#565 – Needle

If you are ever jogging down a gravel road, remember that this is a bad time to take your lucky rock out of your pocket to admire it.


30 thoughts on “#565 – Needle”

  1. Torg says:

    On the other hand, a hole in one would probably be easier to get.

  2. Josh says:

    I’d just pick the one closest to the hole. If it melts later, grab another one.

  3. Torg says:

    Oh, and if you drop your lucky rock on a gravel path, it ain’t that lucky.

  4. Eric says:

    Only after golf-ball sized hail storms.

  5. Micah says:

    How’d he not get hit by lightning?

  6. starseedjenny says:

    @micah- He did, but his Biffbrows act as lightning rods. They run all the way down his body to the ground, except most of the hair is as pale as Biff.

  7. PsychoDuck says:

    Had a crazy hail storm here about a month or two ago. Ripped a bunch of leaves out of all the trees. I had to laugh later when I saw a minivan drive by, coated in leaves. Looked like some sort of Greenpeace parade float.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  8. Chris says:

    One of the funniest I’ve seen. I’ve often wondered about that myself. I just read about a story where someone was thrown off his toilet by hailstones flooding out of the commode. Ouch!

  9. Davey says:

    Heh. Hail is funny.
    I cracked open a hailstone out of curiousity once. They’re pretty weird. I think I was able to separate out the layers from one another with my fingers, and I had a little ice hemispheric shell.

  10. TheMusicGuy says:

    I’ve never had the “privilege” to see a storm with hailstones any larger than a marble. Not that I’d want to be standing around outside when it happened, but just once I’d like to see one of those record-breaking baseball-sized hailstorms up close. That would be friggen’ awesome. 😀

  11. SEA says:

    It’s rain rain rain here =p

  12. During hurricaine season, you can’t SEE the hail through the rain! 😀

  13. FWTrump says:

    Bah… My lucky rock is a piece of quartz with a silver patch at one end… I can take it out where ever I like.

  14. Gadora says:

    My lucky rock was a piece of tiger’s eye. It got lost/stolen in junior high.

  15. Bellows says:

    yet somehow he got all the way to hole 11 … without the hail melting…

  16. randomperson says:

    I live in Florida, so I’ve never experienced a snow or hailstorm.

    Sports week?

  17. tpiro says:

    Funny. Biff always has gags I wish I would have thought of myself.

  18. Maese Davas says:

    Funny, there was a hail storm in the green but not anywhere else 😉


  19. Speakerblast says:

    I live in mississauga ontario… we get hail like twice a year, and the biggest stones are about the size of… er… well, i cant think of a comparison, but theyre really small…

  20. Qskecksget says:

    The comic is funny…but why is is titled “Needle?”

  21. Chris says:

    @Qskecksget – It may have something to do with a “haystack” 🙂

  22. trevor says:

    @bellows:Maybe it started hailing in the middle of his game?

  23. AdmiralChaos says:

    hmm… you could always get one of those remote control golfballs…that way yours will be moving, while all the hail will be melting O.o

  24. csours says:

    Is that the Pause’th hole?

  25. randomperson says:

    I take back what I said in my first typed. There’s a big rainstorm here and it was hailing like 3 minutes ago

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  26. Wizard says:

    A recent page from my “366 Stupidest Things Ever Said” calendar quoted a news report that the midwest had been pelted with “hail-sized golf balls”. Just struck me really funny for some reason.

  27. taber_man says:

    I feel like the description underneath makes today feel like a double-punchline, since there’s no full-on story in there.

    I’m gonna call sports and weather week.

  28. no name says:

    @ Chris – Has this happened to you? The anecdote I mean.
    @ randomperson – Is that supposed to be a picture of a rainstorm

    My guess is needle in a haystack week.

  29. steve-o says:

    “Why isn’t that piece of hail melting? Oh, wait…”

  30. Rampage says:

    If you’re ever biking down a gravel path, don’t take any sharp turns, for you will slide.

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