have it half in the trunk, half in the back of the car. It’s been on by basement floor for years now with no further use than people being amazed when they see how big it is.

  2. Dwarg91 says:

    call me crazy but I think that biff does not like how its invading his personal space

  3. Silfedac says:

    I have often wondered that myself, Chris. I am a bit confused by the new Biffatar, though. I fail to see what is sweet about a mummy.

  4. mr toast says:

    i think that its weird that the stuffed animal is staring at him…like it wants to consume his soul or something… 😮

  5. DracoZereul says:

    I had a similar problem one time when my mom and I went with our friends to Six Flags. I won a five-foot long snake that rode in the trunk, and the mother of the two girls that came with us won a large stuffed animal for each of her kids. We actually had to stop by a hardware store and purchase a length of rope so we could hitch them on the roof of the car to take them home, simply because there was no room inside the car for two additional human-sized items

  6. Kurast says:

    I’ve, sadly, never won anything at the fair.

    I always mess up on the last one or never bring enough money to finally ‘get the hang’ of a game.

  7. Vidja says:

    @ DracoZereul, Similar scenario, except ours involved a low tunnel.
    That whole day shall be forever imprinted in my memory, at least till Biff does something funnier

  8. Chris says:

    It’s kind of a creepy comic, looks like that giant stuffed dog is trying to molest Biff and I keep having flashbacks to Gumby only this time he’s orange like Pokey his horse.

  9. Trevor says:

    I never expected the book of biff to have two nightmare fuel comics so close to each other.
    So anyways, what does evreyone plan on doing on halloween, or what costume are you going to wear/wish you could wear? I’ll probably be trick or treating with a giygas mask.

  10. MaskedMan says:

    Someone stuffed Clifford!

  11. Micah says:

    To the Biffvan, boy eyebrows!

  12. RG says:

    It’s weird that I now want one of those.

  13. Trevor said “I never expected the book of biff to have two nightmare fuel comics so close to each other.”

    Neither did I, but I have the mind sick enough to /thrive/ off of this. While I did notice the creepy stare, I think I caught Biff being over-crowded, first.
    It could be worse.
    The Tails Doll.

  14. SEA says:

    Nightmare fuel? I don’t really think so 😮

    At least it’s not unleaded.

    Never gottan any of those before.,doubt i would want to though XD

    Hmm, sweet incentive ^_^

  15. Tia says:

    @ Silfedac: The avatar probably wasn’t refreshed when you looked at it. It’s not a mummy anymore…but something that is actually sweet. =)

    I’ve been brought huge presents back from fairs and such, and I’ve always thought that the sole reason I was receiving that present was because the person giving me that gift simply didn’t want it taking up space in THIER home!

  16. steve-o says:

    Heheh. This is a…not-out-of-place (for want of a better phrase) picture to see the morning after you go to the state fair. I went on the ski lift and on the roofs of the game booths were the really big prizes, all in plastic wrap, that weren’t the ones on display. It was kinda funny.

  17. i.half4 says:

    Three hours? …for someone to mention Clifford. No doubt Biff’s prize is orange to subvert the copyrights.

    In grade school, I made a three-box robot for halloween and it won first prize, a big orange dog. It was not a treasured possesion for very long.

  18. i.half4 says:

    A theme: It wouldn’t be fair to guess more than one…

    Variations on a theme? (childrens books)

  19. Jackson says:

    I’m sure he’s elated on the inside, but in all honesty, the prize looks much more excited than Biff does.

  20. Gato says:

    I won a big Pooh bear knock off once. Unsure what to do with it, I let my little brother destroy it. I hate it when those prizes are stuffed with “carnival stuffing” that styrofoam stuff.

  21. Gadora says:

    I want that thing. It looks like it might be the right size for sleeping on.

  22. Trevor says:

    I just noticed, you typoed ride.

  23. Chris says:

    @Trevor – Fixed!

  24. i.half4 says:

    What was I thinking? Variations on a theme… Has there ever been a Biff that didn’t revolve around a bizzare variaiton?

    Themewise, I’m still going with childrens books as a long shot.

  25. Qskecksget says:

    I love the creepy stare that the dog is giving Biff… =D

  26. Reynard says:

    That Big Doggie looks like it has amorous intentions towards the Biffster…

  27. Zaffa says:

    If I don`t move, it won`t eat me…

  28. Genesismonk says:

    I used to have one of those giant animals, but they’re often so fragile, I mean they tear just by hugging them.

    Hardly worth the $800 i spent on that dart toss game.

  29. Nick says:

    Something about this comic made me laugh pretty hard today. Maybe it’s the cute expression on the stuffed animal, or maybe it’s just how inconvenient it is, I don’t know, either way it’s funny.

  30. i.half4 says:

    Well, it’s about time someone used the word ‘cute’ instead of ‘creepy.’ What is wrong with you people? What happened to the innocence?

  31. i.half4 says:

    Oh, right. You probably grew up watching television targeted at my generation. I can only imagine watching Seinfeld and Friends during my formative years instead of The Brady Bunch.

    All I see here is puppy love. Annoying, yes. But harmless, mostly.

  32. Zaffa says:

    I spent my formative years on the Internet. Blame 4chan for my strangeness.

  33. Zaffa says:

    No, I`m not /that/ young. But yeah, I`ve spent my life online.

  34. Adam says:

    oh god i got some catching up to do.

    that stuffed animal is looking at him not to mention the things ear is around biff’s seat….

    hmmmm >_>

    something is definantly going on between the two of them

  35. Whitey says:

    “call me crazy but I think that biff does not like how its invading his personal space”

    I don’t think it’s the personal space. it’s the eyes staring into his soul

  36. Twilightfairy says:

    =D the doggy is soo happy, i can’t stop smiling.

  37. randomperson says:

    Biff’s lucky. At thr fair here, all I can win is 1 1/2 foot gator that ripped appart in 4 days.

  38. EJade says:

    Something like that happened to me once. I was maybe in the second grade and we went on a field trip to what used to be Adventure world (now Six Flags) in our area. Well I won this game where you pick up these floating ducks and the color you pick up corresponded with how big your prize was. I ended up winning this huge multi-colored parrot. I had to drag it back on the bus with me.

  39. Imacanoli says:

    I used to work at Six Flags great america and was able to buy the monstrosity sized stuffed animals for a cheap price. I never bought them because they were simply too huge to fit in my car. I won a couple as a kid and they were bigger than me lol. I think my parents were sick of them being in the house though and threw them away.

  40. sic says:

    heh, here in germany there once was a case, when a driving instructor took such a big plushie on the driving seat and drove the car from the co-drivers seat. The police was not really amused to see a big pink plush bunny “driving” the car, they took the license of the instructor…

  41. Trisar says:

    It kind of looks like to me that Biff is using the stuffed animal’s left ear as a pillow while he drives. I hope he’s at a red light.

  42. the_gail says:

    My uncle wins them then gives them away to random little kids, thus making their parents deal with them.

  43. jykcor says:

    I never win those things….. But I’d kick my bro outta the car for one of those…. or maybe tie my sister to the roof rack or put her in the trunk…. annoying 8 year olds….. =)

  44. skywerwolf says:

    … is it just me or the prize kind of creeping biff out? its like it is saying “hhhhheeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy buddy”

  45. Shana says:

    When I was thirteen or so, I picked up a ring at the ring toss- it was a free shot because I gave the guy working there some food. Customers had stolen his meal, so I thought it would be nice to give him mine. I only had one shot, so he gave me a few tips- and somehow, I managed to get the ring on the bottle in one shot. It bounced off the rim, did a flip in the air, and fell flat on it. I picked the giant dog/wolf, and we had to tie it to our car. But it was worth it for the sake of having a giant plushy that I could use as a bed. Now it’s at my grandparents house in Kentucky, entertaining my relatives.

  46. Radical Edward says:

    I remember winning a life-size Sonic the Hedgehog doll (He was around 3 1/2 feet and Sonic’s proportions would come to 3 1/2 feet) I have been keeping him in the garage since I have no room to store him in the house proper.

  47. DrNeverland says:

    My dad won a giant sabertooth tiger once, when we only had a truck and the four of us to bring it back in. Not wanting to lose it out of the cab, the tiger squashed my mother and sister into the backseat. On the way home from campground, we wrapped it in a plastic bag and put it in the bed with the other supplies. It looked like we were bringing home a body.

  48. SurveySays says:

    o.0 ive always wanted to win one of thos things but not if its going to look at me like that.

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