#526 – Newton

That would be cool if we could have low powered gravity plating installed wherever you wanted. Put it on the walls and hang paintings without nails. It would be nice to store things on the ceiling in the garage. I wonder if you had it installed in the ceiling of your bedroom if you could adjust the power so that your bed was more comfortable… just a touch below levitation.


44 thoughts on “#526 – Newton”

  1. FWTrump says:

    Absolute genius… I want it!

  2. Heinrich says:

    d00d… i bet that, if newton and biff got together, the world would become very different.

  3. Sepezz says:

    I think finding a spot under some tree would been cheaper
    But hey… it’s Biff

  4. gaeamil says:

    Biff… is a GENIUS.

  5. Trouble with low-power gravity plating on the garage ceiling, is when your power goes out and you find a rake, hedge clippers, and a bowling ball crashed through your windshield.

  6. SEA says:

    This would be most useful for my trip yesterday.

    No trees whatsoever. DX

  7. smashpro1 says:

    I have learned to just accept the insanity on the internet.

    Also, is there a picnic theme going on?

  8. Micah says:

    [sarcasm]Gee, I wonder what the theme is this week…[/sarcasm]

  9. Kbman says:

    Yes, that is a very simple solution.

    And how exactly do anti-gravity handles work? Are they devices with handles not affected by gravity? Or are they handles for things already not affected by gravity?

  10. insertnamehere says:

    *thinks*… if you master that gravity thing, you could become the ultimate in sleeping on nail beds. sure we’ve all seen someone sleep on a nail bed, they have nails everywhere to distribute the weight so it doesn’t hurt. but if you only had one nail, you could be the greatest thing the world has ever known! *blah blah millions blah famous blah blah girls blah blah drugs blah*

  11. Just Ryan says:

    this reminds me of those bill nye the science guy shows…

  12. Josh says:

    @Garrett: Not necessarily. They could have dedicated power supplies. But now I’m just nit-picking. Whatever that means.

    But I’d be all over those. ‘Course, then you’d have Olympic athletes attaching them to their shoes and setting a long jump world record of 1.83 miles (17.45 centipede).

  13. trevor says:

    Maybe in the future Chris, maybe in the future…
    Also if this did happen, I bet I could think of a LOT of fun things to do with it…
    (under breath) maybe I could find a way to use them so that it would look like I’m walking upside down in midair…

  14. Sven says:

    This reminds of the books of Larry Niven, where people sleep not on beds but in between “gravity plates”, weightless and floating.

  15. goropi says:

    hm… reminds me of this:

    (or google for anti-gravity bed )

  16. blaz42 says:

    that’s a good idea, I would need some of these to lift my car and fix it…*thinking*…well I could just attach them to car permanently and convert the thing to levitating car. No more suspension damage from bad streets πŸ˜€

  17. Fred says:

    Great Geniuses of Humanity:

    2>Albert Einstein
    3>Isaac Newton

  18. Tiago says:

    Or you could just spread butter on a cat’s back for an inexpensive anti gravity device.

  19. MaskedMan says:

    Picnic week, indeed. πŸ™‚

    @Sepezz ; under a tree might be cheaper, but this way, there’re no ants at your picnic!

  20. rono says:

    and yet no one’s looking at the big picture for picnicing with anti-gravity plates/handles: no ants

  21. Gato says:

    Of course!

  22. personn5 says:

    Why not just set the foundation of your house as a giant gravity plate, and put anti gravity stuff on it so you’ll house will be floating? You wouldn’t have to worry about flooding or anything then, but what about strong wind gusts?

  23. FSOneblin says:

    Biff is awesome, like metal gear. this comic is awesome. Chris, under awesome in the dictionary, there is a picture of you. Nice comic. He should put a rain poncho on top of the blanket, incase it rains.

    Don’t Panic: FSOneblin

  24. Jayne Squared says:

    My question is:
    How does one go about “turning it off” without it crashing down?

  25. Ville says:

    This being the simple way, I’d be very interested in seeing some of the more complex ways πŸ˜€

  26. random person says:

    picnic week???

  27. GuyD says:

    Realy surrealistic and abstract humour! I like it a lot, thanks for putting a big smile on my face with this cartoon!

  28. Chris says:

    @GuyD – You’re welcome!

  29. no name says:

    Hmmm . . . this comic reminds me of . . .
    “Boots” # 90

  30. steve-o says:

    Has anyone noticed that the blanket and cooler from this one are the same as the previous one? I thought that Biff, being Biff, would buy new stuff everytime he went on a picnic

  31. speearr says:

    I agree!

  32. devil ed says:

    couldn’t you just strap one to your back and be able to fly.
    some where newton is rolling over in his grave

  33. bizzybody says:

    He borrowed the anti gravity handles from ST:TOS episode #37 “The Changeling”. πŸ˜‰

  34. Haywire says:

    A good idea, but not nearly as awesome as the cereal hat.

  35. The Dustin says:

    The cereal hat might also be easier to make…. Not easy enough for me to make it in my spare time, but easier than anti-gravity.

  36. Kal says:

    Wouldn’t they just spin around eachother, like putting buttered toast on the back of a cat?

  37. Achoo says:

    A great way to watch a football game while avoiding the crowd.

  38. Nokore says:

    Isaac Newton is spinning in his grave thanks to this comic. xD

  39. JC says:

    Near levitation while sleeping… I don’t know nausea doesn’t come off as very sleep inducing to me πŸ˜›

  40. steve says:

    Jesus Biff has one hell of an income…

  41. jmkool says:


  42. YukiSnowflake says:

    havent checked other posts yet, wanted to guess first.

    oh yeah!
    i forgot to tell you!
    I got here from another comic… umm… i think it was… Off the Walkthrough? Yeah, thats it.

  43. Mags says:

    Don’t you see? By having it off the ground, Biff is protecting his food from ants! They can’t jump. Unless they start deciding to crawl up his eyebrows, Biff is perfectly safe upside-down.

  44. Katie says:

    This solves the ant problem too.

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