#503 – Crystalline

A friend and I decided to take a walk down to the closest place in town that had video games. We had never walked to this place before, it’s a bit past our normal walking range. Normally we would get a ride from our parents to go there. 10 minutes into the trek it started to rain… cold rain… really cold painful rain coming down at an angle right into our faces. When we finally got to our destination we were quite surprised to find that the front of our jackets and pants were covered in a thin layer of ice. It was comical seeing it crack and flake off as we moved our arms around. The funniest part was when we realized that our hair had frozen into glistening ice helmets. When we were done we called his parents to get a ride home and never walked there again.


33 thoughts on “#503 – Crystalline”

  1. Andrew B. says:

    Not bad. Biff’s problem is too common in KCMO.

  2. Josh says:

    He must have been waiting for a really long time to be totally frozen in place.

  3. Just Ryan says:

    It’s a Biffcicle!

  4. PsychoDuck says:

    The things people will do for video games, eh, Chris? I’ve gone out in the blistering heat for them, and trudged through two feet of snow as well.

    Oh, our dedication…

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  5. Metal Matt says:

    I’ve camped out and waited in line for hours to get one. Not sure I’d wait in freezing rain though.

    This one time though, I was waiting for the bus that goes from UNH to Portsmouth and back to UNH… and some of the stops don’t have the shelter things. It started to rain like 10 minutes before the bus got there, and I was carrying like $300 in new toys. 🙁

    Worst bus experience ever.

  6. Amy says:

    I avoid the freezing rain. Fluffy snow, though, is another story. It’s fun to go somewhere in a big fleece coat and arrive looking like a yeti. It’s not so fun to realize you need to scoop a couple handfuls of snow out of your pocket to get to your now-fritzy cell phone.

  7. Shanchan says:

    Oh, no, Biff! I’ll warm you up! ;_;

  8. soulofaqua says:

    As an employee in a game store in mildly weatherd Holland I never had to walk through freezing rain, 2 feet of snow or blistering heat and I get all games for atleast 15% off and atleast one day before streetdate, GTA IV even 3 days before.

  9. Adam222 says:

    So… weather week?

  10. SEA says:

    Darn, i never get any rain like that here…

  11. bghvgjdh says:

    We once got REALLY bad freezing rain where I live.
    It was great sledding, but nearly impossible to get up the hill due to the ice covering everything. Oh, how I ached that day…

  12. APic says:

    I’ll be honest with you. When I first saw that picture I thought that Biff was wearing one of those see through rain jackets that cover your whole body. What you did was much better.

    And I’ve done worse for video games. Once I took an 45 minute walk through about 2-3 feet of snow to get to my local video game store. It was 45 minutes on the way back home as well, but it was worth it.

  13. Jackson says:

    It’s kind of hard to put a positive spin on this one. I mean, he just missed the bus…because he got frozen. You can’t make raspberry hail tea out of that. Poor Biff!

  14. Pottery says:

    Living in the tropics, the worst that can happen is just cold rain, not FREEZING cold rain. But I’ve always had this irrational fear of getting caught in a sudden shower of rain just metres away from shelter.

  15. MaskedMan says:

    Been there, done that. Far too often.

    During the winters of ’93/’94 and ’94/’95, I did snow removal in Philadelphia – Those were bad winters, and we got hit hard. I spend a lot of time in an open-cab Bobcat, and a lot of snow fell back into the cab whilst loading trucks to haul the snow away – Fortunately, I had *exceptionally* good cold weather gear, so never got chilled, but driving a Bobcat, all you move are your arms and your feet… Meanwhile, all that hard-packed snow is setting up…
    More than once, I had to be chipped out of the cab when I came back the garage.

  16. Seraphine says:

    Unless Biff lives in Canada, he’ll be able to
    catch the bus when the weather thaws.

  17. MCSpart says:

    who is Samus Aran?

  18. MaskedMan says:

    Samus Aran come from Metroid, Metroid Prime, etc. vid games. She’s got a rockin’ Power Suit, toting some serious firepower.

  19. Jackson says:

    Samus Aran is the protagonist of Nintendo’s Metroid series, and one of her signature weapons is her ice beam. Wikipedia can tell you more!

    (@PsychoDuck: Thanks!)

  20. Reynard says:

    I had something similar happen to me several years ago. I was walking home from work during a huge ice-storm and a thick layer built up on my plastic rain jacket. When I finally got home, I simply took it off and stood it in the entryway (yes, it was *that* stiff!) until the ice melted.

  21. no name says:

    Whoa Biff must be very cold. But from the backround it looks like a sunny day in Biffland.

  22. PsychoDuck says:

    Isn’t it obvious, no name? Biff’s standing in front of a mural.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  23. darkwonders says:

    Heh. I just stumbled upon this a couple of days ago, and instantly fell in love with the 1 panel comics.

    Great Job! I read them all and loved every single one of them!

  24. no name says:

    Ohhhhhh. I thought that was like a rail on a bridge and there were trees and bushes below.

  25. Toby says:

    Just looking at him makes me feel cold. Is Biff immortal? He keeps getting in deadly situations, but always lives. Is he really just a stupid superhero?

  26. Azirius says:

    Biff is a genius. Don’t you dare ever doubt that.

    Samus Aran kicks butt by the way! Ice Beam FTW! XD

    But anyhow, another great comic! Can’t wait for the next one! 😀

  27. Psymon says:

    We have wind, strawberry hail, flood, freezing rain…could tomorrow be sunny? What kind of disaster could come from it being sunny in Biffland?

  28. Chezetoats says:

    Samus Aran was sent to take down Biff because his shenanigans were a threat to the Federation, little did they know that Biff is immortal!


  29. Amake says:

    The technical term is “supercool rain”. And it’s super cool. 🙂

  30. Boumama says:

    When we lived in interior Alaska, my mom and I liked to freeze dry our hair. Yeah, really. it’d be, like, 60 below, we’d go outside with wet hair, walk the 50 or 100 yards it was to the school I attended and she worked for, and once we were inside, we’d muss our hair, shake it out, fluff, then smooth the now dry locks. We never got sick from it, and our hair had great texture because we weren’t frying it out with blow dryers or curling irons.

  31. Nokore says:

    I’m tempted to put him in my drink. oo

  32. YukiSnowflake says:

    Atleast we don’t have to trek through snow, rain, sun, hail, ect. to get our Biff!
    We can laugh at his mishaps in the comfort and safety of our own homes!
    Although, then again, mine isn’t that comfy.

  33. YukiSnowflake says:

    Oh, and Psymon, wasn’t it RASPBERRY hail?
    Let me check…

    …Yup, raspberry!
    Because strawberries are better off being made into strawberry slush tea!

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