#555 – Bifurcation

I think my biggest laundry mishap involved a tube of lip balm. My favorite shirt at the time came out of the dryer with permanent dark cherry flavored grease spots. That would be an interesting way to get revenge on your nemesis. Break into his house and toss a tube of lip balm into the dryer. The next time you meet in battle you can poke fun at his spotted jumpsuit.


27 thoughts on “#555 – Bifurcation”

  1. Wasabi says:

    Long-time reader, first-time poster, just wanted to say how awesome the Book of Biff is.

    So yeah… It’s pretty damn awesome.

  2. trevor says:


  3. William Syler says:

    That’s a great idea!
    Before the next time I battle my archrival, I’m putting cherry lip balm in his washer and blueberry lip balm in his dryer.
    He deserves it. Really.

  4. KMFPL says:

    Theoretically, Biff doesn’t need the backs to any of his clothes. I’ve never seen his back. He could be naked on that side, if they aren’t out of the dryer yet…

  5. Erica says:

    …I don’t think there will ever be a moment where anything Biff does makes sense. Then again, he is Biff, and he has proven he doesn’t have to. Jus how he is yo.

  6. Jesso says:

    I’ve done that before, with the chapstick. But since my favorite shirts were in there, I was determined to find a way to get the wax out. Turns out if you use that orange goo gone stuff it will get the wax out nicely.

  7. Tygre says:

    biff’s pants have been getting steadily higher and higher.
    also he seems kinda fat now. just me or are other people noticing this?

  8. Chris says:

    I always find it most annoying when I leave tissues in my pockets all my clothes come out of the washer looking as though they are covered in lint.

  9. The Dustin says:

    what… article of clothing Is that?

  10. Nathan says:

    I think it’s a shirt.

  11. ChooChooBear says:

    When I accidentally leave lip balm in a pocket it doesn’t cause any untoward stains. It just goes all flaky and dry and I can’t use it anymore, which makes me make a very sad face. I’ve almost left my phone in my pocket about a thousand times, but rescued it at the last second. I don’t think it’d appreciate being put in the washing machine.

  12. Fafnir13 says:

    One time, I put a large number of rubber insects and reptiles into a dirty pair of pants. Mother was supposed to notice and think it ever so funny and clever. She didn’t notice.
    Poor little guys…

  13. MaskedMan says:

    I lost an entire load of Whites – Naval Uniforms – to some idiot who’d used the public washing machine to dye something red. All my Whites were pink. THAT won’t pass muster!

  14. MindoverMattR says:

    If you get anything wax-like into an article of clothing (I’ve had candle wax spill on my pants after knocking into the candle while dancing), you can put a paper towel over the area, and then put a warm iron over that. The iron melts the wax, which then via capillary action leeches onto the paper towel. It works pretty darn well.

  15. trevor says:

    Why is wasabi before me? I remember looking at the comments before and don’t remember him being there.

  16. Gato says:

    I hate it when clothes stick together, or worse, hide inside the sheets.

  17. qskecksget says:

    Is he tearing the shirt in half or something?

  18. Danielle says:

    @Tygre: Aaaah! Yes! RAAGH!
    @trevor’s first comment: YAH IT’S SODDAMN FUNNEH!!!11!
    @C. Hallbeck: Eewww, bugs eww. I *love* it when they do that and get into food, they’re so delicious and crunchy ;).

  19. Chris says:

    @qskecksget (if that is your real name) Yeah, he’s tearing the shirt in half… I guess I didn’t draw that very well?

  20. Seraphine says:

    i know there *has*
    to be a joke somewhere
    about guys in their
    prison jumpsuits.

  21. finairfin says:

    my biggest laundry mistake involved a once-full package of big red.

    my clothes smelled like cinnamon for weeks.

  22. taber_man says:

    I loved my friend’s comment upon seeing this:

    “Well, they could get mixed!”

    very nice, Chris!

  23. Nason says:

    @Chris: To me, it looks like he’s pulling something out of the shirt, like removing the inside from the outside or something of the sort. If the caption wasn’t there, that’s what I’d think he was doing.

  24. Nugget says:

    @Tygre I thought he was looking more… buff…

  25. hykue says:

    I washed a tube of strawberry chapstick once, and my laundry didn’t get spotted, it just smelled like strawberries. I thought it was kind of nice 🙂

  26. Rargrape says:

    My dad isn’t allowed to do laundry anymore because of a mishap close to MaskedMan’s. Though, instead of dye, it was a brand new red shirt.

    My husband can’t figure out how to use any washing machine other than the one at his mom’s house. It hasn’t been too long since we moved, so I’m not worried…yet.

  27. gregg says:

    Hmmm…… BIFFurcation!Hahahahahaha!

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