#517 – Value

It’s funny how a bunch of people that you have never really met and have no way of knowing how your job actually works will get together and decide how to change things to make your job more productive.


27 thoughts on “#517 – Value”

  1. I know the feeling >:|

  2. PsychoDuck says:

    Oh boy, Northern Skunk Melon! It’s so much better than the Southern variety!

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  3. Daibhaidh says:

    I want seeds!

  4. Josh says:

    I wonder if Biff has tried the melon. I wonder if it tastes more like cantalope or honeydew.

  5. Mithras says:

    I think Biff should get paid just for being able to stack those melons so well…

  6. Matthew says:

    “It’s funny how a bunch of people that you have never really met and have no way of knowing how your job actually works will get together and decide how to change things to make your job more productive.”

    I went to a presentation sort of thing of a group/business that does this. When I asked them what the effect of them not actually how to do the job’s they analyse is on their restructuring is, they said none.
    They think of blocks of task to complete with average times and then move them around (sometimes ignoring the order that is necessary).
    What an idiot would hire them?

  7. Micah says:

    MINIMUM WAAAAGGGE! HE-YAH! *cracks whip.*

  8. Homsar says:

    Summer job week…

  9. DracoZereul says:

    It seems to be human nature to do as such. We’re all backseat drivers at heart; we never want to take the wheel, but we want to give the directions.

  10. Spaceman Spiff says:

    The greatest thing is when the supervisor can’t do what the underlings are supposed to do (I used to work at Walmart).

  11. Rob says:

    Sounds like you work for the same company as me almost. My higher ups are convinced ‘any job that can be done here, can be done offshore.’ From their podium, looking down, I’m sure it looks that way. Down here doing the job though, it simply doesn’t work that way.

  12. Lone Wolf says:

    Food Service Week?

  13. Seraphine says:

    I know a guy who likes stinky cheese.
    I think part of his pleasure is the reaction
    he gets from others while he eats.

  14. Gobbledegook says:

    I read this one and laughed so hard I got stared at by my co-workers.

    One of my old bosses tried to do this to me. Unfortunately for her, I was considered “indispensable personnel” so I was able to completely ignore her restructuring without any fear of reprisal beyond her ranting at me a little. Whenever she brought it up to our superiors, I would attack her stratagies with pure, unadulterated knowledge of the job.
    I was vindicated later when she was fired for decreasing overall production by about 40%.
    I was also promoted to her position.

  15. Chris says:

    “Whenever she brought it up to our superiors, I would attack her stratagies with pure, unadulterated knowledge of the job.”

    This really made me smile.

  16. MaskedMan says:

    Gobbledegook, sometimes there is justice in the world. I salute you!

  17. no name says:

    Wow. Now I can’t tell what week it is. Job week? Food Service week? O well.

    Once again, great comic, Chris. πŸ˜€

  18. Extramrdo says:


    Hey, it can’t be that bad, especially if the clothespin is free.

  19. MaskedMan says:

    @ no name;

    It still looks like “Joe Job” week to me – Manning a roadside fruit stand? Pretty menial! Especially a stand that gives away for free fruit that no one wants!

  20. Psymon says:

    Could skunk melon be a non-animal replacement for musk in perfumes? Otherwise, it still makes for good prank material. Now I’m curious about the exact properties of skunk melon, e.g. how strong the smell is, how long it lingers, and whether it smells like “musk” or “dead skunk”.
    See, you can still find someone who’ll take skunk melon–just so long as they don’t have to eat it.

  21. Reynard says:

    “It’s funny how a bunch of people that you have never really met and have no way of knowing how your job actually works will get together and decide how to change things to make your job more productive.”

    That’s why the degree they get is called an “M.B.A.” It means “More Bad Advice”.

  22. Siirenias says:

    Skunk Mellon, I hear, is one of those love ’em or hate ’em sorts of things. But I have also heard that not freezing them is a great way to vacate a room/building.

  23. Torg says:

    You hear correctly. In fact, they work better than you say. I am immune to bad smells thanks to a pair of ferrets. The rest of my neighborhood was not so well prepared.
    Skunk Melon actually starts smelling better after two weeks of decomposing.

  24. biggo says:

    Sometimes I have the feeling that both Chris and Biff work for the same people I’m working for. Maybe the More Bad Advice people are the same in all the world.
    @Gobbledegook: you’re my hero. Screwing the system with its own screwdriver πŸ™‚

  25. Boumama says:

    mmhmm…Like the admin heads in corrections rewriting policies on what actual line officers are supposed to do to manage inmates–when so many of them have obviously never actually worked a yard. Messes up OUR safety, security, and routine, confuses the inmates, which makes them harder to manage–THEN they have the AUDACITY to tell US to be ‘consistent’ with the inmates…

  26. Zach Light says:

    how the bloody h*** do you make those? Those would be the already made stink bombs.

  27. Mr. Meval says:

    Lean manufacturing 101:
    “After we trim of your arms you’ll fit nicely in this unused airduct.”
    “After we throw away this tool you only use once every 10 years we’ll have room for a squidgemiester which will increase productivity 0.0001 percent”
    “Once you’ve cleaned out all these old parts you’ll have room to add the squidgemeister delux…”

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