#572 – Stilton

I’m not sure what is stranger, that someone came up with the story that the moon is made of cheese or that I believed it.


43 thoughts on “#572 – Stilton”

  1. Torg says:

    But…I thought the Moon was an incandescent light bulb.

  2. Otter says:

    torg is right though its become obvious that biffland(?) doesn’t fall to the laws of coninuity else biffs house would still have sideways gravity though maybe he shrank and is standing on the light bulb…but ouch

  3. no name says:

    Huh? Someone please explain this one to me. Too many big words.

  4. Torg says:

    The Sea of Nectar and the Marsh of Decay are regions of the Moon. They’re two of the dark patches you see. This is making fun of the idea that the Moon is made of cheese.

  5. Rick V says:

    I always wondered which part of the moon would taste best, even after I figured out that there was no way it was made of cheese.

  6. Micah says:

    Stuff only kids believe week?

  7. Tvae says:

    Who else thought of Wallace and Gromit?

  8. Chris says:

    What’s going on with that spacesuit?

  9. Yum, a space suit that you can stick crackers through!

  10. SEA says:

    Thanks for the info Torg.

    I say it’s the story that’s strange, how naive we were as kids =p

  11. Kree says:

    I did too! That was a great film XD

  12. Hanii Puppy says:

    How does he get the cheese on crackers through? oO

  13. William Syler says:

    At Hanii Puppy:
    In BiffLand, technology has developed far enough to give Bifflanders the ability to make toasters live by crossing dna of creatures, make spacesuits that can allow solid objects to pass through the screen at will of the user, and grants people the ability to travel far into space to make space smores.


  14. Jackson says:

    OH. Moon-is-made-of-cheese. When I first saw the comic, I thought you were going for a total visual non-sequitur there, like a “Biff is in space for some reason” thing. You’re too clever for me, Chris…

  15. HayleyJ says:

    aha i love the description of the cheese tasting

    at our new supermarket, Kroger, they put in down the road; they have a fine cheese section. I don’t think they have moon cheese though…i wish they did…

  16. MaskedMan says:

    :: Raises Hand ::
    Me too. It would’ve been awesome to have a Biff-rocket in the background that looked like Wallace and Gromit’s rocket.

    Yup, definately “Adult Lies That Kids Believed” week.

  17. MindoverMattR says:

    Called the week yesterday! Just… not very eloquently. This was all wallace and gromit’s fault for that cheese/moon movie they made.

    Also, I miss wallace and gromit.

  18. Pieman says:

    I thought of Wallace and Gromit too.

  19. trevor says:

    The thing that makes the moon of cheese fantasy better than other food fantasies is that you don’t have to worry about ants.
    I also wonder why noone went further and said that the other planets and space stuff were made from food. Neptune made of soda…pluto made of ice cream…sun made…more cheese?

  20. Julie says:

    Food myths from our youth week?

  21. elynne says:

    I immediately got the “moon made of cheese” reference – but the part that had me do a double-take was wondering how he took a bite out of the cracker with his helmet on. 😉

  22. Gato says:

    Well, that Wallace and Gromit cartoon didn’t help.

  23. no name says:

    Ahhh. I see.

  24. no name says:

    Wait a minute… why does Biff need a space suit?

  25. Haywire says:

    Of course the moon is made of cheese. That’s why they had to fake the moon landings. XD

  26. The Dustin says:

    @tvae I thought of Wallace and gromit, then walked over to the shelf, pulled Grand Day Out off and stuck it in the VCR, and didn’t actually press play.

  27. Cari says:

    Wallace and Gromit Rule!

  28. Ryan says:

    I didn’t get this one until I read the little description. Then I went “Oooooh!”

  29. Matt says:

    “One small step for man… One giant blow for the cheese industry”

  30. Pieman says:

    Oh my god! Biff is a cannibal!!

  31. Jean says:

    I ended up thinking of Wallace and Gromit too… I just found out about this comic today. Apparently banner ads for comics work! I kept seeing it advertised on another comic website, so I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about. I’m glad I did, this is a great comic.

  32. AOEUD says:

    Well, he could have a cracker sized airlock in the suit.

  33. Zaffa says:

    …I half expected his eyebrows to stick out of one`a those holes on the side of the helmet. >>;

  34. TheMusicGuy says:

    I seriously thought this comic’sode WAS a spoof of Wallace and Gromit. Then I remembered that W+C didn’t use space suits. And there’s no daydreaming fridgedroid. And spoofing W+C would violate copyright law, which could theoretically lead to legal issues if/when this comic gets added to one of the paperbacks.

  35. Bob says:

    That is one killer storm system back on earth

  36. MasterMenthe says:

    Wallace and Gromit ftw!

    @Bob: That’s really what the earth would look like from the moon, because from there we can see it ALL, from the deadly hurricanes to the disruptive cumulonimbus, and even the simple cirrus and stratus. All of it layers up to cover most of the earth under a tattered sheet of white.

  37. Okuno says:

    Funny thing is, I was never tricked into believing that the moon was made of cheese (I hung out in the astronomy part of the library, that & dinosaurs).

    Of course, that means that it took a while to get the joke….

  38. pockafwye says:

    Behold the power of cheese! Among the best Biffs ever, IMHO

  39. Cari says:

    Appearantly Biff gets the same Cheese Holiday brochures as Wallace and Gromit.

  40. Radical Edward says:

    This seem to be inspired by Wallace and Gromit. I remember that when they were trying the moon cheese, Wallace was trying to compare it to other cheeses, Stilton being one of them.

  41. Tirinka says:

    Wallace & Gromit love. Now where’s the skiing robot?

  42. Miles says:

    I didn’t belive the moon was made out of green cheese when I was a kid, but for some reason, I wanted to taste the earth’s crust. In my head I pictured it as some sort of pie crust that astronauts had to blast through to get to space. I did so love pie and the pie crust too.

  43. Twigs says:

    Hurray for W&G =D
    I miss cheese. I found out about a year ago that I was dairy-intolerant. However, I’ve never liked milk … go figure.

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